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math: add min(), max() and clamp() for half, real and vector types.

Sam Hocevar sam vor 13 Jahren
4 geänderte Dateien mit 132 neuen und 1 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +9
  2. +10
  3. +98
  4. +15

+ 9
- 0
src/lol/math/half.h Datei anzeigen

@@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ public:
uint16_t bits;

static inline half min(half a, half b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
static inline half max(half a, half b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

static inline half clamp(half x, half a, half b)
return (x < a) ? a : (x > b) ? b : x;

#define DECLARE_COERCE_HALF_NUMERIC_OPS(op, type, ret, x2, h2) \
inline ret operator op(type x, half h) { return x2 op h2; } \
inline ret operator op(half h, type x) { return h2 op x2; } \

+ 10
- 0
src/lol/math/real.h Datei anzeigen

@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ public:
bool operator !() const;
operator bool() const;

/* Comparison functions */
template<int M> friend Real<M> min(Real<M> const &a, Real<M> const &b);
template<int M> friend Real<M> max(Real<M> const &a, Real<M> const &b);
template<int M> friend Real<M> clamp(Real<M> const &x,
Real<M> const &a, Real<M> const &b);

/* Trigonometric functions */
template<int M> friend Real<M> sin(Real<M> const &x);
template<int M> friend Real<M> cos(Real<M> const &x);
@@ -227,6 +233,10 @@ template<> bool real::operator >=(real const &x) const;
template<> bool real::operator !() const;
template<> real::operator bool() const;

template<> real min(real const &a, real const &b);
template<> real max(real const &a, real const &b);
template<> real clamp(real const &x, real const &a, real const &b);

template<> real sin(real const &x);
template<> real cos(real const &x);
template<> real tan(real const &x);

+ 98
- 1
src/lol/math/vector.h Datei anzeigen

@@ -976,6 +976,12 @@ static inline Quat<T> operator /(Quat<T> x, Quat<T> const &y)
* Common operators for all vector types, including quaternions

* vec +(vec, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec -(vec, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec *(vec, vec)
* vec /(vec, vec)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_COERCE_OP(tname, op, tprefix, t1, t2, tf) \
tprefix \
inline tname<tf> operator op(tname<t1> const &a, tname<t2> const &b) \
@@ -986,6 +992,12 @@ static inline Quat<T> operator /(Quat<T> x, Quat<T> const &y)
return ret; \

* vec +=(vec, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec -=(vec, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec *=(vec, vec)
* vec /=(vec, vec)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_OP(tname, op, tprefix, type) \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> operator op##=(tname<type> &a, tname<type> const &b) \
@@ -993,6 +1005,77 @@ static inline Quat<T> operator /(Quat<T> x, Quat<T> const &y)
return a = a op b; \

* vec min(vec, vec) (also max)
* vec min(vec, scalar) (also max)
* vec min(scalar, vec) (also max)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_MINMAX_OP(tname, op, tprefix, type) \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> op(tname<type> const &a, tname<type> const &b) \
{ \
using std::op; \
tname<type> ret; \
for (size_t n = 0; n < sizeof(a) / sizeof(type); n++) \
ret[n] = op(a[n], b[n]); \
return ret; \
} \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> op(tname<type> const &a, type const &b) \
{ \
using std::op; \
tname<type> ret; \
for (size_t n = 0; n < sizeof(a) / sizeof(type); n++) \
ret[n] = op(a[n], b); \
return ret; \
} \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> op(type const &a, tname<type> const &b) \
{ \
using std::op; \
tname<type> ret; \
for (size_t n = 0; n < sizeof(b) / sizeof(type); n++) \
ret[n] = op(a, b[n]); \
return ret; \

* vec clamp(vec, vec, vec)
* vec clamp(vec, vec, scalar)
* vec clamp(vec, scalar, vec)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_CLAMP_OP(tname, tprefix, type) \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> clamp(tname<type> const &x, \
tname<type> const &a, tname<type> const &b) \
{ \
return max(min(x, b), a); \
} \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> clamp(tname<type> const &x, \
type const &a, tname<type> const &b) \
{ \
return max(min(x, b), a); \
} \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> clamp(tname<type> const &x, \
tname<type> const &a, type const &b) \
{ \
return max(min(x, b), a); \

* bool ==(vec, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* bool !=(vec, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* bool >=(vec, vec)
* bool <=(vec, vec)
* bool >(vec, vec)
* bool <(vec, vec)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_BOOLOP(tname, op, op2, ret, tprefix, t1, t2) \
tprefix \
inline bool operator op(tname<t1> const &a, tname<t2> const &b) \
@@ -1003,6 +1086,12 @@ static inline Quat<T> operator /(Quat<T> x, Quat<T> const &y)
return ret; \

* vec *(vec, scalar) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec *(scalar, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec /(vec, scalar) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec /(scalar, vec) (also complex & quaternion)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_SCALAR_COERCE_OP(tname, op, tprefix, t1, t2, tf) \
tprefix \
inline tname<tf> operator op(tname<t1> const &a, t2 const &val) \
@@ -1022,6 +1111,10 @@ static inline Quat<T> operator /(Quat<T> x, Quat<T> const &y)
return ret; \

* vec *=(vec, scalar) (also complex & quaternion)
* vec /=(vec, scalar) (also complex & quaternion)
#define DECLARE_VECTOR_SCALAR_OP(tname, op, tprefix, type) \
tprefix \
inline tname<type> operator op##=(tname<type> &a, type const &val) \
@@ -1097,7 +1190,11 @@ static inline Quat<T> operator /(Quat<T> x, Quat<T> const &y)
DECLARE_VECTOR_SCALAR_OP(tname, /, tprefix, type) \
DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_OP(tname, -, tprefix, type) \
DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_OP(tname, +, tprefix, type)
DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_OP(tname, +, tprefix, type) \
DECLARE_VECTOR_MINMAX_OP(tname, min, tprefix, type) \
DECLARE_VECTOR_MINMAX_OP(tname, max, tprefix, type) \
DECLARE_VECTOR_CLAMP_OP(tname, tprefix, type)

#define DECLARE_VECTOR_COERCE_OPS(tname, tprefix, t1, t2, tf) \
DECLARE_VECTOR_VECTOR_COERCE_OP(tname, *, tprefix, t1, t2, tf) \

+ 15
- 0
src/math/real.cpp Datei anzeigen

@@ -558,6 +558,21 @@ template<> real::operator bool() const
return exponent && (~exponent || m_mantissa[0] == 0);

template<> real min(real const &a, real const &b)
return (a < b) ? a : b;

template<> real max(real const &a, real const &b)
return (a > b) ? a : b;

template<> real clamp(real const &x, real const &a, real const &b)
return (x < a) ? a : (x > b) ? b : x;

template<> real re(real const &x)
if (!(x.m_signexp << 1))
