-- GLSL.Vert --

#version 120

#if defined HAVE_GLES_2X
precision highp float;

uniform mat4 u_ZoomSettings;
uniform vec4 u_TexelSize;
uniform vec4 u_ScreenSize;

attribute vec2 a_TexCoord;
attribute vec2 a_Vertex;

varying vec4 v_CenterX, v_CenterY, v_IndexX, v_IndexY;

void main(void)
    gl_Position = vec4(a_Vertex, 0.0, 1.0);
    /* Center point in [-.5,.5], apply zoom and translation
     * transformation, and go back to texture coordinates
     * in [0,1]. That's the ideal point we would like to
     * compute the value for. Then add or remove half the
     * size of a texel: the distance from this new point to
     * the final point will be our error. */
    vec4 offsets = vec4(0.5, -0.5, 0.015625, -0.015625);
    vec4 zoomscale = vec4(u_ZoomSettings[0][2],
    vec4 zoomtx = vec4(u_ZoomSettings[0][0],
    vec4 zoomty = vec4(u_ZoomSettings[0][1],
    v_CenterX = zoomscale * a_TexCoord.x + zoomtx
              + offsets.xyxy * u_TexelSize.x;
    v_CenterY = zoomscale * a_TexCoord.y - zoomty
              + offsets.xyyx * u_TexelSize.y;
    /* Precompute the multiple of one texel where our ideal
     * point lies. The fragment shader will call floor() on
     * this value. We add or remove a slight offset to avoid
     * rounding issues at the image's edges. */
    v_IndexX = v_CenterX * u_ScreenSize.z - offsets.zwzw;
    v_IndexY = v_CenterY * u_ScreenSize.w - offsets.zwwz;

-- GLSL.Frag --

#version 120

#if defined HAVE_GLES_2X
precision highp float;

uniform vec4 u_TexelSize;
uniform sampler2D u_Texture;

varying vec4 v_CenterX, v_CenterY, v_IndexX, v_IndexY;

void main(void)
    vec4 v05 = vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    vec4 rx, ry, t0, dx, dy, dd;
    /* Get a pixel coordinate from each slice into rx & ry */
    rx = u_TexelSize.x + u_TexelSize.z * floor(v_IndexX);
    ry = u_TexelSize.y + u_TexelSize.w * floor(v_IndexY);
    /* Compute inverse distance to expected pixel in dd,
     * and put zero if we fall outside the texture. */
    t0 = step(abs(rx - v05), v05) * step(abs(ry - v05), v05);
    dx = rx - v_CenterX;
    dy = ry - v_CenterY;
#if 0
    vec4 dd = t0 * (abs(dx) + abs(dy));
    vec4 dd = t0 / (0.001 + sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)));
    dd = t0 / (0.000001 + (dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
    /* Modify Y coordinate to select proper quarter. */
    ry = ry * 0.25 + vec4(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75);

