Kaynağa Gözat

Several name tweaks here and there.

Benjamin ‘Touky’ Huet Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> 11 yıl önce
6 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 82 ekleme ve 363 silme
  1. +8
  2. +0
  3. +1
  4. +35
  5. +37
  6. +1

+ 8
- 207
src/easymesh/csgbsp.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -23,205 +23,6 @@
namespace lol

//-- Face stuff
void PrimitiveFace::AddPolygon(vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2)
vec3 vp[3] = { v0, v1, v2 };
int vi[3];

//Add vertices, if needed
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
vi[i] = FindVert(vp[i]);
if (vi[i] == -1)
vi[i] = AddVert(vp[i]);

//Add edges, if needed
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; !found && i < m_edges.Count(); ++i)
if ((vi[j] == m_edges[i].m1 && vi[(j + 1) % 3] == m_edges[i].m2) ||
(vi[j] == m_edges[i].m2 && vi[(j + 1) % 3] == m_edges[i].m1))
found = true;
m_edges[i].m3 = PrimitiveEdge::OriginalFull;
if (!found)
m_edges.Push(vi[j], vi[(j + 1) % 3], PrimitiveEdge::OriginalHalf);

void PrimitiveFace::CleanEdges()
Array<int> vert_num;

//Check the vertices useage first
for (int i = 0; i < m_edges.Count(); ++i)
//Remove the full edges
for (int i = 0; i < m_edges.Count(); ++i)
if (m_edges[i].m3 == PrimitiveEdge::OriginalFull)
vert_num[EI0(i)] -= 1;
vert_num[EI1(i)] -= 1;

//Reorder edges
for (int i = 0; i < m_edges.Count() - 1; ++i)
int starter_i;
//Find the starters
for (int j = i + 1; j < m_edges.Count(); ++j)
if (EI1(i) == EI1(j))
Swap(m_edges[j].m1, m_edges[j].m2);
if (EI1(i) == EI0(j))
if (i + 1 != j)
m_edges.Swap(i + 1, j);
starter_i = i;

//Change order to be ok with normal
if (dot(cross(EV0(i) - EV1(i), EV1(i + 1) - EV0(i + 1)), m_normal) < 0.f)
m_edges.Swap(i, i + 1);
Swap(m_edges[i].m1, m_edges[i].m2);
Swap(m_edges[i + 1].m1, m_edges[i + 1].m2);

//Go on with the sorting
if (++i < m_edges.Count() - 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < m_edges.Count(); ++j)
if (EI1(i) == EI1(j))
Swap(m_edges[j].m1, m_edges[j].m2);
if (EI1(i) == EI0(j))
if (i + 1 != j)
m_edges.Swap(i + 1, j);
//We encountered a loop, push i toward the next potential edge
if (EI1(i + 1) == EI0(starter_i))
i += 2;
//Or, we're at the end
else if (++i >= m_edges.Count() - 1)

//Remove same direction edges
int starter_i = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_edges.Count() - 1; ++i)
int ia = i;
int ib = i + 1;
if (EI1(ia) == EI0(starter_i))
ib = starter_i;

if (EI1(ia) == EI0(ib) &&
dot(normalize(EV1(ia) - EV0(ia)), normalize(EV1(ib) - EV0(ib))) == 1.f)
vert_num[EI1(ia)] -= 2;
m_edges[ib].m1 = m_edges[ia].m1;
if (EI1(ia) == EI0(starter_i))
i += 2;
starter_i = i;

//Build the new indices
int rem = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vert_num.Count(); ++i)
if (vert_num[i] != 2)
vert_num[i] = -1;
vert_num[i] = i - rem;

//Apply the new indices
for (int i = 0; rem > 0 && i < m_edges.Count(); ++i)
m_edges[i].m1 = vert_num[EI0(i)];
m_edges[i].m2 = vert_num[EI1(i)];

//Remove the surnumeral vertices
for (int i = m_vertices.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (vert_num[i] == -1)

//Edge functions
int PrimitiveFace::FindVert(vec3 vertex)
for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.Count(); ++i)
if (length(m_vertices[i] - vertex) < .00001f)
return i;
return -1;

int PrimitiveFace::AddVert(vec3 vertex)
return m_vertices.Count() - 1;

void PrimitiveMesh::AddPolygon(vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2, vec3 normal)
for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Count(); ++i)
vec3 proj_point = ProjectPointOnPlane(v0, m_faces[i].GetCenter(), m_faces[i].GetNormal());
//Found the same face
if (dot(normal, m_faces[i].GetNormal()) == 1.f && length(proj_point - v0) == .0f)
m_faces[i].AddPolygon(v0, v1, v2);
//Didn't find a thing, so add .....
m_faces.Resize(m_faces.Count() + 1);
m_faces.Last().AddPolygon(v0, v1, v2);

void PrimitiveMesh::CleanFaces()
for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Count(); ++i)

int CsgBsp::AddLeaf(int leaf_type, vec3 origin, vec3 normal, int above_idx)
@@ -250,14 +51,14 @@ int CsgBsp::TestPoint(int leaf_idx, vec3 point)
vec3 p2o = point - m_tree[leaf_idx].m_origin;

if (length(p2o) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (length(p2o) < TestEpsilon::Get())

float p2o_dot = dot(normalize(p2o), m_tree[leaf_idx].m_normal);

if (p2o_dot > CSG_EPSILON)
if (p2o_dot > TestEpsilon::Get())
return LEAF_FRONT;
else if (p2o_dot < -CSG_EPSILON)
else if (p2o_dot < -TestEpsilon::Get())
return LEAF_BACK;
@@ -313,7 +114,7 @@ void CsgBsp::AddTriangleToTree(int const &tri_idx, vec3 const &tri_p0, vec3 cons
vec3 ray = v[(i + 1) % 3] - v[i];

if (RayIsectPlane(v[i], v[(i + 1) % 3],
if (TestRayVsPlane(v[i], v[(i + 1) % 3],
m_tree[leaf_idx].m_origin, m_tree[leaf_idx].m_normal,
isec_i[isec_idx++] = i;
@@ -356,7 +157,7 @@ void CsgBsp::AddTriangleToTree(int const &tri_idx, vec3 const &tri_p0, vec3 cons
bool skip_tri = false;
for(int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
if (length(new_v[k + l] - new_v[k + (l + 1) % 3]) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (length(new_v[k + l] - new_v[k + (l + 1) % 3]) < TestEpsilon::Get())
skip_tri = true;
@@ -521,7 +322,7 @@ int CsgBsp::TestTriangleToTree(vec3 const &tri_p0, vec3 const &tri_p1, vec3 cons
//Get intersection on actual triangle sides.
if (RayIsectTriangleSide(v[0], v[1], v[2],
if (TestRayVsTriangleSide(v[0], v[1], v[2],
isec_v[0], isec_v[1],
isec_v[0], isec_i[0], isec_v[1], isec_i[1]))
@@ -536,7 +337,7 @@ int CsgBsp::TestTriangleToTree(vec3 const &tri_p0, vec3 const &tri_p1, vec3 cons
int l = 0;
for(; l < 3; l++)
if (length(v[l] - isec_v[k]) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (length(v[l] - isec_v[k]) < TestEpsilon::Get())
skip_point = true;
new_v_idx[k] = t[l];
@@ -604,7 +405,7 @@ int CsgBsp::TestTriangleToTree(vec3 const &tri_p0, vec3 const &tri_p1, vec3 cons
bool skip_tri = false;
for(int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
if (length(vert_list[new_t[k + l]].m1 - vert_list[new_t[k + (l + 1) % 3]].m1) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (length(vert_list[new_t[k + l]].m1 - vert_list[new_t[k + (l + 1) % 3]].m1) < TestEpsilon::Get())
skip_tri = true;

+ 0
- 55
src/easymesh/csgbsp.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -25,61 +25,6 @@ namespace lol
#define LEAF_BACK 0
#define LEAF_CURRENT -1

