
math: add lol::real to 64-bit integer conversions and clean up code.

Sam Hocevar 6 年之前
共有 2 個檔案被更改,包括 79 行新增73 行删除
  1. +20
  2. +59

+ 20
- 17
src/lol/math/real.h 查看文件

@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ template<typename T>
typedef T bigit_t;
typedef int64_t exponent_t;

Real() = default;

Real(float f);
Real(double f);
@@ -61,8 +64,10 @@ public:
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator float() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator double() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator long double() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator int() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator unsigned int() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator int32_t() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator uint32_t() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator int64_t() const;
LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD operator uint64_t() const;

Real<T> operator +() const;
Real<T> operator -() const;
@@ -114,8 +119,8 @@ public:
template<typename U> friend Real<U> log10(Real<U> const &x);

/* Floating-point functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> frexp(Real<U> const &x, int64_t *exp);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> ldexp(Real<U> const &x, int64_t exp);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> frexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t *exp);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> ldexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t exp);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> modf(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> *iptr);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> nextafter(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);

@@ -221,12 +226,9 @@ public:
static Real<T> const& R_MAX();

typedef T bigit_t;
typedef int64_t exponent_t;

array<T> m_mantissa;
exponent_t m_exponent;
bool m_sign, m_nan, m_inf;
exponent_t m_exponent = 0;
bool m_sign = false, m_nan = false, m_inf = false;

@@ -239,7 +241,6 @@ public:
* Mandatory forward declarations of template specialisations
template<> real::Real();
template<> real::Real(float f);
template<> real::Real(double f);
template<> real::Real(long double f);
@@ -252,8 +253,10 @@ template<> real::Real(char const *str);
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator float() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator double() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator long double() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator int() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator unsigned int() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator int32_t() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator uint32_t() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator int64_t() const;
template<> LOL_ATTR_NODISCARD real::operator uint64_t() const;
template<> real real::operator +() const;
template<> real real::operator -() const;
template<> real real::operator +(real const &x) const;
@@ -294,8 +297,8 @@ template<typename U> Real<U> erf(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> log(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> log2(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> log10(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> frexp(Real<U> const &x, int64_t *exp);
template<typename U> Real<U> ldexp(Real<U> const &x, int64_t exp);
template<typename U> Real<U> frexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t *exp);
template<typename U> Real<U> ldexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t exp);
template<typename U> Real<U> modf(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> *iptr);
template<typename U> Real<U> nextafter(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> Real<U> inverse(Real<U> const &x);
@@ -336,8 +339,8 @@ template<> real erf(real const &x);
template<> real log(real const &x);
template<> real log2(real const &x);
template<> real log10(real const &x);
template<> real frexp(real const &x, int64_t *exp);
template<> real ldexp(real const &x, int64_t exp);
template<> real frexp(real const &x, real::exponent_t *exp);
template<> real ldexp(real const &x, real::exponent_t exp);
template<> real modf(real const &x, real *iptr);
template<> real nextafter(real const &x, real const &y);
template<> real inverse(real const &x);

+ 59
- 56
src/math/real.cpp 查看文件

@@ -93,14 +93,6 @@ LOL_CONSTANT_GETTER(R_SQRT1_2, R_SQRT2() / 2);
* Now carry on with the rest of the Real class.

template<> real::Real()
: m_exponent(0),

template<> real::Real(int32_t i) { new(this) real((double)i); }
template<> real::Real(uint32_t i) { new(this) real((double)i); }
template<> real::Real(float f) { new(this) real((double)f); }
@@ -136,10 +128,6 @@ template<> real::Real(uint64_t i)

template<> real::Real(double d)
: m_exponent(0),
union { double d; uint64_t x; } u = { d };

