
EZM MV : Small beautification

Benjamin ‘Touky’ Huet Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> 11年前
  1. +5
  2. +154
  3. +7

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src/easymesh/easymesh-parser.y ファイルの表示

@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ mesh_command:
| primitive_command | primitive_command
| post_brace_command | post_brace_command
| pre_brace_command '[' mesh_expression_list mesh_close | pre_brace_command '[' mesh_expression_list mesh_close
| doloop '[' mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.LoopEnd(); }
; ;

post_brace_command: post_brace_command:
@@ -122,11 +123,12 @@ post_brace_command:
| T_CSGSUBSTRACTLOSS mesh_open mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.CsgSubL(); mc.m_mesh.CloseBrace(); } | T_CSGSUBSTRACTLOSS mesh_open mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.CsgSubL(); mc.m_mesh.CloseBrace(); }
| T_CSGAND mesh_open mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.CsgAnd(); mc.m_mesh.CloseBrace(); } | T_CSGAND mesh_open mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.CsgAnd(); mc.m_mesh.CloseBrace(); }
| T_CSGXOR mesh_open mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.CsgXor(); mc.m_mesh.CloseBrace(); } | T_CSGXOR mesh_open mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.CsgXor(); mc.m_mesh.CloseBrace(); }
| doloop '[' mesh_expression_list ']' { mc.m_mesh.LoopEnd(); }
; ;

doloop: doloop:
T_LOOP iv { mc.m_mesh.LoopStart($2); } T_LOOP iv { mc.m_mesh.LoopStart($2); }

pre_brace_command: pre_brace_command:
T_DUPLICATE { mc.m_mesh.DupAndScale(vec3::one, true); } T_DUPLICATE { mc.m_mesh.DupAndScale(vec3::one, true); }
; ;
@@ -231,6 +233,7 @@ primitive_command:
| T_CYLINDER iv fv fv fv bv bv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); } | T_CYLINDER iv fv fv fv bv bv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); }
| T_CYLINDER iv fv fv fv bv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $5, $6); } | T_CYLINDER iv fv fv fv bv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $5, $6); }
| T_CYLINDER iv fv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $5); } | T_CYLINDER iv fv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $5); }
| T_CYLINDER iv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCylinder($2, $3, $4, $4); }
| T_SPHERE iv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendSphere($2, $3); } | T_SPHERE iv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendSphere($2, $3); }
| T_CAPSULE iv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCapsule($2, $3, $4); } | T_CAPSULE iv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendCapsule($2, $3, $4); }
| T_TORUS iv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendTorus($2, $3, $4); } | T_TORUS iv fv fv { mc.m_mesh.AppendTorus($2, $3, $4); }

+ 154
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test/easymeshdictionnary.js ファイルの表示

@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ CmdVar("vec3", ["X/Y/Z as float", "&nbsp;f f f", "(f f f)", "(f)"]);
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Mesh CSG operations //Mesh CSG operations
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
CmdType(["csgu", "csgunion"], "Performs a Union operation as (mesh0_Outside + mesh1_Outside)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "")]); CmdType(["csgu", "csgunion"], "Performs a Union operation as :\n(current_scope_outside + new_scope_Outside)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "New scope")]);
CmdType(["csgs", "csgsubstract"], "Performs a Substract operation as (mesh0_Outside + mesh1_Inside-inverted)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "")]); CmdType(["csgs", "csgsubstract"], "Performs a Substract operation as :\n(current_scope_Outside + new_scope_Inside-inverted)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "New scope")]);
CmdType(["csgsl", "csgsubstractloss"], "Performs a Substract operation without keeping the mesh1 part", [CmdArg("[ ]", "")]); CmdType(["csgsl", "csgsubstractloss"], "Performs a Substract operation without keeping the new_scope part", [CmdArg("[ ]", "New scope")]);
CmdType(["csga", "csgand"], "Performs an And operation as (mesh0_Inside + mesh1_Inside)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "")]); CmdType(["csga", "csgand"], "Performs an And operation as :\n(current_scope_Inside + new_scope__Inside)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "New scope")]);
CmdType(["csgx", "csgxor"], "Performs a Xor operation as (m0_Outside/m0_Inside-inverted + m1_Outside/m1_Inside-inverted)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "")]); CmdType(["csgx", "csgxor"], "Performs a Xor operation as :\n(current_scope_Outside + current_scope_Inside-inverted + new_scope_Outside + new_scope_Inside-inverted)", [CmdArg("[ ]", "New scope")]);

