## `lol` headers to keep src/lol/base/types.h (vec_t shortcuts eg. vec2, ivec2, u8vec3 etc.) src/lol/math/constants.h src/lol/math/functions.h src/lol/math/noise/* ## headers we could clean up and keep src/lol/algorithm/aabb_tree.h src/lol/base/assert.h (could be useful) src/lol/base/avl_tree.h src/lol/base/string.h (string utilities) src/lol/image/pixel.h (but is it useful?) src/lol/math/arraynd.h (but do we really want to keep it?) src/lol/math/geometry.h src/lol/math/interp.h (but what is it?) src/numeric.h ## headers to keep in the engine src/lol/algorithm/portal.h src/lol/audio/* src/lol/base/log.h src/lol/debug/* src/lol/engine.h src/lol/engine/* src/lol/engine-internal.h src/lol/extras.h src/lol/gpu/* src/lol/image/image.h src/lol/image/movie.h src/lol/image/resource.h src/lol/legacy.h src/lol/lua.h src/lol/net/http.h src/lol/public.h src/lol/sys/file.h src/lol/sys/getopt.h src/lol/sys/init.h ## headers to remove one day src/lol/algorithm/sort.h (there’s plenty of stuff in libc++) src/lol/base/array.h (use std::vector) src/lol/base/enum.h (can’t see the point) src/lol/base/tuple.h (use std::tuple)