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core: implement accelerated lol_sincos() and lol_tan().

Sam Hocevar sam 13 lat temu
4 zmienionych plików z 259 dodań i 10 usunięć
  1. +4
  2. +155
  3. +62
  4. +38

+ 4
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src/core.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@

// Optimisation helpers
#define __likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define __unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)

// Base types
#include "trig.h"
#include "half.h"

+ 155
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src/trig.cpp Wyświetl plik

@@ -65,6 +65,25 @@ static const double CC[] =
+4.3030695870329470072978e-6, // pi^16/16!

/* These coefficients use Sloane’s and
* sequences for the Taylor series of tan().
* Note: the last value should be 443861162*pi^18/1856156927625, ie.
* 2.12485922978838540352881e5, but we tweak it in order to get
* sub 1e-11 precision in a larger range. */
static const double TC[] =
3.28986813369645287294483e0, // pi^2/3
1.29878788045336582981920e1, // 2*pi^4/15
5.18844961612069061254404e1, // 17*pi^6/315
2.07509320280908496804928e2, // 62*pi^8/2835
8.30024701695986756361561e2, // 1382*pi^10/155925
3.32009324029001216460018e3, // 21844*pi^12/6081075
1.32803704909665483598490e4, // 929569*pi^14/638512875
5.31214808666037709352112e4, // 6404582*pi^16/10854718875
2.373e5, // XXX: last value tweaked to improve precision
//2.12485922978838540352881e5, // 443861162*pi^18/1856156927625

/* Custom intrinsics */
#define INLINEATTR __attribute__((always_inline))

@@ -236,6 +255,7 @@ double lol_sin(double x)

/* Compute a Tailor series for sin() and combine sign information. */
sign *= (x >= 0.0) ? PI : NEG_PI;

double x2 = absx * absx;
@@ -313,5 +333,140 @@ double lol_cos(double x)
return taylor * sign;

void lol_sincos(double x, double *sinx, double *cosx)
double absx = lol_fabs(x * INV_PI);

if (absx < QUARTER)
double x2 = absx * absx;
double x4 = x2 * x2;

double subs1 = (SC[3] * x4 + SC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subs2 = (SC[4] * x4 + SC[2]) * x4 + SC[0];
double taylors = subs2 * x2 + subs1;
*sinx = x * taylors;

double subc1 = (CC[5] * x4 + CC[3]) * x4 + CC[1];
double subc2 = (CC[4] * x4 + CC[2]) * x4 + CC[0];
double taylorc = (subc1 * x2 + subc2) * x2 + ONE;
*cosx = taylorc;


#if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
double num_cycles = lol_round(absx);
double is_even = lol_trunc(num_cycles * HALF) - (num_cycles * HALF);

double sin_sign = lol_fsel(x, PI, NEG_PI);
sin_sign = lol_fsel(is_even, sin_sign, -sin_sign);
double cos_sign = lol_fsel(is_even, ONE, NEG_ONE);
double num_cycles = absx + TWO_EXP_52;
__asm__("" : "+m" (num_cycles)); num_cycles -= TWO_EXP_52;

double is_even = TWO * num_cycles - ONE;
__asm__("" : "+m" (is_even)); is_even += TWO_EXP_54;
__asm__("" : "+m" (is_even)); is_even -= TWO_EXP_54;
__asm__("" : "+m" (is_even));
is_even -= TWO * num_cycles - ONE;
double sin_sign = is_even;
double cos_sign = is_even;
absx -= num_cycles;

if (lol_fabs(absx) > QUARTER)
sign = (x * absx >= 0.0) ? sign : -sign;

double x1 = HALF - lol_fabs(absx);
double x2 = x1 * x1;
double x4 = x2 * x2;

double subs1 = ((CC[5] * x4 + CC[3]) * x4 + CC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subs2 = (CC[4] * x4 + CC[2]) * x4 + CC[0];
double taylors = subs2 * x2 + subs1;
*sinx = taylors * sign;

double subc1 = (SC[3] * x4 + SC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subc2 = (SC[4] * x4 + SC[2]) * x4 + SC[0];
double taylorc = subc2 * x2 + subc1;
*cosx = x1 * taylorc * sign * PI;


sin_sign *= (x >= 0.0) ? PI : NEG_PI;

double x2 = absx * absx;
double x4 = x2 * x2;
double subs1 = (SC[3] * x4 + SC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subs2 = (SC[4] * x4 + SC[2]) * x4 + SC[0];
double subc1 = ((CC[5] * x4 + CC[3]) * x4 + CC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subc2 = (CC[4] * x4 + CC[2]) * x4 + CC[0];
double subs1 = (((SC[7] * x4 + SC[5]) * x4 + SC[3]) * x4 + SC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subs2 = ((SC[6] * x4 + SC[4]) * x4 + SC[2]) * x4 + SC[0];
double subc1 = (((CC[7] * x4 + CC[5]) * x4 + CC[3]) * x4 + CC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double subc2 = ((CC[6] * x4 + CC[4]) * x4 + CC[2]) * x4 + CC[0];
double taylors = subs2 * x2 + subs1;
*sinx = absx * taylors * sin_sign;

double taylorc = subc2 * x2 + subc1;
*cosx = taylorc * cos_sign;

void lol_sincos(float x, float *sinx, float *cosx)
double x2 = static_cast<double>(x);
double s2, c2;
lol_sincos(x2, &s2, &c2);
*sinx = static_cast<float>(s2);
*cosx = static_cast<float>(c2);

double lol_tan(double x)
double absx = lol_fabs(x * INV_PI);

