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math: disallow using vector swizzling components as lvalues until we

switch to C++11.
Sam Hocevar sam пре 13 година
1 измењених фајлова са 78 додато и 74 уклоњено
  1. +78

+ 78
- 74
src/lol/math/vector.h Прегледај датотеку

@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec2
struct { T s, t; };

XVec2<T,0x00> const xx, rr, ss;
XVec2<T,0x01> xy, rg, st;
XVec2<T,0x10> yx, gr, ts;
XVec2<T,0x01> const xy, rg, st; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x10> const yx, gr, ts; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x11> const yy, gg, tt;

XVec3<T,0x000> const xxx, rrr, sss;
@@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec3
struct { T s, t, p; };

XVec2<T,0x00> const xx, rr, ss;
XVec2<T,0x01> xy, rg, st;
XVec2<T,0x02> xz, rb, sp;
XVec2<T,0x10> yx, gr, ts;
XVec2<T,0x01> const xy, rg, st; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x02> const xz, rb, sp; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x10> const yx, gr, ts; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x11> const yy, gg, tt;
XVec2<T,0x12> yz, gb, tp;
XVec2<T,0x20> zx, br, ps;
XVec2<T,0x21> zy, bg, pt;
XVec2<T,0x12> const yz, gb, tp; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x20> const zx, br, ps; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x21> const zy, bg, pt; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x22> const zz, bb, pp;

XVec3<T,0x000> const xxx, rrr, sss;
@@ -293,23 +293,23 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec3
XVec3<T,0x002> const xxz, rrb, ssp;
XVec3<T,0x010> const xyx, rgr, sts;
XVec3<T,0x011> const xyy, rgg, stt;
XVec3<T,0x012> xyz, rgb, stp;
XVec3<T,0x012> const xyz, rgb, stp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x020> const xzx, rbr, sps;
XVec3<T,0x021> xzy, rbg, spt;
XVec3<T,0x021> const xzy, rbg, spt; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x022> const xzz, rbb, spp;
XVec3<T,0x100> const yxx, grr, tss;
XVec3<T,0x101> const yxy, grg, tst;
XVec3<T,0x102> yxz, grb, tsp;
XVec3<T,0x102> const yxz, grb, tsp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x110> const yyx, ggr, tts;
XVec3<T,0x111> const yyy, ggg, ttt;
XVec3<T,0x112> const yyz, ggb, ttp;
XVec3<T,0x120> yzx, gbr, tps;
XVec3<T,0x120> const yzx, gbr, tps; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x121> const yzy, gbg, tpt;
XVec3<T,0x122> const yzz, gbb, tpp;
XVec3<T,0x200> const zxx, brr, pss;
XVec3<T,0x201> zxy, brg, pst;
XVec3<T,0x201> const zxy, brg, pst; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x202> const zxz, brb, psp;
XVec3<T,0x210> zyx, bgr, pts;
XVec3<T,0x210> const zyx, bgr, pts; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x211> const zyy, bgg, ptt;
XVec3<T,0x212> const zyz, bgb, ptp;
XVec3<T,0x220> const zzx, bbr, pps;
@@ -439,20 +439,20 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
struct { T s, t, p, q; };

XVec2<T,0x00> const xx, rr, ss;
XVec2<T,0x01> xy, rg, st;
XVec2<T,0x02> xz, rb, sp;
XVec2<T,0x03> xw, ra, sq;
XVec2<T,0x10> yx, gr, ts;
XVec2<T,0x01> const xy, rg, st; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x02> const xz, rb, sp; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x03> const xw, ra, sq; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x10> const yx, gr, ts; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x11> const yy, gg, tt;
XVec2<T,0x12> yz, gb, tp;
XVec2<T,0x13> yw, ga, tq;
XVec2<T,0x20> zx, br, ps;
XVec2<T,0x21> zy, bg, pt;
XVec2<T,0x12> const yz, gb, tp; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x13> const yw, ga, tq; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x20> const zx, br, ps; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x21> const zy, bg, pt; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x22> const zz, bb, pp;
XVec2<T,0x23> zw, ba, pq;
XVec2<T,0x30> wx, ar, qs;
XVec2<T,0x31> wy, ag, qt;
XVec2<T,0x32> wz, ab, qp;
XVec2<T,0x23> const zw, ba, pq; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x30> const wx, ar, qs; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x31> const wy, ag, qt; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x32> const wz, ab, qp; /* lvalue */
XVec2<T,0x33> const ww, aa, qq;