#if 1
#   if 0
    /* XXX: disabled until we can autodetect i915 */
    /* t1.x <-- dd.x > dd.y */
    /* t1.y <-- dd.z > dd.w */
    vec2 t1 = step(dd.xz, dd.yw);
    /* ret.x <-- max(rx.x, rx.y) wrt. t1.x */
    /* ret.y <-- max(rx.z, rx.w) wrt. t1.y */
    /* ret.z <-- max(ry.x, ry.y) wrt. t1.x */
    /* ret.w <-- max(ry.z, ry.w) wrt. t1.y */
    vec4 ret = mix(vec4(rx.xz, ry.xz),
                   vec4(rx.yw, ry.yw), t1.xyxy);
    /* dd.x <-- max(dd.x, dd.y) */
    /* dd.z <-- max(dd.z, dd.w) */
    dd.xy = mix(dd.xz, dd.yw, t1);
    /* t2 <-- dd.x > dd.z */
    float t2 = step(dd.x, dd.y);
    /* ret.x <-- max(ret.x, ret.y); */
    /* ret.y <-- max(ret.z, ret.w); */
    ret.xy = mix(ret.xz, ret.yw, t2);
#   else
    /* Fallback for i915 cards -- the trick to reduce the
     * number of operations is to compute both step(a,b)
     * and step(b,a) and hope that their sum is 1. This is
     * almost always the case, and when it isn't we can
     * afford to have a few wrong pixels. However, a real
     * problem is when panning the image, because half the
     * screen is likely to flicker. To avoid this problem,
     * we cheat a little (see m_translate comment above). */
    vec4 t1 = step(dd.xzyw, dd.ywxz);
    vec4 ret = vec4(rx.xz, ry.xz) * t1.zwzw
             + vec4(rx.yw, ry.yw) * t1.xyxy;
    dd.xy = dd.xz * t1.zw + dd.yw * t1.xy;
    vec2 t2 = step(dd.xy, dd.yx);
    ret.xy = ret.xz * t2.yy + ret.yw * t2.xx;
#   endif
    /* Nearest neighbour */
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_Texture, ret.xy);
    /* Alternate version: some kind of linear interpolation */
    vec4 p0 = texture2D(u_Texture, vec2(rx.x, ry.x));
    vec4 p1 = texture2D(u_Texture, vec2(rx.y, ry.y));
    vec4 p2 = texture2D(u_Texture, vec2(rx.z, ry.z));
    vec4 p3 = texture2D(u_Texture, vec2(rx.w, ry.w));
    gl_FragColor = 1.0 / (dd.x + dd.y + dd.z + dd.w)
                 * (dd.x * p0 + dd.y * p1 + dd.z * p2 + dd.w * p3);

-- HLSL.Vert --

void main(float2 a_Vertex : POSITION,
          float2 a_TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
          uniform float4x4 u_ZoomSettings,
          uniform float4 u_TexelSize,
          uniform float4 u_ScreenSize,
          out float4 out_Position : POSITION0,
          out float4 v_CenterX : TEXCOORD0,
          out float4 v_CenterY : TEXCOORD1,
          out float4 v_IndexX : TEXCOORD2,
          out float4 v_IndexY : TEXCOORD3)
    out_Position = float4(a_Vertex, 0.0, 1.0);
    float4 offsets = float4(0.5, -0.5, 0.015625, -0.015625);
    float4 zoomscale = float4(u_ZoomSettings[2][0],
    float4 zoomtx = float4(u_ZoomSettings[0][0],
    float4 zoomty = float4(u_ZoomSettings[1][0],
    v_CenterX = zoomscale * a_TexCoord.x + zoomtx
              + offsets.xyxy * u_TexelSize.x;
    v_CenterY = zoomscale * a_TexCoord.y - zoomty
              + offsets.xyyx * u_TexelSize.y;
    v_IndexX = v_CenterX * u_ScreenSize.z - offsets.zwzw;
    v_IndexY = v_CenterY * u_ScreenSize.w - offsets.zwwz;

-- HLSL.Frag --

void main(in float4 v_CenterX : TEXCOORD0,
          in float4 v_CenterY : TEXCOORD1,
          in float4 v_IndexX : TEXCOORD2,
          in float4 v_IndexY : TEXCOORD3,
          uniform float4 u_TexelSize,
          uniform sampler2D u_Texture,
          out float4 out_FragColor : COLOR)
    float4 v05 = float4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    float4 rx, ry, t0, dx, dy, dd;
    rx = u_TexelSize.x + u_TexelSize.z * floor(v_IndexX);
    ry = u_TexelSize.y + u_TexelSize.w * floor(v_IndexY);
    t0 = step(abs(rx - v05), v05) * step(abs(ry - v05), v05);
    dx = rx - v_CenterX;
    dy = ry - v_CenterY;
    dd = t0 / (0.000001 + (dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
    ry = ry * 0.25 + float4(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75);
    float2 t1 = step(dd.xz, dd.yw);
    float4 ret = lerp(float4(rx.xz, ry.xz),
                      float4(rx.yw, ry.yw), t1.xyxy);
    dd.xy = lerp(dd.xz, dd.yw, t1);
    float t2 = step(dd.x, dd.y);
    ret.xy = lerp(ret.xz, ret.yw, t2);
    out_FragColor = tex2D(u_Texture, ret.xy);