소스 검색

Various Windows compilation fixes.

Sam Hocevar 5 년 전
3개의 변경된 파일23개의 추가작업 그리고 43개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +1
  2. +22
  3. +0

+ 1
- 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d05eb966657babec841907e9fa0e618643ca115f
Subproject commit ecc3aee6e152e91dc58b1c1498d6fc5a346a0ab3

+ 22
- 40
src/lol/base/array.h 파일 보기

@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@

// The array class
// ---------------
// ———————————————
// A very simple array class not unlike the std::vector, with some nice
// additional features, eg. array<int,float> for automatic arrays of tuples.

#include <../legacy/lol/base/assert.h>
#include <lol/base/tuple.h>

#include <new> /* for placement new */
#include <algorithm> /* for std::swap */
#include <cassert> // assert()
#include <new> // placement new
#include <algorithm> // std::swap
#include <stdint.h>
#include <initializer_list>

@@ -165,23 +165,19 @@ public:
/* Allow array[0] even if size is zero so that people can
* always use &array[0] to get a pointer to the data. */
ASSERT(n >= 0 && (n < m_count || (!n && !m_count)),
"cannot access index %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)n, (long int)m_count);
assert(n >= 0 && (n < m_count || (!n && !m_count)));
return m_data[n];

inline element_t const& operator[](ptrdiff_t n) const
ASSERT(n >= 0 && (n < m_count || (!n && !m_count)),
"cannot access index %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)n, (long int)m_count);
assert(n >= 0 && (n < m_count || (!n && !m_count)));
return m_data[n];

inline element_t& last()
ASSERT(m_count > 0);
assert(m_count > 0);
return m_data[m_count - 1];

@@ -197,7 +193,7 @@ public:

inline element_t const& last() const
ASSERT(m_count > 0);
assert(m_count > 0);
return m_data[m_count - 1];

@@ -239,9 +235,7 @@ public:

inline void insert(T const &x, ptrdiff_t pos)
ASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos <= m_count,
"cannot insert at index %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)pos, (long int)m_count);
assert(pos >= 0 && pos <= m_count);

if (m_count >= m_reserved)
@@ -257,9 +251,7 @@ public:

inline bool insert_unique(T const &x, ptrdiff_t pos)
ASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos <= m_count,
"cannot insert at index %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)pos, (long int)m_count);
assert(pos >= 0 && pos <= m_count);

if (find(x) != INDEX_NONE)
return false;
@@ -300,7 +292,7 @@ public:

inline T pop()
ASSERT(m_count > 0);
assert(m_count > 0);
element_t tmp = last();
remove(m_count - 1, 1);
return tmp;
@@ -308,19 +300,14 @@ public:

inline void swap(ptrdiff_t i, ptrdiff_t j)
ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < m_count && j >= 0 && j < m_count,
"cannot swap elements %ld and %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)i, (long int)j, (long int)m_count);

assert(i >= 0 && i < m_count && j >= 0 && j < m_count);
std::swap(m_data[i], m_data[j]);

void remove(ptrdiff_t pos, ptrdiff_t todelete = 1)
ASSERT(todelete >= 0);
ASSERT(pos - todelete >= -m_count - 1 && pos + todelete <= m_count,
"cannot remove %ld elements at %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)todelete, (long int)pos, (long int)m_count);
assert(todelete >= 0);
assert(pos - todelete >= -m_count - 1 && pos + todelete <= m_count);

if (pos < 0)
pos = m_count + pos;
@@ -334,10 +321,8 @@ public:

void remove_swap(ptrdiff_t pos, ptrdiff_t todelete = 1)
ASSERT(todelete >= 0);
ASSERT(pos - todelete >= -m_count - 1 && pos + todelete <= m_count,
"cannot remove %ld elements at %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)todelete, (long int)pos, (long int)m_count);
assert(todelete >= 0);
assert(pos - todelete >= -m_count - 1 && pos + todelete <= m_count);

if (pos < 0)
pos = m_count + pos;
@@ -353,7 +338,7 @@ public:

void resize(ptrdiff_t item_count, element_t e = element_t())
ASSERT(item_count >= 0);
assert(item_count >= 0);

/* Too many elements? Remove them. */
@@ -377,13 +362,12 @@ public:
if (toreserve <= m_reserved)

/* This cast is not very nice, because we kill any alignment
* information we could have. But until C++ gives us the proper
* tools to deal with it, we assume new uint8_t[] returns properly
* aligned data. */
// This cast is not very nice, because we kill any alignment
// information we could have. But until C++ gives us the proper
// tools to deal with it, we assume new uint8_t[] returns properly
// aligned data.
element_t *tmp = reinterpret_cast<element_t *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>
(new uint8_t[sizeof(element_t) * toreserve]));
ASSERT(tmp, "out of memory in array class");
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < m_count; i++)
new(&tmp[i]) element_t(m_data[i]);
@@ -517,9 +501,7 @@ public:

inline void insert(ptrdiff_t pos, T... args)
ASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos <= this->m_count,
"cannot insert at index %ld in array of size %ld",
(long int)pos, (long int)this->m_count);
assert(pos >= 0 && pos <= this->m_count);

if (this->m_count >= this->m_reserved)

+ 0
- 2
src/lol/base/tuple.h 파일 보기

@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
// A very simple tuple class.

#include <../legacy/lol/base/assert.h>

#include <tuple>

namespace lol

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