@@ -177,9 +165,24 @@ template<> real::Real(long double f)
m_exponent += exponent;

template<> real::operator float() const { return (float)(double)(*this); }
template<> real::operator int() const { return (int)(double)(*this); }
template<> real::operator unsigned() const { return (unsigned)(double)(*this); }
template<> real::operator float() const { return (float)(double)*this; }
template<> real::operator int32_t() const { return (int32_t)(double)floor(*this); }
template<> real::operator uint32_t() const { return (uint32_t)(double)floor(*this); }

template<> real::operator uint64_t() const
uint32_t msb = (uint32_t)ldexp(*this, -32);
uint64_t ret = ((uint64_t)msb << 32)
| (uint32_t)(*this - ldexp((real)msb, 32));
return ret;

template<> real::operator int64_t() const
/* If number is positive, convert it to uint64_t first. If it is
* negative, switch its sign first. */
return is_negative() ? -(int64_t)-*this : (int64_t)(uint64_t)*this;

template<> real::operator double() const
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ template<> real::operator long double() const
template<> real::Real(char const *str)
real ret = 0;
int exponent = 0;
exponent_t exponent = 0;
bool hex = false, comma = false, nonzero = false, negative = false, finished = false;

for (char const *p = str; *p && !finished; p++)
@@ -414,11 +417,11 @@ template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const
if (*this < x)
return -(x - *this);

int64_t e1 = m_exponent;
int64_t e2 = x.m_exponent;
exponent_t e1 = m_exponent;
exponent_t e2 = x.m_exponent;

int64_t bigoff = (e1 - e2) / bigit_bits();
int64_t off = e1 - e2 - bigoff * bigit_bits();
exponent_t bigoff = (e1 - e2) / bigit_bits();
exponent_t off = e1 - e2 - bigoff * bigit_bits();

/* FIXME: ensure we have the same number of bigits */
if (bigoff > bigit_count())
@@ -429,7 +432,7 @@ template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const
ret.m_exponent = m_exponent;

/* int64_t instead of uint64_t to preserve sign through shifts */
int64_t carry = 0;
exponent_t carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bigoff; ++i)
carry -= x.m_mantissa[bigit_count() - 1 - i];
@@ -438,8 +441,8 @@ template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const
carry |= carry << bigit_bits();
if (bigoff < bigit_count())
carry -= x.m_mantissa[bigit_count() - 1 - bigoff] & (((int64_t)1 << off) - 1);
carry /= (int64_t)1 << off;
carry -= x.m_mantissa[bigit_count() - 1 - bigoff] & (((exponent_t)1 << off) - 1);
carry /= (exponent_t)1 << off;

for (int i = bigit_count(); i--; )
@@ -452,7 +455,7 @@ template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const
else if (i - bigoff == 0)
carry -= (uint64_t)1 << (bigit_bits() - off);

ret.m_mantissa[i] = (uint32_t)carry;
ret.m_mantissa[i] = (bigit_t)carry;
carry >>= bigit_bits();
carry |= carry << bigit_bits();
@@ -473,7 +476,8 @@ template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const

for (uint32_t tmp = ret.m_mantissa[i]; tmp < 0x80000000u; tmp <<= 1)
/* “~tmp > tmp” checks that the MSB is not set */
for (bigit_t tmp = ret.m_mantissa[i]; ~tmp > tmp; tmp <<= 1)
@@ -489,7 +493,7 @@ template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const

for (int i = 0; i < bigit_count(); ++i)
uint32_t tmp = 0;
bigit_t tmp = 0;
if (i + bigoff < bigit_count())
tmp |= ret.m_mantissa[i + bigoff] << off;
if (off && i + bigoff + 1 < bigit_count())
@@ -550,7 +554,7 @@ template<> real real::operator *(real const &x) const
carry += x.m_mantissa[bigit_count() - 1 - i];
if (carry < prev)
ret.m_mantissa[bigit_count() - 1 - i] = carry & 0xffffffffu;
ret.m_mantissa[bigit_count() - 1 - i] = carry & ~(bigit_t)0;
carry >>= bigit_bits();
carry |= hicarry << bigit_bits();
hicarry >>= bigit_bits();
@@ -562,8 +566,8 @@ template<> real real::operator *(real const &x) const
for (int i = 0; i < bigit_count(); ++i)
uint32_t tmp = (uint32_t)ret.m_mantissa[i];
ret.m_mantissa[i] = ((uint32_t)carry << (bigit_bits() - 1))
bigit_t tmp = ret.m_mantissa[i];
ret.m_mantissa[i] = ((bigit_t)carry << (bigit_bits() - 1))
| (tmp >> 1);
carry = tmp & 1u;
@@ -729,7 +733,7 @@ template<> real inverse(real const &x)
if (x.is_zero())
return copysign(real::R_INF(), x);

/* Use the system's float inversion to approximate 1/x */
/* Use the systems float inversion to approximate 1/x */
union { float f; uint32_t x; } u = { 1.0f };
u.x |= x.m_mantissa[0] >> 9;
u.f = 1.0f / u.f;
@@ -739,8 +743,8 @@ template<> real inverse(real const &x)
ret.m_sign = x.m_sign;
ret.m_exponent = -x.m_exponent + (u.x >> 23) - 0x7f;

/* FIXME: 1+log2(BIGIT_COUNT) steps of Newton-Raphson seems to be enough for
* convergence, but this hasn't been checked seriously. */
/* FIXME: 1+log2(bigit_count) steps of Newton-Raphson seems to be enough for
* convergence, but this hasnt been checked seriously. */
for (int i = 1; i <= x.bigit_count(); i *= 2)
ret = ret * (real::R_2() - ret * x);

@@ -759,7 +763,7 @@ template<> real sqrt(real const &x)

int tweak = x.m_exponent & 1;

/* Use the system's float inversion to approximate 1/sqrt(x). First
/* Use the systems float inversion to approximate 1/sqrt(x). First
* we construct a float in the [1..4[ range that has roughly the same
* mantissa as our real. Its exponent is 0 or 1, depending on the
* parity of x’s exponent. The final exponent is 0, -1 or -2. We use
@@ -776,7 +780,7 @@ template<> real sqrt(real const &x)
ret.m_exponent = -(x.m_exponent - tweak) / 2 + (u.x >> 23) - 0x7f;

/* FIXME: 1+log2(bigit_count()) steps of Newton-Raphson seems to be enough for
* convergence, but this hasn't been checked seriously. */
* convergence, but this hasnt been checked seriously. */
for (int i = 1; i <= x.bigit_count(); i *= 2)
ret = ret * (real::R_3() - ret * ret * x);
@@ -796,7 +800,7 @@ template<> real cbrt(real const &x)
if (tweak < 0)
tweak += 3;

/* Use the system's float inversion to approximate cbrt(x). First
/* Use the systems float inversion to approximate cbrt(x). First
* we construct a float in the [1..8[ range that has roughly the same
* mantissa as our real. Its exponent is 0, 1 or 2, depending on the
* value of x. The final exponent is 0 or 1 (special case). We use
@@ -804,7 +808,7 @@ template<> real cbrt(real const &x)
union { float f; uint32_t x; } u = { 1.0f };
u.x += tweak << 23;
u.x |= x.m_mantissa[0] >> 9;
u.f = powf(u.f, 0.33333333333333333f);
u.f = powf(u.f, 1.f / 3);

real ret;
@@ -813,7 +817,7 @@ template<> real cbrt(real const &x)
ret.m_sign = x.m_sign;

/* FIXME: 1+log2(bigit_count()) steps of Newton-Raphson seems to be enough
* for convergence, but this hasn't been checked seriously. */
* for convergence, but this hasnt been checked seriously. */
real third = inverse(real::R_3());
for (int i = 1; i <= x.bigit_count(); i *= 2)
@@ -832,7 +836,7 @@ template<> real pow(real const &x, real const &y)
return real::R_0();

/* Small integer exponent: use exponentiation by squaring */
int int_y = (int)y;
int64_t int_y = (int64_t)y;
if (y == (real)int_y)
real ret = real::R_1();
@@ -904,7 +908,7 @@ static real fast_fact(int x, int step = 1)

template<> real gamma(real const &x)
/* We use Spouge's formula. FIXME: precision is far from acceptable,
/* We use Spouges formula. FIXME: precision is far from acceptable,
* especially with large values. We need to compute this with higher
* precision values in order to attain the desired accuracy. It might
* also be useful to sort the ck values by decreasing absolute value
@@ -1028,7 +1032,7 @@ static real fast_exp_sub(real const &x, real const &y)
/* This fast exp method is tuned to work on the [-1..1] range and
* no effort whatsoever was made to improve convergence outside this
* domain of validity. The argument y is used for cases where we
* don't want the leading 1 in the Taylor series. */
* dont want the leading 1 in the Taylor series. */
real ret = real::R_1() - y, xn = x;
int i = 1;

