Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Make the “real” functions more generic. Not specialising them speeds up compilation.

Sam Hocevar pirms 5 gadiem
2 mainītis faili ar 497 papildinājumiem un 575 dzēšanām
  1. +327
  2. +170

+ 327
- 299
Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
Parādīt failu

+ 170
- 276
include/lol/math/real.h Parādīt failu

@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
#pragma once

// The Real class
// ——————————————
// The real number class
// —————————————————————

#include <lol/base/features.h>
@@ -24,40 +24,40 @@
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>

#if _MSC_VER
# pragma push_macro("min")
# pragma push_macro("max")
# undef min
# undef max

namespace lol

/* This is OUR namespace. Don't let Windows headers mess with it. */
#undef min
#undef max

template<typename T> class Real;
typedef Real<uint32_t> real;

* The base class for reals. The only real reason for making this a template
* class is so we can have implicit constructors ("real x = 1" works) but
* avoid accidental implicit conversions ("int x = 1; sqrt(x)" will never
* call real::sqrt).
// The base class for reals. The only real reason for making this a template
// class is so we can have implicit constructors ("real x = 1" works) but
// avoid accidental implicit conversions ("int x = 1; sqrt(x)" will never
// call real::sqrt).
template<typename T>
class lol_attr_nodiscard Real
class lol_attr_nodiscard real_t
typedef T bigit_t;
typedef int64_t exponent_t;

Real() = default;
real_t() = default;

Real(float f);
Real(double f);
Real(long double f);
Real(int32_t i);
Real(uint32_t i);
Real(int64_t i);
Real(uint64_t i);
real_t(float f);
real_t(double f);
real_t(long double f);
real_t(int32_t i);
real_t(uint32_t i);
real_t(int64_t i);
real_t(uint64_t i);

Real(char const *str);
real_t(char const *str);

static int global_bigit_count(int n = 0)
@@ -70,107 +70,121 @@ public:
lol_attr_nodiscard bool is_nan() const { return m_nan; }
lol_attr_nodiscard bool is_inf() const { return m_inf; }

lol_attr_nodiscard operator float() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator double() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator long double() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator int32_t() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator uint32_t() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator int64_t() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator uint64_t() const;

Real<T> operator +() const;
Real<T> operator -() const;
Real<T> operator +(Real<T> const &x) const;
Real<T> operator -(Real<T> const &x) const;
Real<T> operator *(Real<T> const &x) const;
Real<T> operator /(Real<T> const &x) const;
Real<T> const &operator +=(Real<T> const &x);
Real<T> const &operator -=(Real<T> const &x);
Real<T> const &operator *=(Real<T> const &x);
Real<T> const &operator /=(Real<T> const &x);

lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator ==(Real<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator !=(Real<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator <(Real<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator >(Real<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator <=(Real<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator >=(Real<T> const &x) const;
// Mark all these operators explicit to avoid surprises
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator float() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator double() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator long double() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator int32_t() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator uint32_t() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator int64_t() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator uint64_t() const;

real_t<T> operator +() const;
real_t<T> operator -() const;
real_t<T> operator +(real_t<T> const &x) const;
real_t<T> operator -(real_t<T> const &x) const;
real_t<T> operator *(real_t<T> const &x) const;
real_t<T> operator /(real_t<T> const &x) const;
real_t<T> const &operator +=(real_t<T> const &x);
real_t<T> const &operator -=(real_t<T> const &x);
real_t<T> const &operator *=(real_t<T> const &x);
real_t<T> const &operator /=(real_t<T> const &x);

lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator ==(real_t<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator !=(real_t<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator <(real_t<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator >(real_t<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator <=(real_t<T> const &x) const;
lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator >=(real_t<T> const &x) const;

lol_attr_nodiscard bool operator !() const;
lol_attr_nodiscard operator bool() const;

/* Comparison functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> min(Real<U> const &a, Real<U> const &b);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> max(Real<U> const &a, Real<U> const &b);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> clamp(Real<U> const &x,
Real<U> const &a, Real<U> const &b);

/* Trigonometric functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> sin(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> cos(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> tan(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> asin(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> acos(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> atan(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> atan2(Real<U> const &y, Real<U> const &x);

/* Hyperbolic functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> sinh(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> cosh(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> tanh(Real<U> const &x);

/* Exponential and logarithmic functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> exp(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> exp2(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> erf(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> log(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> log2(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> log10(Real<U> const &x);

/* Floating-point functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> frexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t *exp);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> ldexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t exp);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> modf(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> *iptr);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> nextafter(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);

/* Power functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> inverse(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> sqrt(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> cbrt(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> pow(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> gamma(Real<U> const &x);

/* Rounding, absolute value, remainder etc. */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> ceil(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> copysign(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> floor(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> fabs(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> round(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> fmod(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);