/* This value was determined empirically to ensure an error of no
* more than x * 1e-11 in this range. */
if (absx < 0.163)
double x2 = absx * absx;
double x4 = x2 * x2;
double sub1 = (((TC[7] * x4 + TC[5]) * x4
+ TC[3]) * x4 + TC[1]) * x4 + ONE;
double sub2 = (((TC[8] * x4 + TC[6]) * x4
+ TC[4]) * x4 + TC[2]) * x4 + TC[0];
double taylor = sub2 * x2 + sub1;
return x * taylor;

double sinx, cosx;
lol_sincos(x, &sinx, &cosx);

/* Ensure cosx isn't zero. FIXME: we lose the cosx sign here. */
double absc = lol_fabs(cosx);
#if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
double is_cos_not_zero = absc - VERY_SMALL_NUMBER;
cosx = lol_fsel(is_cos_not_zero, cosx, VERY_SMALL_NUMBER);
return __fdiv(sinx, cosx);
if (__unlikely(absc < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER))
return sinx / cosx;

} /* namespace lol */

+ 62
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test/lol-bench.cpp Wyświetl plik

@@ -74,12 +74,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

static void bench_trig(int mode)
float result[7] = { 0.0f };
float result[12] = { 0.0f };
Timer timer;

/* Set up tables */
float *pf = new float[TRIG_TABLE_SIZE];
float *pf2 = new float[TRIG_TABLE_SIZE];
float *pf3 = new float[TRIG_TABLE_SIZE];

for (size_t run = 0; run < TRIG_RUNS; run++)
@@ -143,27 +144,78 @@ static void bench_trig(int mode)
pf2[i] = lol_cos(pf[i]);
result[5] += timer.GetMs();

/* Sin & cos */
for (size_t i = 0; i < TRIG_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
pf2[i] = __builtin_sinf(pf[i]);
pf3[i] = __builtin_cosf(pf[i]);
result[6] += timer.GetMs();

/* Fast sin & cos */
for (size_t i = 0; i < TRIG_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
#if defined HAVE_FASTMATH_H
pf2[i] = f_sinf(pf[i]);
pf3[i] = f_cosf(pf[i]);
pf2[i] = sinf(pf[i]);
pf3[i] = cosf(pf[i]);
result[7] += timer.GetMs();

/* Lol sincos */
for (size_t i = 0; i < TRIG_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
lol_sincos(pf[i], &pf2[i], &pf3[i]);
result[8] += timer.GetMs();

/* Tan */
for (size_t i = 0; i < TRIG_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
pf2[i] = __builtin_tanf(pf[i]);
result[6] += timer.GetMs();
result[9] += timer.GetMs();

/* Fast tan */
for (size_t i = 0; i < TRIG_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
#if defined HAVE_FASTMATH_H
pf2[i] = f_tanf(pf[i]);
pf2[i] = tanf(pf[i]);
result[10] += timer.GetMs();

/* Lol tan */
for (size_t i = 0; i < TRIG_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
pf2[i] = lol_tan(pf[i]);
result[11] += timer.GetMs();

delete[] pf;
delete[] pf2;
delete[] pf3;

for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(result) / sizeof(*result); i++)
result[i] *= 1000000.0f / (TRIG_TABLE_SIZE * TRIG_RUNS);

Log::Info(" ns/elem\n");
Log::Info("float = sinf(float) %7.3f\n", result[0]);
Log::Info("float = fastsinf(float) %7.3f\n", result[1]);
Log::Info("float = lol_sinf(float) %7.3f\n", result[2]);
Log::Info("float = cosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[3]);
Log::Info("float = fastcosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[4]);
Log::Info("float = lol_cosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[5]);
Log::Info("float = tanf(float) %7.3f\n", result[6]);
Log::Info(" ns/elem\n");
Log::Info("float = sinf(float) %7.3f\n", result[0]);
Log::Info("float = f_sinf(float) %7.3f\n", result[1]);
Log::Info("float = lol_sin(float) %7.3f\n", result[2]);
Log::Info("float = cosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[3]);
Log::Info("float = f_cosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[4]);
Log::Info("float = lol_cos(float) %7.3f\n", result[5]);
Log::Info("float = sinf,cosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[6]);
Log::Info("float = f_sinf,f_cosf(float) %7.3f\n", result[7]);
Log::Info("float = lol_sincos(float) %7.3f\n", result[8]);
Log::Info("float = tanf(float) %7.3f\n", result[9]);
Log::Info("float = f_tanf(float) %7.3f\n", result[10]);
Log::Info("float = lol_tanf(float) %7.3f\n", result[11]);

static void bench_matrix(int mode)

+ 38
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test/trig.cpp Wyświetl plik

@@ -70,6 +70,44 @@ public:
double b = lol_cos(f);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a - b) <= fabs(f) * 1e-11);

for (int i = -10000; i < 10000; i++)
double f = (double)i * (1.0 / 1000.0);
double a1 = __builtin_sin(f);
double a2 = __builtin_cos(f);
double b1, b2;
lol_sincos(f, &b1, &b2);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a1 - b1) <= fabs(f) * 1e-11);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a2 - b2) <= fabs(f) * 1e-11);

for (int i = -10000; i < 10000; i++)
double f = (double)i * (1.0 / 100000.0);
double a1 = __builtin_sin(f);
double a2 = __builtin_cos(f);
double b1, b2;
lol_sincos(f, &b1, &b2);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a1 - b1) <= fabs(f) * 1e-11);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a2 - b2) <= fabs(f) * 1e-11);

for (int i = -10000; i < 10000; i++)
double f = (double)i * (1.0 / 1000.0);
double a = __builtin_tan(f);
double b = lol_tan(f);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a - b) <= fabs(a) * 1e-11);

for (int i = -10000; i < 10000; i++)
double f = (double)i * (1.0 / 100000.0);
double a = __builtin_tan(f);
double b = lol_tan(f);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fabs(a - b) <= fabs(a) * 1e-11);