XVec3<T,0x000> const xxx, rrr, sss;
@@ -461,58 +461,58 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec3<T,0x003> const xxw, rra, ssq;
XVec3<T,0x010> const xyx, rgr, sts;
XVec3<T,0x011> const xyy, rgg, stt;
XVec3<T,0x012> xyz, rgb, stp;
XVec3<T,0x013> xyw, rga, stq;
XVec3<T,0x012> const xyz, rgb, stp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x013> const xyw, rga, stq; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x020> const xzx, rbr, sps;
XVec3<T,0x021> xzy, rbg, spt;
XVec3<T,0x021> const xzy, rbg, spt; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x022> const xzz, rbb, spp;
XVec3<T,0x023> xzw, rba, spq;
XVec3<T,0x023> const xzw, rba, spq; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x030> const xwx, rar, sqs;
XVec3<T,0x031> xwy, rag, sqt;
XVec3<T,0x032> xwz, rab, sqp;
XVec3<T,0x031> const xwy, rag, sqt; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x032> const xwz, rab, sqp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x033> const xww, raa, sqq;
XVec3<T,0x100> const yxx, grr, tss;
XVec3<T,0x101> const yxy, grg, tst;
XVec3<T,0x102> yxz, grb, tsp;
XVec3<T,0x103> yxw, gra, tsq;
XVec3<T,0x102> const yxz, grb, tsp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x103> const yxw, gra, tsq; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x110> const yyx, ggr, tts;
XVec3<T,0x111> const yyy, ggg, ttt;
XVec3<T,0x112> const yyz, ggb, ttp;
XVec3<T,0x113> const yyw, gga, ttq;
XVec3<T,0x120> yzx, gbr, tps;
XVec3<T,0x120> const yzx, gbr, tps; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x121> const yzy, gbg, tpt;
XVec3<T,0x122> const yzz, gbb, tpp;
XVec3<T,0x123> yzw, gba, tpq;
XVec3<T,0x130> ywx, gar, tqs;
XVec3<T,0x123> const yzw, gba, tpq; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x130> const ywx, gar, tqs; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x131> const ywy, gag, tqt;
XVec3<T,0x132> ywz, gab, tqp;
XVec3<T,0x132> const ywz, gab, tqp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x133> const yww, gaa, tqq;
XVec3<T,0x200> const zxx, brr, pss;
XVec3<T,0x201> zxy, brg, pst;
XVec3<T,0x201> const zxy, brg, pst; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x202> const zxz, brb, psp;
XVec3<T,0x203> zxw, bra, psq;
XVec3<T,0x210> zyx, bgr, pts;
XVec3<T,0x203> const zxw, bra, psq; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x210> const zyx, bgr, pts; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x211> const zyy, bgg, ptt;
XVec3<T,0x212> const zyz, bgb, ptp;
XVec3<T,0x213> zyw, bga, ptq;
XVec3<T,0x213> const zyw, bga, ptq; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x220> const zzx, bbr, pps;
XVec3<T,0x221> const zzy, bbg, ppt;
XVec3<T,0x222> const zzz, bbb, ppp;
XVec3<T,0x223> const zzw, bba, ppq;
XVec3<T,0x230> zwx, bar, pqs;
XVec3<T,0x231> zwy, bag, pqt;
XVec3<T,0x230> const zwx, bar, pqs; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x231> const zwy, bag, pqt; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x232> const zwz, bab, pqp;
XVec3<T,0x233> const zww, baa, pqq;
XVec3<T,0x300> const wxx, arr, qss;
XVec3<T,0x301> wxy, arg, qst;