@@ -1049,9 +1053,9 @@ template<> real exp(real const &x)
/* Strategy for exp(x): the Taylor series does not converge very fast
* with large positive or negative values.
* However, we know that the result is going to be in the form M*2^E,
* where M is the mantissa and E the exponent. We first try to predict
* a value for E, which is approximately log2(exp(x)) = x / log(2).
* However, since the result is going to be in the form M*2^E, we first
* try to predict a value for E, which is approximately:
* E ≈ log2(exp(x)) = x / log(2)
* Let E0 be an integer close to x / log(2). We need to find a value x0
* such that exp(x) = 2^E0 * exp(x0). We get x0 = x - E0 log(2).
@@ -1062,7 +1066,7 @@ template<> real exp(real const &x)
* real x1 = exp(x0)
* return x1 * 2^E0
int e0 = x / real::R_LN2();
real::exponent_t e0 = x / real::R_LN2();
real x0 = x - (real)e0 * real::R_LN2();
real x1 = fast_exp_sub(x0, real::R_0());
x1.m_exponent += e0;
@@ -1072,7 +1076,7 @@ template<> real exp(real const &x)
template<> real exp2(real const &x)
/* Strategy for exp2(x): see strategy in exp(). */
int e0 = x;
real::exponent_t e0 = x;
real x0 = x - (real)e0;
real x1 = fast_exp_sub(x0 * real::R_LN2(), real::R_0());
x1.m_exponent += e0;
@@ -1083,8 +1087,8 @@ template<> real erf(real const &x)
/* Strategy for erf(x):
* - if x<0, erf(x) = -erf(-x)
* - if x<7, erf(x) = sum((-1)^n×x^(2n+1)/((2n+1)×n!))/sqrt(pi/4)
* - if x≥7, erf(x) = 1+exp(-x²)/(x×sqrt(pi))×sum((-1)^n×(2n-1)!!/(2x²)^n
* - if x<7, erf(x) = sum((-1)^n·x^(2n+1)/((2n+1)·n!))/sqrt(π/4)
* - if x≥7, erf(x) = 1+exp(-x²)/(x·sqrt(π))·sum((-1)^n·(2n-1)!!/(2x²)^n
* FIXME: do not compute factorials at each iteration, accumulate
* them instead (see fast_exp_sub).
@@ -1158,7 +1162,7 @@ template<> real cosh(real const &x)
return (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2;

template<> real frexp(real const &x, int64_t *exp)
template<> real frexp(real const &x, real::exponent_t *exp)
if (!x)
@@ -1174,7 +1178,7 @@ template<> real frexp(real const &x, int64_t *exp)
return ret;

template<> real ldexp(real const &x, int64_t exp)
template<> real ldexp(real const &x, real::exponent_t exp)
real ret = x;
if (ret) /* Only do something if non-zero */
@@ -1229,7 +1233,7 @@ template<> real floor(real const &x)
return real::R_0();

real ret = x;
int64_t exponent = x.m_exponent;
real::exponent_t exponent = x.m_exponent;

for (int i = 0; i < x.bigit_count(); ++i)
@@ -1253,10 +1257,9 @@ template<> real ceil(real const &x)
if (x < -real::R_0())
return -floor(-x);
real ret = floor(x);
if (x == ret)
return ret;
return ret + real::R_1();
if (ret < x)
ret += real::R_1();
return ret;

template<> real round(real const &x)
@@ -1647,7 +1650,7 @@ template<> void real::sprintf(char *str, int ndigits) const
static real load_min()
real ret = 1;
return ldexp(ret, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
return ldexp(ret, std::numeric_limits<real::exponent_t>::min());

static real load_max()
@@ -1669,7 +1672,7 @@ static real load_max()

static real load_pi()
/* Approximate Pi using Machin's formula: 16*atan(1/5)-4*atan(1/239) */
/* Approximate π using Machin’s formula: 16*atan(1/5)-4*atan(1/239) */
real ret = 0, x0 = 5, x1 = 239;
real const m0 = -x0 * x0, m1 = -x1 * x1, r16 = 16, r4 = 4;
