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drafting polynomial 3rd order solving. To be continued…

Guillaume Bittoun Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> 9 роки тому
2 змінених файлів з 91 додано та 0 видалено
  1. +79
  2. +12

+ 79
- 0
src/lol/math/polynomial.h Переглянути файл

@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@

#include <functional>

#if 1
#include <complex>

namespace lol

@@ -109,8 +114,13 @@ struct polynomial
array<T> roots() const
/* For now we can only solve polynomials of degrees 0, 1 or 2. */
ASSERT(degree() >= 0 && degree() <= 3,
"roots() called on polynomial of degree %d", degree());
ASSERT(degree() >= 0 && degree() <= 2,
"roots() called on polynomial of degree %d", degree());

if (degree() == 0)
@@ -148,6 +158,75 @@ struct polynomial
return array<T> { -k };
#ifdef ENABLE_3SOLVE // Development in progress
else if (degree() == 3)
/* p(x) = ax³ + bx² + cx + d */
T const &a = m_coefficients[3];
T const &b = m_coefficients[2];
T const &c = m_coefficients[1];
T const &d = m_coefficients[0];

/* Using x = (X - k) so that p2(X) = p(X - k) = aX³ + 0×X² + mX + n */
T const k = b / (3 * a);
T const m = 3 * a * k * k - 2 * b * k + c;
T const n = -a * k * k * k + b * k * k + c * k + d;

std::cout << "k,m,n: " << k << ", " << m << ", " << n << std::endl;

/* Assuming X = u + v and 3uv = -m, then
* p2(u + v) = a(u + v) + n
* We then need to solve the following system:
* u³v³ = -m³/27
* u³ + v³ = -n/a
* which gives :
* u³ - v³ = √((n/a)² + 4m³/27)
* u³ + v³ = -n/a
* u³ = -n/2a + √((n/a)² + 4m³/27)/2
* v³ = -n/2a - √((n/a)² + 4m³/27)/2
T const delta = (m * m) / (a * a) + 4 * m * m * m / 27;

std::complex<T> u3, v3;

if (delta < 0)
u3 = std::complex<T>(-n/(2.0f*a), sqrt(abs(delta)));
v3 = std::complex<T>(-n/(2.0f*a), -sqrt(abs(delta)));
u3 = std::complex<T>(-n/(2.0f*a) + sqrt(delta), 0);
v3 = std::complex<T>(-n/(2.0f*a) - sqrt(delta), 0);

std::cout << "delta,u3,v3: " << delta << ", " << u3 << "," << v3 << std::endl;

T const u3_angle = atan2(u3.imag(), u3.real());
T const v3_angle = atan2(v3.imag(), v3.real());

std::cout << "u3_angle,v3_angle: " << u3_angle << "," << v3_angle << std::endl;

std::complex<T> complex_solutions[3];

for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
T u_angle = u3_angle / 3 + i * 2 * M_PI / 3;
T v_angle = v3_angle / 3 - i * 2 * M_PI / 3;

std::cout << i << " => u_angle,v_angle: " << u_angle << "," << v_angle << std::endl;

complex_solutions[i] =
pow(abs(u3), 1.0f/3.0f) * std::complex<T>(cos(u_angle), sin(u_angle)) +
pow(abs(v3), 1.0f/3.0f) * std::complex<T>(cos(v_angle), sin(v_angle));

return array<T> {complex_solutions[0].real(), complex_solutions[1].real(), complex_solutions[2].real()};

/* It is an error to reach this point. */

+ 12
- 0
src/t/math/polynomial.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -272,6 +272,18 @@ lolunit_declare_fixture(PolynomialTest)
lolunit_assert_equal(roots2[1], 7.f);

#ifdef ENABLE_3SOLVE // Development in progress
polynomial<float> p { 2.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f };
auto roots1 = p.roots();

lolunit_assert_equal(roots1.count(), 3);

std::cout << roots1[0] << ", " << roots1[1] << ", " << roots1[2] << std::endl;

polynomial<float> t0 = polynomial<float>::chebyshev(0);