/* A safe enum for Primitive edge face. */
struct PrimitiveEdge
enum Value
OriginalHalf = 0,


inline PrimitiveEdge() : m_value(OriginalHalf) {}
inline PrimitiveEdge(Value v) : m_value(v) {}
inline PrimitiveEdge(int v) : m_value((Value)v) {}
inline operator Value() { return m_value; }

//-- Primitive stuff
class PrimitiveFace
void SetNormal(vec3 normal) { m_normal = normal; }
vec3 GetNormal() { return m_normal; }
void SetCenter(vec3 center) { m_center = center; }
vec3 GetCenter() { return m_center; }
void AddPolygon(vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2);
void CleanEdges();

vec3 EV0(int edge) { return m_vertices[m_edges[edge].m1]; }
vec3 EV1(int edge) { return m_vertices[m_edges[edge].m2]; }
int EI0(int edge) { return m_edges[edge].m1; }
int EI1(int edge) { return m_edges[edge].m2; }
int FindVert(vec3 vertex);
int AddVert(vec3 vertex);

vec3 m_normal; //Face Normal
vec3 m_center; //Face Center
Array<int, int, PrimitiveEdge> m_edges; //Edges: <V0, V1, Full edge>
Array<vec3> m_vertices; //Vectex list

//-- Primitive
class PrimitiveMesh
void AddPolygon(vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2, vec3 normal);
void CleanFaces();

Array<PrimitiveFace> m_faces;

//Naïve bsp for the poor people
class CsgBspLeaf

+ 1
- 1
src/easymesh/easymeshbuild.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void VertexDictionnary::AddVertex(const int vert_id, const vec3 vert_coord)
if (cur_id == vert_id)

if (sqlength(cur_loc - vert_coord) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (sqlength(cur_loc - vert_coord) < TestEpsilon::Get())
if (cur_type == VDictType::Alone)
cur_type = VDictType::Master;

+ 35
- 8
src/lol/math/geometry.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@

#include <stdint.h>

#define CSG_EPSILON 0.0001

namespace lol

@@ -152,6 +150,15 @@ template <typename T> struct Box3
* Helper geometry functions
class TestEpsilon
static float g_test_epsilon;
static inline float Get();
static inline void Set(float epsilon=.0001f);

static inline bool TestAABBVsAABB(box2 const &b1, box2 const &b2)
vec2 dist = 0.5f * (b1.A - b2.A + b1.B - b2.B);
@@ -184,21 +191,41 @@ static inline bool TestAABBVsPoint(box3 const &b1, vec3 const &p)
bool TestTriangleVsTriangle(vec3 const &v00, vec3 const &v01, vec3 const &v02,
vec3 const &v10, vec3 const &v11, vec3 const &v12,
vec3 &ip00, vec3 &ip10);
bool RayIsectTriangleSide(vec3 const &v0, vec3 const &v1, vec3 const &v2,
vec3 const &iP0, vec3 const &iP1,
bool TestRayVsTriangleSide(vec3 const &v0, vec3 const &v1, vec3 const &v2,
vec3 const &ip0, vec3 const &ip1,
vec3 &iV0, int &iIdx0, vec3 &iV1, int &iIdx1);
bool TestRayVsTriangle(vec3 const &ray_point, vec3 const &ray_dir,
vec3 const &tri_p0, vec3 const &tri_p1, vec3 const &tri_p2,
vec3 &vi);

struct RayIntersect
enum Value
Nothing = 0,


inline RayIntersect() : m_value(Nothing) {}
inline RayIntersect(Value v) : m_value(v) {}
inline RayIntersect(int v) : m_value((Value)v) {}
inline operator Value() { return m_value; }
#define RAY_ISECT_ALL 1
#define RAY_ISECT_NONE 2
#define RAY_ISECT_P0 3
#define RAY_ISECT_P1 4
int RayIsectRay(vec3 const &rayP00, vec3 const &rayP01,
vec3 const &rayP10, vec3 const &rayP11,
vec3 &isec_point);
bool RayIsectPlane(vec3 const &rayP0, vec3 const &rayP1,
int TestRayVsRay(vec3 const &ray_p00, vec3 const &ray_p01,
vec3 const &ray_p10, vec3 const &ray_p11,
vec3 &isec_point);
bool TestRayVsPlane(vec3 const &ray_p0, vec3 const &ray_p1,
vec3 const &plane_point, vec3 const &plane_normal,
vec3 &isec_point, bool test_line_only = false);
bool TestPointVsFrustum(const vec3& point, const mat4& frustum, vec3* result_point=nullptr);

+ 37
- 32
src/math/geometry.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ using namespace std;

namespace lol
//Test epsilon stuff
float TestEpsilon::g_test_epsilon = .0001f;
float TestEpsilon::Get() { return g_test_epsilon; }
void TestEpsilon::Set(float epsilon) { g_test_epsilon = epsilon; }

//Projects Point on Plane : Normal must be given normalized. returns point on plane.
vec3 ProjectPointOnPlane(vec3 const &proj_point, vec3 const &plane_point, vec3 const &plane_normal)
@@ -59,7 +64,7 @@ namespace lol
a = dot(v01, h);

//rayDir is coplanar to the triangle, exit.
if (a > -CSG_EPSILON && a < CSG_EPSILON)
if (a > -TestEpsilon::Get() && a < TestEpsilon::Get())
return false;

f = 1 / a;
@@ -67,21 +72,21 @@ namespace lol
triU = f * (dot(v0P, h));

//point is supposed to have an U on the segment v01
if (triU < -CSG_EPSILON || triU > 1.0)
if (triU < -TestEpsilon::Get() || triU > 1.0)
return false;

q = cross(v0P, v01);
triV = f * dot(ray_dir, q);

//point is not in the triangle
if (triV < -CSG_EPSILON || triU + triV > 1.0)
if (triV < -TestEpsilon::Get() || triU + triV > 1.0)
return false;

// at this stage we can compute t to find out where
// the intersection point is on the line
float t = f * dot(v02, q);

if (t > CSG_EPSILON) // ray intersection
if (t > TestEpsilon::Get()) // ray intersection
isec_point = tri_p0 + v01 * triU + v02 * triV;
return true;
@@ -115,9 +120,9 @@ namespace lol
int zero_dist[2] = { 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (PointDistToPlane(triV[i], triV[3], plane_norm[1]) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (PointDistToPlane(triV[i], triV[3], plane_norm[1]) < TestEpsilon::Get())
if (PointDistToPlane(triV[i + 3], triV[0], plane_norm[0]) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (PointDistToPlane(triV[i + 3], triV[0], plane_norm[0]) < TestEpsilon::Get())

@@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ namespace lol
#if 1 //if the point is near one the given entry, consider it as being the same point.
for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
if (length(isec[isecIdx] - triV[k]) < CSG_EPSILON)
if (length(isec[isecIdx] - triV[k]) < TestEpsilon::Get())
isec[isecIdx] = triV[k];
@@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ namespace lol
//If we have already found an intersection, pass if it's on this triangle.
/*found_isec == i ||*/
//if it's the second intersection, we need it to be different from the first one.
(isecIdx == 1 && length(isec[0] - isec[1]) > CSG_EPSILON))
(isecIdx == 1 && length(isec[0] - isec[1]) > TestEpsilon::Get()))
found_isec = i;
@@ -172,42 +177,42 @@ namespace lol

//Ray/Line : returns one of the RAY_ISECT_* defines.
int RayIsectRay(vec3 const &rayP00, vec3 const &rayP01,
vec3 const &rayP10, vec3 const &rayP11,
int TestRayVsRay(vec3 const &ray_p00, vec3 const &ray_p01,
vec3 const &ray_p10, vec3 const &ray_p11,
vec3 &isec_point)
vec3 rayD0 = rayP01 - rayP00;
vec3 rayD0 = ray_p01 - ray_p00;
float rayS0 = length(rayD0);
vec3 rayD0N = normalize(rayD0);

vec3 rayD1 = rayP11 - rayP10;
vec3 rayD1 = ray_p11 - ray_p10;
float rayS1 = length(rayD1);
vec3 rayD1N = normalize(rayD1);