/* Functions inherited from GLSL */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> abs(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> fract(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> degrees(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> radians(Real<U> const &x);

/* Additional functions */
template<typename U> friend Real<U> franke(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> friend Real<U> peaks(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
lol_attr_nodiscard explicit operator bool() const;

// Comparison functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> min(real_t<U> const &a,
real_t<U> const &b);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> max(real_t<U> const &a,
real_t<U> const &b);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> clamp(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &a,
real_t<U> const &b);

// Trigonometric functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> sin(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> cos(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> tan(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> asin(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> acos(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> atan(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> atan2(real_t<U> const &y,
real_t<U> const &x);

// Hyperbolic functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> sinh(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> cosh(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> tanh(real_t<U> const &x);

// Exponential and logarithmic functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> exp(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> exp2(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> erf(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> log(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> log2(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> log10(real_t<U> const &x);

// Floating-point functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> frexp(real_t<U> const &x,
typename real_t<U>::exponent_t *exp);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> ldexp(real_t<U> const &x,
typename real_t<U>::exponent_t exp);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> modf(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> *iptr);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> nextafter(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &y);

// Power functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> inverse(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> sqrt(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> cbrt(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> pow(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &y);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> gamma(real_t<U> const &x);

// Rounding, absolute value, remainder etc.
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> ceil(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> copysign(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &y);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> floor(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> fabs(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> round(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> fmod(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &y);

// Functions inherited from GLSL
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> abs(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> fract(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> degrees(real_t<U> const &x);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> radians(real_t<U> const &x);

// Additional functions
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> franke(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &y);
template<typename U> friend real_t<U> peaks(real_t<U> const &x,
real_t<U> const &y);

std::string str(int ndigits = 150) const;
std::string xstr() const;

/* Additional operators using base C++ types */
// Additional operators using base C++ types
#define __LOL_REAL_OP_HELPER_GENERIC(op, type) \
inline Real<T> operator op(type x) const { return *this op (Real<T>)x; } \
inline Real<T> const &operator op##=(type x) { return *this = (*this op x); }
inline real_t<T> operator op(type x) const { return *this op (real_t<T>)x; } \
inline real_t<T> const &operator op##=(type x) { return *this = (*this op x); }
#define __LOL_REAL_OP_HELPER_FASTMULDIV(op, type) \
inline Real<T> operator op(type x) const \
inline real_t<T> operator op(type x) const \
{ \
Real<T> tmp = *this; return tmp op##= x; \
real_t<T> tmp = *this; return tmp op##= x; \
} \
inline Real<T> const &operator op##=(type x) \
inline real_t<T> const &operator op##=(type x) \
{ \
/* If multiplying or dividing by a power of two, take a shortcut */ \
if (!is_zero() && x && !(x & (x - 1))) \
@@ -179,7 +193,7 @@ public:
m_exponent += 1 op 2 - 1; /* 1 if op is *, -1 if op is / */ \
} \
else \
*this = *this op (Real<T>)x; \
*this = *this op (real_t<T>)x; \
return *this; \
#define __LOL_REAL_OP_HELPER_INT(type) \
@@ -201,36 +215,36 @@ public:

/* Constants */
static Real<T> const R_0();
static Real<T> const& R_1();
static Real<T> const& R_2();
static Real<T> const& R_3();
static Real<T> const& R_4();
static Real<T> const& R_10();
static Real<T> const& R_E();
static Real<T> const& R_LOG2E();
static Real<T> const& R_LOG10E();
static Real<T> const& R_LN2();
static Real<T> const& R_LN10();
static Real<T> const& R_PI();
static Real<T> const& R_PI_2();
static Real<T> const& R_PI_3();
static Real<T> const& R_PI_4();
static Real<T> const& R_TAU();
static Real<T> const& R_1_PI();
static Real<T> const& R_2_PI();
static Real<T> const& R_2_SQRTPI();
static Real<T> const& R_SQRT2();
static Real<T> const& R_SQRT3();
static Real<T> const& R_SQRT1_2();
static Real<T> const R_INF();
static Real<T> const R_NAN();
static Real<T> const& R_MIN();
static Real<T> const& R_MAX();
// Constants
static real_t<T> const R_0();
static real_t<T> const& R_1();
static real_t<T> const& R_2();
static real_t<T> const& R_3();
static real_t<T> const& R_4();
static real_t<T> const& R_10();
static real_t<T> const& R_E();
static real_t<T> const& R_LOG2E();
static real_t<T> const& R_LOG10E();
static real_t<T> const& R_LN2();
static real_t<T> const& R_LN10();
static real_t<T> const& R_PI();
static real_t<T> const& R_PI_2();
static real_t<T> const& R_PI_3();
static real_t<T> const& R_PI_4();
static real_t<T> const& R_TAU();
static real_t<T> const& R_1_PI();
static real_t<T> const& R_2_PI();
static real_t<T> const& R_2_SQRTPI();
static real_t<T> const& R_SQRT2();
static real_t<T> const& R_SQRT3();
static real_t<T> const& R_SQRT1_2();
static real_t<T> const R_INF();
static real_t<T> const R_NAN();
static real_t<T> const& R_MIN();
static real_t<T> const& R_MAX();

std::vector<T> m_mantissa;
@@ -246,135 +260,15 @@ public:

template<typename U>
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &s, Real<U> const &x);