//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Mesh Base operations //Mesh Base operations
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ CmdType(["tsw", "scalewinding"], "When activated, on negative-scaling,\nnormal-v
CmdType(["sc", "setcolor"], "Set A color", [CmdArg("color", "color")]); CmdType(["sc", "setcolor"], "Set A color", [CmdArg("color", "color")]);
CmdType(["scb", "setcolorb"], "Set B color", [CmdArg("color", "color")]); CmdType(["scb", "setcolorb"], "Set B color", [CmdArg("color", "color")]);
CmdType(["scv", "setcolorv"], "Set the color of all vertices in this scope", [CmdArg("color", "color")]); CmdType(["scv", "setcolorv"], "Set the color of all vertices in this scope", [CmdArg("color", "color")]);
CmdType(["lp", "loop"], "performs a loop", [CmdArg("int", "loopnb"), CmdArg("[ ]", "command to loop, no new context")]); CmdType(["lp", "loop"], "Performs a loop with the code in the braces.\nDoesn't open a new scope.", [CmdArg("int", "loopnb"), CmdArg("[ ]", "Loop command")]);

//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Mesh transform operations //Mesh transform operations
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ CmdType(["smth", "smooth"], "Smooth the mesh by subdivising it", [CmdArg("int",
//Mesh shape operations //Mesh shape operations
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
CmdType(["ac", "addcylinder"], "Cylinder centered on (0,0,0) with BBox:\nMin: [-.5 * max(d1, d2),-.5 * h,-.5 * max(d1, d2)]\nMax: [ .5 * max(d1, d2), .5 * h, .5 * max(d1, d2)]", CmdType(["ac", "addcylinder"], "Cylinder centered on (0,0,0) with BBox:\nMin: [-.5 * max(d1, d2),-.5 * h,-.5 * max(d1, d2)]\nMax: [ .5 * max(d1, d2), .5 * h, .5 * max(d1, d2)]",
[CmdArg("int", "nsides"), CmdArg("float", "h"), CmdArg("float", "d1"), CmdArg("float", "d2"), [CmdArg("int", "nsides"), CmdArg("float", "h"), CmdArg("float", "d1"), CmdArg("float", "d2", "d1"),
CmdArg("bool", "dualsides", "false"), CmdArg("bool", "smooth", "false"), CmdArg("bool", "close", "false")]); CmdArg("bool", "dualsides", "false"), CmdArg("bool", "smooth", "false"), CmdArg("bool", "close", "false")]);
CmdType(["asph", "addsphere"], "Sphere centered on (0,0,0) with BBox:\nMin: [-.5 * d]\nMax: [ .5 * d]", [CmdArg("int", "ndivisions"), CmdArg("float", "d")]); CmdType(["asph", "addsphere"], "Sphere centered on (0,0,0) with BBox:\nMin: [-.5 * d]\nMax: [ .5 * d]", [CmdArg("int", "ndivisions"), CmdArg("float", "d")]);
CmdType(["acap", "addcapsule"], "Capsule centered on (0,0,0) with BBox:\nMin: [-.5 * d,-(.5 * d + h),-.5 * d]\nMax: [ .5 * d, (.5 * d + h), .5 * d]", [CmdArg("int", "ndivisions"), CmdArg("float", "h"), CmdArg("float", "d")]); CmdType(["acap", "addcapsule"], "Capsule centered on (0,0,0) with BBox:\nMin: [-.5 * d,-(.5 * d + h),-.5 * d]\nMax: [ .5 * d, (.5 * d + h), .5 * d]", [CmdArg("int", "ndivisions"), CmdArg("float", "h"), CmdArg("float", "d")]);
