// // Lol Engine - EasyMesh tutorial // // Copyright: (c) 2011-2013 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> // (c) 2012-2013 Benjamin "Touky" Huet <huet.benjamin@gmail.com> // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. // #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <cfloat> /* for FLT_MAX */ #include "core.h" using namespace std; using namespace lol; static int const TEXTURE_WIDTH = 256; LOLFX_RESOURCE_DECLARE(shinyfur); LOLFX_RESOURCE_DECLARE(shinyMVTexture); #define IPT_CAM_RESET "Cam_Center" #define IPT_CAM_FORWARD "Cam_Forward" #define IPT_CAM_BACKWARD "Cam_Backward" #define IPT_CAM_ZOOM_OUT "Cam_Zoom_In" #define IPT_CAM_ZOOM_IN "Cam_Zoom_Out" #define IPT_MESH_UPDATE "Mesh_Update" #define IPT_MESH_RESET "Mesh_Reset" #define IPT_MESH_LEFT "Mesh_Left" #define IPT_MESH_RIGHT "Mesh_Right" #define IPT_MESH_UP "Mesh_Up" #define IPT_MESH_DOWN "Mesh_Down" #define IPT_MESH_SCALE_UP "Mesh_Scale_Up" #define IPT_MESH_SCALE_DOWN "Mesh_Scale_Down" #define IPT_MESH_OFFSET_UP "Mesh_Offset_Up" #define IPT_MESH_OFFSET_DOWN "Mesh_Offset_Down" #define IPT_MESH_ROT_LEFT "Mesh_Rot_Left" #define IPT_MESH_ROT_RIGHT "Mesh_Rot_Right" #define IPT_MESH_ROT_UP "Mesh_Rot_Up" #define IPT_MESH_ROT_DOWN "Mesh_Rot_Down" #define WITH_FUR 0 class MeshViewer : public WorldEntity { public: void SetFov(float new_fov=60.0f) { //FOV compensation doesn't work ivec2 video_size = Video::GetSize(); float near = (float)-video_size.x - video_size.y; float far = (float)video_size.x + video_size.y; float t1 = tanf(new_fov / 2); float dist = (float)video_size.x / (2.0f * t1); //m_fov_compensation = mat4::translate(-0.5f * video_size.x, -0.5f * video_size.y, -dist); m_fov_compensation = mat4::translate(vec3(.0f)); if (new_fov > 0.1f) m_camera->SetPerspective(new_fov, (float)video_size.x, (float)video_size.y, .1f, 1000.f); else m_camera->SetOrtho((float)video_size.x, (float)video_size.y, .1f, 1000.f); } MeshViewer(char const *file_name = "MeshViewerBuffer.txt") : m_file_name(file_name) { //Input setup Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_CAM_RESET, Key::Return); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_CAM_FORWARD, Key::PageUp); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_CAM_BACKWARD, Key::PageDown); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_CAM_ZOOM_IN, Key::Home); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_CAM_ZOOM_OUT, Key::End); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_LEFT, Key::Left); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_RIGHT, Key::Right); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_UP, Key::Up); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_DOWN, Key::Down); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_UPDATE, Key::Space); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_RESET, Key::KP0); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_OFFSET_DOWN, Key::KP1); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_OFFSET_UP, Key::KP3); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_SCALE_DOWN, Key::KP7); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_SCALE_UP, Key::KP9); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_ROT_LEFT, Key::KP4); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_ROT_RIGHT, Key::KP6); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_ROT_UP, Key::KP8); Input::LinkActionToKey(IPT_MESH_ROT_DOWN, Key::KP5); m_angle = 0; DefaultTexture = NULL; //Camera Setup m_fov_zoom_damp = .0f; m_fov_damp = 60.0f; m_fov = 