* Mandatory forward declarations of template specialisations
template<> real::Real(float f);
template<> real::Real(double f);
template<> real::Real(long double f);
template<> real::Real(int32_t i);
template<> real::Real(uint32_t i);
template<> real::Real(int64_t i);
template<> real::Real(uint64_t i);
template<> real::Real(char const *str);

template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator float() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator double() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator long double() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator int32_t() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator uint32_t() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator int64_t() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator uint64_t() const;
template<> real real::operator +() const;
template<> real real::operator -() const;
template<> real real::operator +(real const &x) const;
template<> real real::operator -(real const &x) const;
template<> real real::operator *(real const &x) const;
template<> real real::operator /(real const &x) const;
template<> real const &real::operator +=(real const &x);
template<> real const &real::operator -=(real const &x);
template<> real const &real::operator *=(real const &x);
template<> real const &real::operator /=(real const &x);
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator ==(real const &x) const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator !=(real const &x) const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator <(real const &x) const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator >(real const &x) const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator <=(real const &x) const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator >=(real const &x) const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard bool real::operator !() const;
template<> lol_attr_nodiscard real::operator bool() const;

template<typename U> Real<U> min(Real<U> const &a, Real<U> const &b);
template<typename U> Real<U> max(Real<U> const &a, Real<U> const &b);
template<typename U> Real<U> clamp(Real<U> const &x,
Real<U> const &a, Real<U> const &b);

template<typename U> Real<U> sin(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> cos(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> tan(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> asin(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> acos(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> atan(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> atan2(Real<U> const &y, Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> sinh(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> cosh(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> tanh(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> exp(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> exp2(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> erf(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> log(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> log2(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> log10(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> frexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t *exp);
template<typename U> Real<U> ldexp(Real<U> const &x, typename Real<U>::exponent_t exp);
template<typename U> Real<U> modf(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> *iptr);
template<typename U> Real<U> nextafter(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> Real<U> inverse(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> sqrt(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> cbrt(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> pow(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> Real<U> gamma(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> ceil(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> copysign(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> Real<U> floor(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> fabs(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> round(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> fmod(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> Real<U> abs(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> fract(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> degrees(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> radians(Real<U> const &x);
template<typename U> Real<U> franke(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);
template<typename U> Real<U> peaks(Real<U> const &x, Real<U> const &y);

template<> real min(real const &a, real const &b);
template<> real max(real const &a, real const &b);
template<> real clamp(real const &x, real const &a, real const &b);

template<> real sin(real const &x);
template<> real cos(real const &x);
template<> real tan(real const &x);
template<> real asin(real const &x);
template<> real acos(real const &x);
template<> real atan(real const &x);
template<> real atan2(real const &y, real const &x);
template<> real sinh(real const &x);
template<> real cosh(real const &x);
template<> real tanh(real const &x);
template<> real exp(real const &x);
template<> real exp2(real const &x);
template<> real erf(real const &x);
template<> real log(real const &x);
template<> real log2(real const &x);
template<> real log10(real const &x);
template<> real frexp(real const &x, real::exponent_t *exp);
template<> real ldexp(real const &x, real::exponent_t exp);
template<> real modf(real const &x, real *iptr);
template<> real nextafter(real const &x, real const &y);
template<> real inverse(real const &x);
template<> real sqrt(real const &x);
template<> real cbrt(real const &x);
template<> real pow(real const &x, real const &y);
template<> real gamma(real const &x);
template<> real ceil(real const &x);
template<> real copysign(real const &x, real const &y);
template<> real floor(real const &x);
template<> real fabs(real const &x);
template<> real round(real const &x);
template<> real fmod(real const &x, real const &y);
template<> real abs(real const &x);
template<> real fract(real const &x);
template<> real degrees(real const &x);
template<> real radians(real const &x);
template<> real franke(real const &x, real const &y);
template<> real peaks(real const &x, real const &y);

template<> std::string real::str(int ndigits) const;
template<> std::string real::xstr() const;

} /* namespace lol */
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &s, real_t<U> const &x);

typedef real_t<uint32_t> real;

} // namespace lol

#include "private/real.ipp"

#if _MSC_VER
# pragma pop_macro("min")
# pragma pop_macro("max")

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