XVec3<T,0x302> wxz, arb, qsp;
XVec3<T,0x301> const wxy, arg, qst; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x302> const wxz, arb, qsp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x303> const wxw, ara, qsq;
XVec3<T,0x310> wyx, agr, qts;
XVec3<T,0x310> const wyx, agr, qts; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x311> const wyy, agg, qtt;
XVec3<T,0x312> wyz, agb, qtp;
XVec3<T,0x312> const wyz, agb, qtp; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x313> const wyw, aga, qtq;
XVec3<T,0x320> wzx, abr, qps;
XVec3<T,0x321> wzy, abg, qpt;
XVec3<T,0x320> const wzx, abr, qps; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x321> const wzy, abg, qpt; /* lvalue */
XVec3<T,0x322> const wzz, abb, qpp;
XVec3<T,0x323> const wzw, aba, qpq;
XVec3<T,0x330> const wwx, aar, qqs;
@@ -547,10 +547,10 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x0120> const xyzx, rgbr, stps;
XVec4<T,0x0121> const xyzy, rgbg, stpt;
XVec4<T,0x0122> const xyzz, rgbb, stpp;
XVec4<T,0x0123> xyzw, rgba, stpq;
XVec4<T,0x0123> const xyzw, rgba, stpq; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x0130> const xywx, rgar, stqs;
XVec4<T,0x0131> const xywy, rgag, stqt;
XVec4<T,0x0132> xywz, rgab, stqp;
XVec4<T,0x0132> const xywz, rgab, stqp; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x0133> const xyww, rgaa, stqq;
XVec4<T,0x0200> const xzxx, rbrr, spss;
XVec4<T,0x0201> const xzxy, rbrg, spst;
@@ -559,13 +559,13 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x0210> const xzyx, rbgr, spts;
XVec4<T,0x0211> const xzyy, rbgg, sptt;
XVec4<T,0x0212> const xzyz, rbgb, sptp;
XVec4<T,0x0213> xzyw, rbga, sptq;
XVec4<T,0x0213> const xzyw, rbga, sptq; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x0220> const xzzx, rbbr, spps;
XVec4<T,0x0221> const xzzy, rbbg, sppt;
XVec4<T,0x0222> const xzzz, rbbb, sppp;
XVec4<T,0x0223> const xzzw, rbba, sppq;
XVec4<T,0x0230> const xzwx, rbar, spqs;
XVec4<T,0x0231> xzwy, rbag, spqt;
XVec4<T,0x0231> const xzwy, rbag, spqt; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x0232> const xzwz, rbab, spqp;
XVec4<T,0x0233> const xzww, rbaa, spqq;
XVec4<T,0x0300> const xwxx, rarr, sqss;
@@ -574,10 +574,10 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x0303> const xwxw, rara, sqsq;
XVec4<T,0x0310> const xwyx, ragr, sqts;
XVec4<T,0x0311> const xwyy, ragg, sqtt;
XVec4<T,0x0312> xwyz, ragb, sqtp;
XVec4<T,0x0312> const xwyz, ragb, sqtp; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x0313> const xwyw, raga, sqtq;
XVec4<T,0x0320> const xwzx, rabr, sqps;
XVec4<T,0x0321> xwzy, rabg, sqpt;
XVec4<T,0x0321> const xwzy, rabg, sqpt; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x0322> const xwzz, rabb, sqpp;
XVec4<T,0x0323> const xwzw, raba, sqpq;
XVec4<T,0x0330> const xwwx, raar, sqqs;
@@ -595,10 +595,10 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x1020> const yxzx, grbr, tsps;
XVec4<T,0x1021> const yxzy, grbg, tspt;
XVec4<T,0x1022> const yxzz, grbb, tspp;
XVec4<T,0x1023> yxzw, grba, tspq;
XVec4<T,0x1023> const yxzw, grba, tspq; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x1030> const yxwx, grar, tsqs;
XVec4<T,0x1031> const yxwy, grag, tsqt;
XVec4<T,0x1032> yxwz, grab, tsqp;
XVec4<T,0x1032> const yxwz, grab, tsqp; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x1033> const yxww, graa, tsqq;
XVec4<T,0x1100> const yyxx, ggrr, ttss;
XVec4<T,0x1101> const yyxy, ggrg, ttst;
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x1200> const yzxx, gbrr, tpss;
XVec4<T,0x1201> const yzxy, gbrg, tpst;
XVec4<T,0x1202> const yzxz, gbrb, tpsp;
XVec4<T,0x1203> yzxw, gbra, tpsq;
XVec4<T,0x1203> const yzxw, gbra, tpsq; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x1210> const yzyx, gbgr, tpts;
XVec4<T,0x1211> const yzyy, gbgg, tptt;
XVec4<T,0x1212> const yzyz, gbgb, tptp;
@@ -628,19 +628,19 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x1221> const yzzy, gbbg, tppt;
XVec4<T,0x1222> const yzzz, gbbb, tppp;
XVec4<T,0x1223> const yzzw, gbba, tppq;
XVec4<T,0x1230> yzwx, gbar, tpqs;
XVec4<T,0x1230> const yzwx, gbar, tpqs; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x1231> const yzwy, gbag, tpqt;
XVec4<T,0x1232> const yzwz, gbab, tpqp;
XVec4<T,0x1233> const yzww, gbaa, tpqq;
XVec4<T,0x1300> const ywxx, garr, tqss;
XVec4<T,0x1301> const ywxy, garg, tqst;
XVec4<T,0x1302> ywxz, garb, tqsp;
XVec4<T,0x1302> const ywxz, garb, tqsp; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x1303> const ywxw, gara, tqsq;
XVec4<T,0x1310> const ywyx, gagr, tqts;
XVec4<T,0x1311> const ywyy, gagg, tqtt;
XVec4<T,0x1312> const ywyz, gagb, tqtp;
XVec4<T,0x1313> const ywyw, gaga, tqtq;
XVec4<T,0x1320> ywzx, gabr, tqps;
XVec4<T,0x1320> const ywzx, gabr, tqps; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x1321> const ywzy, gabg, tqpt;
XVec4<T,0x1322> const ywzz, gabb, tqpp;
XVec4<T,0x1323> const ywzw, gaba, tqpq;
@@ -655,19 +655,19 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x2010> const zxyx, brgr, psts;
XVec4<T,0x2011> const zxyy, brgg, pstt;
XVec4<T,0x2012> const zxyz, brgb, pstp;
XVec4<T,0x2013> zxyw, brga, pstq;
XVec4<T,0x2013> const zxyw, brga, pstq; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x2020> const zxzx, brbr, psps;
XVec4<T,0x2021> const zxzy, brbg, pspt;
XVec4<T,0x2022> const zxzz, brbb, pspp;
XVec4<T,0x2023> const zxzw, brba, pspq;
XVec4<T,0x2030> const zxwx, brar, psqs;
XVec4<T,0x2031> zxwy, brag, psqt;
XVec4<T,0x2031> const zxwy, brag, psqt; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x2032> const zxwz, brab, psqp;
XVec4<T,0x2033> const zxww, braa, psqq;
XVec4<T,0x2100> const zyxx, bgrr, ptss;
XVec4<T,0x2101> const zyxy, bgrg, ptst;
XVec4<T,0x2102> const zyxz, bgrb, ptsp;
XVec4<T,0x2103> zyxw, bgra, ptsq;
XVec4<T,0x2103> const zyxw, bgra, ptsq; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x2110> const zyyx, bggr, ptts;
XVec4<T,0x2111> const zyyy, bggg, pttt;
XVec4<T,0x2112> const zyyz, bggb, pttp;
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x2121> const zyzy, bgbg, ptpt;
XVec4<T,0x2122> const zyzz, bgbb, ptpp;
XVec4<T,0x2123> const zyzw, bgba, ptpq;
XVec4<T,0x2130> zywx, bgar, ptqs;
XVec4<T,0x2130> const zywx, bgar, ptqs; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x2131> const zywy, bgag, ptqt;