vec3 rayP0P1 = rayP10 - rayP00;
vec3 rayP0P1 = ray_p10 - ray_p00;
vec3 c01 = cross(rayD0N, rayD1N);
float crs01S = length(c01);

if (crs01S > -CSG_EPSILON && crs01S < CSG_EPSILON)
if (crs01S > -TestEpsilon::Get() && crs01S < TestEpsilon::Get())
return 0;

mat3 m0 = mat3(rayP0P1, rayD1N, c01);
float t0 = determinant(m0) / (crs01S * crs01S);
vec3 isec0 = rayP00 + rayD0N * t0;
vec3 isec0 = ray_p00 + rayD0N * t0;

mat3 m1 = mat3(rayP0P1, rayD0N, c01);
float t1 = determinant(m1) / (crs01S * crs01S);
vec3 isec1 = rayP10 + rayD1N * t1;
vec3 isec1 = ray_p10 + rayD1N * t1;

if (sqlength(isec0 - isec1) < CSG_EPSILON) //ray intersection
if (sqlength(isec0 - isec1) < TestEpsilon::Get()) //ray intersection
isec_point = (isec0 + isec0) * .5f;
float d0 = (length(rayP01 - isec_point) < CSG_EPSILON || length(rayP00 - isec_point) < CSG_EPSILON)?
float d0 = (length(ray_p01 - isec_point) < TestEpsilon::Get() || length(ray_p00 - isec_point) < TestEpsilon::Get())?
(dot(rayP00 - isec_point, rayP01 - isec_point));
float d1 = (length(rayP10 - isec_point) < CSG_EPSILON || length(rayP11 - isec_point) < CSG_EPSILON)?
(dot(ray_p00 - isec_point, ray_p01 - isec_point));
float d1 = (length(ray_p10 - isec_point) < TestEpsilon::Get() || length(ray_p11 - isec_point) < TestEpsilon::Get())?
(dot(rayP10 - isec_point, rayP11 - isec_point));
(dot(ray_p10 - isec_point, ray_p11 - isec_point));

//if the dot is negative, your point is in each ray, so say OK.
if (d0 < .0f && d1 < .0f)
@@ -224,18 +229,18 @@ namespace lol

//Ray/Plane : Normal must be given normalized. returns 1 if succeeded.
bool RayIsectPlane(vec3 const &rayP0, vec3 const &rayP1,
bool TestRayVsPlane(vec3 const &ray_p0, vec3 const &ray_p1,
vec3 const &plane_point, vec3 const &plane_normal,
vec3 &isec_point, bool test_line_only)
vec3 ray_dir = rayP1 - rayP0;
vec3 ray_dir = ray_p1 - ray_p0;
float d = dot(ray_dir, plane_normal);

if (d > -CSG_EPSILON && d < CSG_EPSILON)
if (d > -TestEpsilon::Get() && d < TestEpsilon::Get())
return false;

vec3 o2p1 = rayP1 - plane_point;
vec3 o2p0 = rayP0 - plane_point;
vec3 o2p1 = ray_p1 - plane_point;
vec3 o2p0 = ray_p0 - plane_point;

if (!test_line_only)
@@ -247,18 +252,18 @@ namespace lol
return false;

float t = (dot(ProjectPointOnPlane(rayP0, plane_point, plane_normal) - rayP0, plane_normal)) / dot(ray_dir, plane_normal);
float t = (dot(ProjectPointOnPlane(ray_p0, plane_point, plane_normal) - ray_p0, plane_normal)) / dot(ray_dir, plane_normal);

if (!test_line_only && (t < -CSG_EPSILON || t > 1.0f))
if (!test_line_only && (t < -TestEpsilon::Get() || t > 1.0f))
return false;

isec_point = rayP0 + t * ray_dir;
isec_point = ray_p0 + t * ray_dir;
return true;

