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math: optimise Perlin noise by parsing the hypercube using a Gray code pattern.

Sam Hocevar 10 years ago
1 changed files with 37 additions and 29 deletions
  1. +37

+ 37
- 29
src/lol/math/noise/perlin.h View File

@@ -34,51 +34,59 @@ public:
/* Evaluate noise at a given point */
inline float eval(vec_t<float, N> position) const
int const cells = 1 << N;

/* Retrieve the containing hypercube origin */
/* Compute the containing hypercube origin */
vec_t<int, N> origin;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
origin[i] = (int)position[i] - (position[i] < 0);

vec_t<float, N> delta = position - (vec_t<float, N>)origin;

/* Apply a smooth step to delta and store it in “t”. */
vec_t<float, N> t = delta;
/* DEBUG: original Perlin noise polynomial */
//t = (vec_t<float, N>(3.f) - 2.f * t) * t * t;
/* Improved polynomial (with null second derivative) */
t = ((6.f * t - vec_t<float, N>(15.f))
* t + vec_t<float, N>(10.f)) * (t * t * t);
/* DEBUG: original Perlin noise polynomial */
//t = (vec_t<float, N>(3.f) - 2.f * t) * t * t;

/* Compute all gradient contributions */
array<float> values;
for (int i = 0; i < cells; ++i)
/* Premultiply and predivide (1-t)/t and t/(1-t) into “u” and “v”. */
vec_t<float, N> u, v;
float multiplier = 1.f;
for (int bit = 0; bit < N; ++bit)
/* FIXME: find another way to travel the hypercube that
* causes fewer bit flips, and compute the return value
* directly without allocating an array value. */
vec_t<float, N> v = delta;
vec_t<int, N> corner = origin;
for (int bit = 0; bit < N; ++bit)
if ((1 << bit) & i)
v[bit] = v[bit] - 1.f;

values[i] = dot(v, this->get_gradient(corner));
/* Avoid divisions by zero near the hypercube boundaries. */
float f = clamp(t[bit], 0.001f, 0.999f);

multiplier *= (1.f - f);
u[bit] = (1.f - f) / f;
v[bit] = f / (1.f - f);

/* Interpolate all contributions together */
for (int bit = N; bit--; )
float ret = 0.f;

/* Compute all gradient contributions, for each of the 2^N corners
* of the hypercube. */
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << N); ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << bit); ++i)
values[i] = (1.f - t[bit]) * values[i]
+ t[bit] * values[i + (1 << bit)];
/* Accumulate Perlin noise */
ret += multiplier * dot(delta, this->get_gradient(origin));

/* Don’t use the binary pattern for “i” but use its Gray code
* “j” instead, so we know we only have one component to alter
* in “origin” and in “delta”. We know which bit was flipped by
* looking at “k”, the Gray code for the next value of “i”. */
int j = i ^ (i >> 1);
int k = (i + 1) ^ ((i + 1) >> 1);

int bit = 0;
while ((j ^ k) > (1 << bit))

origin[bit] += j > k ? -1 : 1;
delta[bit] += j > k ? 1.f : -1.f;
multiplier *= (j > k ? u : v)[bit];

return values[0];
return sqrt(2.f) * ret;
