
audio: simplify sample conversion code

Sam Hocevar 1 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 14 次插入22 次删除
  1. +14

+ 14
- 22
include/lol/private/audio/stream.h 查看文件

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public:
// - add min, round down, and clamp to min…max
FROM constexpr min(std::numeric_limits<TO>::min());
FROM constexpr max(std::numeric_limits<TO>::max());
x = (x + 1) * ((max - min + 1) / 2);
x = (max - min + 1) / 2 * (x + 1);
return TO(std::max(min, std::min(max, std::floor(x + min))));
else if constexpr (to_fp)
@@ -60,33 +60,25 @@ public:
// - change range from 0…1 to -1…1
TO constexpr min(std::numeric_limits<FROM>::min());
TO constexpr max(std::numeric_limits<FROM>::max());
return (TO(x) - min) * 2 / (max - min) - 1;
return 2 / (max - min) * (TO(x) - min) - 1;
// Conversion between integer types:
// - convert to unsigned
// - shift right or multiply by a magic constant such as 0x0101 to propagate bytes
// - convert back to signed if necessary
// Most operations are done using the UBIG type, which is an unsigned integer type
// at least as large as FROM and TO.
using UFROM = std::make_unsigned_t<FROM>;
using UTO = std::make_unsigned_t<TO>;
using UBIG = std::conditional_t<(sizeof(FROM) > sizeof(TO)), UFROM, UTO>;

if constexpr (sizeof(FROM) > sizeof(TO))
// From a larger integer type to a smaller integer type:
// - convert to unsigned
// - shift right
// - convert back to signed if necessary
UFROM constexpr m = UFROM(1) << (8 * (sizeof(FROM) - sizeof(TO)));
UFROM tmp = UFROM(UFROM(x) - UFROM(std::numeric_limits<FROM>::min())) / m;
return TO(UTO(tmp) + UTO(std::numeric_limits<TO>::min()));
// From a smaller integer type to a larger integer type:
// - convert to unsigned
// - multiply by a magic constant such as 0x01010101 to propagate bytes
// - convert back to signed if necessary
UTO constexpr m = std::numeric_limits<UTO>::max() / std::numeric_limits<UFROM>::max();
UTO tmp = UFROM(UFROM(x) - UFROM(std::numeric_limits<FROM>::min())) * m;
return TO(UTO(tmp) + UTO(std::numeric_limits<TO>::min()));
UBIG constexpr div = UBIG(1) << 8 * (sizeof(UBIG) - sizeof(UTO));
UBIG constexpr mul = std::numeric_limits<UBIG>::max() / std::numeric_limits<UFROM>::max();
auto tmp = UFROM(UFROM(x) - UFROM(std::numeric_limits<FROM>::min())) * mul / div;

return TO(UTO(tmp) + UTO(std::numeric_limits<TO>::min()));
