// // Lol Engine — Bullet physics test // // Copyright © 2009—2013 Benjamin “Touky” Huet // © 2012—2018 Sam Hocevar // // Lol Engine is free software. It comes without any warranty, to // the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want // to Public License, Version 2, as published by the WTFPL Task Force. // See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "lolbtphysicsintegration.h" #include "easyphysics.h" #include "easyconstraint.h" namespace lol { namespace phys { enum eRaycastType { ERT_Closest, ERT_AllHit, ERT_AnyHit, //Will stop at the first hit. Hit data are supposed to be irrelevant ERT_MAX }; struct RayCastResult { RayCastResult(int CollisionFilterGroup=1, int CollisionFilterMask=(0xFF)) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(RayCastResult)); m_collision_filter_group = CollisionFilterGroup; m_collision_filter_mask = CollisionFilterMask; } void Reset() { m_collider_list.empty(); m_hit_normal_list.empty(); m_hit_point_list.empty(); m_hit_fraction_list.empty(); } array m_collider_list; array m_hit_normal_list; array m_hit_point_list; array m_hit_fraction_list; short int m_collision_filter_group; short int m_collision_filter_mask; unsigned int m_flags; //??? }; class Simulation : public Entity { public: Simulation() : m_broadphase(0), m_collision_configuration(0), m_dispatcher(0), m_solver(0), m_dynamics_world(0), m_timestep(1.f/60.f) { m_gamegroup = GAMEGROUP_SIMULATION; } ~Simulation() { Exit(); } std::string GetName() const { return ""; } public: void Init() { // Build the broadphase if (1) { m_Sweep_broadphase = new btAxisSweep3(LOL2BT_VEC3(m_world_min), LOL2BT_VEC3(m_world_max)); m_Sweep_broadphase->getOverlappingPairCache()->setInternalGhostPairCallback(new btGhostPairCallback()); m_broadphase = m_Sweep_broadphase; } else m_broadphase = new btDbvtBroadphase(); // Set up the collision configuration and dispatcher m_collision_configuration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration(); m_dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(m_collision_configuration); // The actual physics solver m_solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver; // The world. m_dynamics_world = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_solver, m_collision_configuration); } virtual void TickGame(float seconds) { Entity::TickGame(seconds); //step the simulation if (m_dynamics_world) { //the "+1" is to have at least one Timestep and to ensure float to int .5f conversion. int steps = (int)(seconds / m_timestep) + 1; m_dynamics_world->stepSimulation(seconds, steps, m_timestep); } } //Rip-Off of the btKinematicClosestNotMeRayResultCallback class ClosestNotMeRayResultCallback : public btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback { public: ClosestNotMeRayResultCallback(btCollisionObject* Me, const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld) : btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback(rayFromWorld, rayToWorld) { m_me = Me; } virtual btScalar addSingleResult(btCollisionWorld::LocalRayResult& rayResult,bool normalInWorldSpace) { if (rayResult.m_collisionObject == m_me) return 1.0; return ClosestRayResultCallback::addSingleResult(rayResult, normalInWorldSpace); } protected: btCollisionObject* m_me; }; //Will stop at the first hit. Hit data are supposed to be irrelevant class AnyHitRayResultCallback : public btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback { public: AnyHitRayResultCallback(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld) : btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback(rayFromWorld, rayToWorld) { } virtual btScalar addSingleResult(btCollisionWorld::LocalRayResult& rayResult,bool normalInWorldSpace) { UNUSED(rayResult); UNUSED(normalInWorldSpace); return .0f; } }; //Returns true when hitting something. If SourceCaster is set, it will be ignored by Raycast. bool RayHits(RayCastResult& HitResult, eRaycastType RaycastType, const vec3& RayFrom, const vec3& RayTo, EasyPhysic* SourceCaster = nullptr) { bool bResult = false; btCollisionWorld::RayResultCallback* BtRayResult = nullptr; btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback* BtRayResult_Closest; btCollisionWorld::AllHitsRayResultCallback* BtRayResult_AllHits; switch (RaycastType) { case ERT_Closest: { if (SourceCaster) BtRayResult_Closest = new ClosestNotMeRayResultCallback(SourceCaster->m_collision_object, LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayFrom), LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayTo)); else BtRayResult_Closest = new btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback(LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayFrom), LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayTo)); BtRayResult = BtRayResult_Closest; break; } case ERT_AllHit: { BtRayResult_AllHits = new btCollisionWorld::AllHitsRayResultCallback(LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayFrom), LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayTo)); BtRayResult = BtRayResult_AllHits; break; } case ERT_AnyHit: { BtRayResult_Closest = new AnyHitRayResultCallback(LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayFrom), LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayTo)); BtRayResult = BtRayResult_Closest; break; } default: { ASSERT(0, "Raycast not handled"); } } m_dynamics_world->rayTest(LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayFrom), LOL2BTU_VEC3(RayTo), *BtRayResult); if (BtRayResult->hasHit()) { bResult = true; switch (RaycastType) { case ERT_Closest: { HitResult.m_collider_list << (EasyPhysic*)BtRayResult_Closest->m_collisionObject->getUserPointer(); HitResult.m_hit_normal_list << BT2LOLU_VEC3(BtRayResult_Closest->m_hitNormalWorld); HitResult.m_hit_point_list << BT2LOLU_VEC3(BtRayResult_Closest->m_hitPointWorld); HitResult.m_hit_fraction_list << BtRayResult_Closest->m_closestHitFraction; break; } case ERT_AllHit: { for (int i = 0; i < BtRayResult_AllHits->m_collisionObjects.size(); i++) { HitResult.m_collider_list << (EasyPhysic*)BtRayResult_AllHits->m_collisionObjects[i]->getUserPointer(); HitResult.m_hit_normal_list << BT2LOLU_VEC3(BtRayResult_AllHits->m_hitNormalWorld[i]); HitResult.m_hit_point_list << BT2LOLU_VEC3(BtRayResult_AllHits->m_hitPointWorld[i]); HitResult.m_hit_fraction_list << BtRayResult_AllHits->m_hitFractions[i]; } break; } default: { ASSERT(0, "Raycast not handled"); } } } delete BtRayResult; return bResult; } void Exit() { delete m_dynamics_world; delete m_solver; delete m_dispatcher; delete m_collision_configuration; delete m_broadphase; } btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* GetWorld() { return m_dynamics_world; } private: void CustomSetContinuousDetection(bool ShouldUseCCD) { if (m_dynamics_world) m_dynamics_world->getDispatchInfo().m_useContinuous = ShouldUseCCD; } void CustomSetGravity(vec3 &NewGravity) { if (m_dynamics_world) m_dynamics_world->setGravity(LOL2BT_VEC3(NewGravity * LOL2BT_UNIT)); } void CustomSetWorldLimit(vec3 const &NewWorldMin, vec3 const &NewWorldMax) { UNUSED(NewWorldMin); UNUSED(NewWorldMax); } void CustomSetTimestep(float NewTimestep) { } //broadphase btBroadphaseInterface* m_broadphase; btAxisSweep3* m_Sweep_broadphase; // Set up the collision configuration and dispatc btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* m_collision_configuration; btCollisionDispatcher* m_dispatcher; // The actual physics solver btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver* m_solver; // The world. btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* m_dynamics_world; public: //Main logic : //The Set*() functions do the all-lib-independent data storage. //And then it calls the CustomSet*() which are the specialized versions. //Sets the continuous collision detection flag. void SetContinuousDetection(bool ShouldUseCCD) { m_using_CCD = ShouldUseCCD; CustomSetContinuousDetection(ShouldUseCCD); } //Sets the simulation gravity. void SetGravity(vec3 &NewGravity) { m_gravity = NewGravity; CustomSetGravity(NewGravity); } //Sets the simulation gravity. void SetWorldLimit(vec3 const &NewWorldMin, vec3 const &NewWorldMax) { m_world_min = NewWorldMin; m_world_max = NewWorldMax; CustomSetWorldLimit(NewWorldMin, NewWorldMax); } //Sets the simulation fixed timestep. void SetTimestep(float NewTimestep) { if (NewTimestep > .0f) { m_timestep = NewTimestep; CustomSetTimestep(NewTimestep); } } private: friend class EasyPhysic; friend class EasyCharacterController; friend class EasyConstraint; enum eEasyPhysicType { EEPT_Dynamic, EEPT_Static, EEPT_Ghost, EEPT_CollisionObject, EEPT_CharacterController, EEPT_MAX }; //m_owner_simulation //Adds the given EasyPhysic to the correct list. void ObjectRegistration(bool AddObject, EasyPhysic* NewEP, eEasyPhysicType CurType) { array* SearchList = nullptr; switch(CurType) { case EEPT_Dynamic: { SearchList = &m_dynamic_list; break; } case EEPT_Static: { SearchList = &m_static_list; break; } case EEPT_Ghost: { SearchList = &m_ghost_list; break; } case EEPT_CollisionObject: { SearchList = &m_collision_object_list; break; } case EEPT_CharacterController: { SearchList = &m_character_controller_list; break; } default: { ASSERT(0, "Physic type does not exist."); } } if (AddObject) { NewEP->m_owner_simulation = this; (*SearchList) << NewEP; } else { NewEP->m_owner_simulation = nullptr; SearchList->remove_item(NewEP); } } void ObjectRegistration(bool AddObject, EasyConstraint* NewEC) { array* SearchList = nullptr; SearchList = &m_constraint_list; if (AddObject) { NewEC->m_owner_simulation = this; (*SearchList) << NewEC; } else { NewEC->m_owner_simulation = nullptr; SearchList->remove_item(NewEC); } } //Easy Physics body List array m_dynamic_list; array m_static_list; array m_ghost_list; array m_collision_object_list; array m_character_controller_list; array m_constraint_list; //Easy Physics data storage float m_timestep; bool m_using_CCD; vec3 m_gravity; vec3 m_world_min; vec3 m_world_max; }; } /* namespace phys */ } /* namespace lol */