XVec4<T,0x2132> const zywz, bgab, ptqp;
XVec4<T,0x2133> const zyww, bgaa, ptqq;
@@ -697,10 +697,10 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x2232> const zzwz, bbab, ppqp;
XVec4<T,0x2233> const zzww, bbaa, ppqq;
XVec4<T,0x2300> const zwxx, barr, pqss;
XVec4<T,0x2301> zwxy, barg, pqst;
XVec4<T,0x2301> const zwxy, barg, pqst; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x2302> const zwxz, barb, pqsp;
XVec4<T,0x2303> const zwxw, bara, pqsq;
XVec4<T,0x2310> zwyx, bagr, pqts;
XVec4<T,0x2310> const zwyx, bagr, pqts; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x2311> const zwyy, bagg, pqtt;
XVec4<T,0x2312> const zwyz, bagb, pqtp;
XVec4<T,0x2313> const zwyw, baga, pqtq;
@@ -718,10 +718,10 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x3003> const wxxw, arra, qssq;
XVec4<T,0x3010> const wxyx, argr, qsts;
XVec4<T,0x3011> const wxyy, argg, qstt;
XVec4<T,0x3012> wxyz, argb, qstp;
XVec4<T,0x3012> const wxyz, argb, qstp; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x3013> const wxyw, arga, qstq;
XVec4<T,0x3020> const wxzx, arbr, qsps;
XVec4<T,0x3021> wxzy, arbg, qspt;
XVec4<T,0x3021> const wxzy, arbg, qspt; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x3022> const wxzz, arbb, qspp;
XVec4<T,0x3023> const wxzw, arba, qspq;
XVec4<T,0x3030> const wxwx, arar, qsqs;
@@ -730,13 +730,13 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x3033> const wxww, araa, qsqq;
XVec4<T,0x3100> const wyxx, agrr, qtss;
XVec4<T,0x3101> const wyxy, agrg, qtst;
XVec4<T,0x3102> wyxz, agrb, qtsp;
XVec4<T,0x3102> const wyxz, agrb, qtsp; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x3103> const wyxw, agra, qtsq;
XVec4<T,0x3110> const wyyx, aggr, qtts;
XVec4<T,0x3111> const wyyy, aggg, qttt;
XVec4<T,0x3112> const wyyz, aggb, qttp;
XVec4<T,0x3113> const wyyw, agga, qttq;
XVec4<T,0x3120> wyzx, agbr, qtps;
XVec4<T,0x3120> const wyzx, agbr, qtps; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x3121> const wyzy, agbg, qtpt;
XVec4<T,0x3122> const wyzz, agbb, qtpp;
XVec4<T,0x3123> const wyzw, agba, qtpq;
@@ -745,10 +745,10 @@ template <typename T> struct Vec4
XVec4<T,0x3132> const wywz, agab, qtqp;
XVec4<T,0x3133> const wyww, agaa, qtqq;
XVec4<T,0x3200> const wzxx, abrr, qpss;
XVec4<T,0x3201> wzxy, abrg, qpst;
XVec4<T,0x3201> const wzxy, abrg, qpst; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x3202> const wzxz, abrb, qpsp;
XVec4<T,0x3203> const wzxw, abra, qpsq;
XVec4<T,0x3210> wzyx, abgr, qpts;
XVec4<T,0x3210> const wzyx, abgr, qpts; /* lvalue */
XVec4<T,0x3211> const wzyy, abgg, qptt;
XVec4<T,0x3212> const wzyz, abgb, qptp;
XVec4<T,0x3213> const wzyw, abga, qptq;
@@ -1009,6 +1009,10 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_TYPED_OPS(Vec4)

* Magic vector swizzling (part 2/2)
* Unfortunately these assignment operators cannot be used for now, because
* we would also need to override the default copy assignment operator, and
* in C++98 unions cannot contain such objects. This is why all the swizzling
* magic objects are marked 'const' even those that could be lvalues.

template<typename T, int N>