//used to find the intersecting points between a triangle side and a coplanar line.
bool RayIsectTriangleSide(vec3 const &v0, vec3 const &v1, vec3 const &v2,
vec3 const &iP0, vec3 const &iP1,
bool TestRayVsTriangleSide(vec3 const &v0, vec3 const &v1, vec3 const &v2,
vec3 const &ip0, vec3 const &ip1,
vec3 &iV0, int &iIdx0, vec3 &iV1, int &iIdx1)
vec3 isecV[2] = { vec3(.0f), vec3(.0f) };
@@ -272,7 +277,7 @@ namespace lol
isecIdx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3 && isecIdx < 2; j++)
int Result = RayIsectRay(triV[j], triV[(j + 1) % 3], iP0, iP1, isec_point);
int Result = TestRayVsRay(triV[j], triV[(j + 1) % 3], ip0, ip1, isec_point);
if (Result == RAY_ISECT_P0 || Result == RAY_ISECT_ALL)
isecV[isecIdx] = isec_point;

+ 1
- 60
test/meshviewer.cpp Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -782,66 +782,7 @@ public:

#define NORMAL_USAGE 1
#if 0
PrimitiveFace NewFace;
int imax = 4, jmax = 4;
int sz = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < jmax; ++j)
NewFace.AddPolygon(vec3(ivec3(i, j, 0) * sz),
vec3(ivec3(i, j, 0) * sz + ivec3(sz, 0, 0)),
vec3(ivec3(i, j, 0) * sz + ivec3(sz, sz, 0)));
NewFace.AddPolygon(vec3(ivec3(i, j, 0) * sz),
vec3(ivec3(i, j, 0) * sz + ivec3(sz, sz, 0)),
vec3(ivec3(i, j, 0) * sz + ivec3( 0, sz, 0)));
for (int i = 0; i < NewFace.m_edges.Count(); ++i)
Debug::DrawLine(NewFace.EV0(i) + vec3(.0f, .0f, 2.f), NewFace.EV1(i) + vec3(.0f, .0f, 2.f),
NewFace.m_edges[i].m3 ? vec4(.0f, .7f, .0f, 1.f) : vec4(.7f, .0f, .0f, 1.f));
Debug::DrawBox(NewFace.EV0(i) + vec3(.0f, .0f, 2.f) + vec3(-.1f),
NewFace.EV0(i) + vec3(.0f, .0f, 2.f) + vec3(+.1f),
NewFace.m_edges[i].m3 ? vec4(.0f, .7f, .0f, 1.f) : vec4(.7f, .0f, .0f, 1.f));
for (int i = 0; i < NewFace.m_edges.Count(); ++i)
Debug::DrawLine(NewFace.EV0(i), NewFace.EV1(i), vec4(vec3::zero, 1.f));
Debug::DrawBox(NewFace.EV0(i) + vec3(-.1f),
NewFace.EV0(i) + vec3(+.1f),
vec4(vec3::zero, 1.f));
//Try with mesh
PrimitiveMesh NewMesh;
for (int i = m_meshes.Count() - 1; 0 <= i && i < m_meshes.Count(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices.Count(); j += 3)
VertexData v[3] = { m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert[m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices[j ]],
m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert[m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices[j+2]] };
NewMesh.AddPolygon(v[0].m_coord, v[1].m_coord, v[2].m_coord, v[0].m_normal);
for (int j = 0; j < NewMesh.m_faces.Count(); ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < NewMesh.m_faces[j].m_edges.Count(); ++i)
vec3 v0 = NewMesh.m_faces[j].EV0(i) + NewMesh.m_faces[j].GetNormal() * .4f;
vec3 v1 = NewMesh.m_faces[j].EV1(i) + NewMesh.m_faces[j].GetNormal() * .4f;
Debug::DrawLine(v0, v1, vec4(vec3::zero, 1.f));
Debug::DrawBox(v0 + vec3(-.1f), v0 + vec3(+.1f), vec4(vec3::zero, 1.f));

vec3 x = vec3(1.f,0.f,0.f);
vec3 y = vec3(0.f,1.f,0.f);
mat4 save_proj = m_camera->GetProjection();