60.0f; m_camera = new Camera(vec3(0.f, 600.f, 0.f), vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), vec3(0, 1, 0)); SetFov(m_fov_damp); m_camera->SetTarget(vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); m_camera->SetPosition(vec3(0.f, 0.f, 10.f)); m_camera->ForceSceneUpdate(); Ticker::Ref(m_camera); //Lights setup m_lights << new Light(); m_lights.Last()->SetPosition(vec4(4.f, -1.f, -4.f, 0.f)); m_lights.Last()->SetColor(vec4(.0f, .2f, .5f, 1.f)); Ticker::Ref(m_lights.Last()); m_lights << new Light(); m_lights.Last()->SetPosition(vec4(8.f, 2.f, 6.f, 1.f)); m_lights.Last()->SetColor(vec4(.5f, .3f, .0f, 1.f)); Ticker::Ref(m_lights.Last()); //Speed damp m_mesh_rotate_damp = vec2(.0f); m_mesh_screen_move_damp = vec2(.0f); m_mesh_move_damp = vec2(.0f); //Actual values SetDefaultMeshTransform(); //Actual values damp m_mesh_rotation_damp = vec2(.0f); m_mesh_screen_offset_damp = vec2(.0f); m_mesh_offset_damp = vec2(.0f); m_mat = mat4::rotate(m_mesh_rotation.x, vec3(1, 0, 0)) * mat4::rotate(m_angle, vec3(0, 1, 0)) * mat4::rotate(m_mesh_rotation.y, vec3(0, 1, 0)); m_stream_update_time = 2.0f; m_stream_update_timer = 1.0f; } ~MeshViewer() { Ticker::Unref(m_camera); for (int i = 0; i < m_lights.Count(); ++i) Ticker::Unref(m_lights[i]); } void SetDefaultMeshTransform() { m_mesh_rotation = vec2(25.0f, .0f); m_mesh_screen_offset = vec2(.54f, .0f); m_mesh_offset = vec2(-.64f, .07f); } virtual void TickGame(float seconds) { WorldEntity::TickGame(seconds); //TODO : This should probably be "standard LoL behaviour" { //Shutdown logic if (Input::WasReleased(Key::Escape)) Ticker::Shutdown(); } //Update Mesh BBox - Get the Min/Max needed vec3 min_max[2] = { vec3(FLT_MAX), vec3(-FLT_MAX) }; int mesh_id = m_meshes.Count() - 1; for (; mesh_id >= 0; mesh_id--) if (m_meshes[mesh_id].m2) break; if (m_meshes.Count() && mesh_id >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes[mesh_id].m1.GetVertexCount(); i++) { vec3 vpos = m_meshes[mesh_id].m1.GetVertexLocation(i); min_max[0] = min(vpos.xyz, min_max[0]); min_max[1] = max(vpos.xyz, min_max[1]); } } else { min_max[0] = vec3(.0f); min_max[1] = vec3(.0f); } //[0] : center, [1] : size. vec3 BBox[2] = { vec3(.0f), vec3(.0f) }; BBox[1] = min_max[1] - min_max[0]; BBox[0] = min_max[0] + BBox[1] * .5f; vec3 BBox_mod = BBox[1]; //-- //Camera movement handling //-- vec3 cam_move = BBox_mod * seconds * vec3(.0f, .0f, (float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_CAM_BACKWARD) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_CAM_FORWARD))); if (Input::WasReleased(IPT_CAM_RESET)) SetFov(); float fov_zoom = (float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_CAM_ZOOM_OUT) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_CAM_ZOOM_IN)); m_fov_zoom_damp = damp(m_fov_zoom_damp, fov_zoom, (fov_zoom == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds); m_fov = max(.0f, m_fov + seconds * 10.0f * m_fov_zoom_damp); m_fov_damp = damp(m_fov_damp, m_fov, .2f, seconds); SetFov(m_fov_damp); m_camera->SetPosition(m_camera->GetPosition() + cam_move); m_camera->SetTarget(m_camera->GetPosition() + vec3(0, 0, -5.0f)); //-- //Mesh movement handling //-- if (Input::WasReleased(IPT_MESH_RESET)) SetDefaultMeshTransform(); vec2 new_move = vec2(.0f); new_move = vec2((float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_RIGHT) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_LEFT)), (float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_UP) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_DOWN))); m_mesh_screen_move_damp = vec2(damp(m_mesh_screen_move_damp.x, new_move.x, (new_move.x == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds), damp(m_mesh_screen_move_damp.y, new_move.y, (new_move.y == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds)); new_move = vec2((float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_OFFSET_UP) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_OFFSET_DOWN)), (float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_SCALE_UP) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_SCALE_DOWN))); m_mesh_move_damp = vec2(damp(m_mesh_move_damp.x, new_move.x, (new_move.x == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds), damp(m_mesh_move_damp.y, new_move.y, (new_move.y == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds)); new_move = vec2((float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_ROT_UP) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_ROT_DOWN)), (float)(Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_ROT_RIGHT) - Input::GetStatus(IPT_MESH_ROT_LEFT))); m_mesh_rotate_damp = vec2(damp(m_mesh_rotate_damp.x, new_move.x, (new_move.x == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds), damp(m_mesh_rotate_damp.y, new_move.y, (new_move.y == .0f)?(.15f):(0.5f), seconds)); vec2 mesh_screen_move = seconds * 0.6f * m_mesh_screen_move_damp; vec2 mesh_offset_move = seconds * vec2(.6f, .2f) * m_mesh_move_damp; vec2 mesh_rotate = seconds * vec2(40.0f, 60.0f) * m_mesh_rotate_damp; //Add movement m_mesh_screen_offset += mesh_screen_move; m_mesh_offset += mesh_offset_move; m_mesh_rotation += mesh_rotate; //Compute damp m_mesh_rotation_damp = damp(m_mesh_rotation_damp, m_mesh_rotation, .2f, seconds); m_mesh_screen_offset_damp = damp(m_mesh_screen_offset_damp, m_mesh_screen_offset, .2f, seconds); m_mesh_offset_damp = damp(m_mesh_offset_damp, m_mesh_offset, .2f, seconds); //Clamp necessary m_mesh_rotation.x = clamp(m_mesh_rotation.x, -90.0f, 90.0f); m_mesh_offset.y = max(.0f, m_mesh_offset.y); //m_angle += seconds * 70.0f; m_mat = mat4::rotate(m_mesh_rotation.x, vec3(1, 0, 0)) * mat4::rotate(m_angle, vec3(0, 1, 0)) * mat4::rotate(m_mesh_rotation.y, vec3(0, 1, 0)); //-- //File management //-- if (Input::WasReleased(IPT_MESH_UPDATE)) m_stream_update_time = m_stream_update_timer + 1.0f; m_stream_update_time += seconds; if (m_stream_update_time > m_stream_update_timer) { m_stream_update_time = 0.f; File f; f.Open(m_file_name.C(), FileAccess::Read); String cmd = f.ReadString(); f.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Count() - 1; i++) { if (cmd[i] == '/' && cmd[i + 1] == '/') { int j = i; for (; j < cmd.Count(); j++) { if (cmd[j] == '\r' || cmd[j] == '\n') break; } String new_cmd = cmd.Sub(0, i); if (j < cmd.Count()) new_cmd += cmd.Sub(j, cmd.Count() - j); cmd = new_cmd; i--; } } if (cmd.Count() && (!m_cmdlist.Count() || cmd != m_cmdlist.Last())) { m_cmdlist << cmd; //Create a new mesh m_meshes.Push(EasyMesh(), false, .0f, vec3(.0f)); if (!m_meshes.Last().m1.Compile(cmd.C())) m_meshes.Pop(); //else // m_meshes.Last().m1.ComputeTexCoord(0.2f, 2); } } } virtual void TickDraw(float seconds) { WorldEntity::TickDraw(seconds); //TODO : This should probably be "standard LoL behaviour" { if (Input::WasReleased(Key::F1)) Video::SetDebugRenderMode(DebugRenderMode::Default); if (Input::WasReleased(Key::F2)) Video::SetDebugRenderMode(DebugRenderMode::Wireframe); if (Input::WasReleased(Key::F3)) Video::SetDebugRenderMode(DebugRenderMode::Lighting); if (Input::WasReleased(Key::F4)) Video::SetDebugRenderMode(DebugRenderMode::Normal); if (Input::WasReleased(Key::F5)) Video::SetDebugRenderMode(DebugRenderMode::UV); } if (!DefaultTexture) { m_texture_shader = Shader::Create(LOLFX_RESOURCE_NAME(shinyMVTexture)); m_texture_uni = m_texture_shader->GetUniformLocation("u_Texture"); //m_image = new Image("data/MeshViewerTestTexture.png"); DefaultTexture = Tiler::Register("data/MeshViewerTestTexture.png", ivec2(0), ivec2(0,1)); //ivec2 size = m_image->GetSize(); //// m_image->GetFormat() //m_texture = new Texture(m_image->GetSize(), PixelFormat::ABGR_8); //m_texture->SetData(m_image->GetData()); // PixelFormat::ABGR_8 } else if (m_texture && DefaultTexture) m_texture_shader->SetUniform(m_texture_uni, DefaultTexture->GetTexture(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes.Count(); i++) { if (!m_meshes[i].m2) { //Fur support #if WITH_FUR m_meshes[i].m1.MeshConvert(Shader::Create(LOLFX_RESOURCE_NAME(shinyfur))); #else //m_meshes[i].m1.MeshConvert(m_texture_shader); //m_meshes[i].m1.MeshConvert(); m_meshes[i].m1.MeshConvert(new DefaultShaderData(((1 << VertexUsage::Position) | (1 << VertexUsage::Normal) | (1 << VertexUsage::Color) | (VertexUsage::TexCoord)), m_texture_shader, true)); #endif m_meshes[i].m2 = true; } } Video::SetClearColor(vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); mat4 default_proj = Scene::GetDefault()->GetProjMatrix(); for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes.Count(); i++) { float new_scale = max(.0f, 1.0f - (m_mesh_offset_damp.y * (float)(m_meshes.Count() - (i + 1)))); m_meshes[i].m3 = damp(m_meshes[i].m3, new_scale, .35f, seconds); if (m_meshes[i].m3 > .0f) { vec3 new_mesh_offset = vec3(.0f); for (int j = m_meshes.Count() - 1; j > i; j--) { float ofs_scale = max(.0f, 1.0f - (m_mesh_offset_damp.y * (float)(m_meshes.Count() - (j + 0)))); new_mesh_offset = new_mesh_offset + vec3(m_meshes[j].m3 * ofs_scale * ofs_scale * m_mesh_offset_damp.x, .0f, .0f); } m_meshes[i].m4 = damp(m_meshes[i].m4, new_mesh_offset, .35f, seconds); Scene::GetDefault()->SetProjMatrix(mat4::translate(m_meshes[i].m4) * mat4::translate(vec3(m_mesh_screen_offset_damp, .0f)) * mat4::scale(vec3(vec2(m_meshes[i].m3), 1.0f)) * default_proj * m_fov_compensation); #if WITH_FUR for (int j=0; j < 40; j++) m_meshes[i].m1.Render(m_mat, 0.1 * j); #else m_meshes[i].m1.Render(m_mat); #endif Video::Clear(ClearMask::Depth); } } Scene::GetDefault()->SetProjMatrix(default_proj); } private: float m_angle; mat4 m_mat; //Mesh infos //Move damping vec2 m_mesh_rotate_damp; vec2 m_mesh_screen_move_damp; vec2 m_mesh_move_damp; //Move transform damping vec2 m_mesh_rotation_damp; vec2 m_mesh_screen_offset_damp; vec2 m_mesh_offset_damp; vec2 m_mesh_rotation; //Meshes rotation vec2 m_mesh_screen_offset;//Meshes screen offset vec2 m_mesh_offset; //Mesh Offset after first mesh (x: offset, y: scale) //File data String m_file_name; Array<String> m_cmdlist; float m_stream_update_time; float m_stream_update_timer; //misc datas Array<EasyMesh, bool, float, vec3> m_meshes; Array<Light *> m_lights; Camera * m_camera; Shader * m_texture_shader; TileSet * DefaultTexture; Texture * m_texture; ShaderUniform m_texture_uni; Image * m_image; float m_fov; float m_fov_damp; float m_fov_zoom_damp; mat4 m_fov_compensation; }; //The basic main : int main(int argc, char **argv) { System::Init(argc, argv); Application app("MeshViewer", ivec2(1600, 600), 60.0f); if (argc > 1) new MeshViewer(argv[1]); else new MeshViewer(); app.Run(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }