// // Lol Engine // // Copyright: (c) 2010-2013 Sam Hocevar // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. // #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #ifdef WIN32 # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include #endif #include "core.h" #include "lolgl.h" LOLFX_RESOURCE_DECLARE(tile); LOLFX_RESOURCE_DECLARE(line); namespace lol { /* * The global g_scene object, initialised by Video::Init */ Scene *g_scene = nullptr; /* * A quick and dirty Tile structure for 2D blits */ struct Tile { TileSet *tileset; uint32_t prio; vec3 pos; vec2 scale; int id, o; }; /* * Scene implementation class */ class SceneData { friend class Scene; private: Array m_lines; Shader *m_line_shader; VertexDeclaration *m_line_vdecl; Array m_tiles; Array m_lights; Shader *m_tile_shader; VertexDeclaration *m_tile_vdecl; Array m_tile_bufs; Camera *m_default_cam; Array m_camera_stack; }; /* * Public Scene class */ Scene::Scene(ivec2 size) : data(new SceneData()) { /* Create a default orthographic camera, in case the user doesn’t. */ data->m_default_cam = new Camera(); mat4 proj = mat4::ortho(0, size.x, 0, size.y, -1000.f, 1000.f); data->m_default_cam->SetProjection(proj); PushCamera(data->m_default_cam); data->m_tile_shader = 0; data->m_tile_vdecl = new VertexDeclaration(VertexStream(VertexUsage::Position), VertexStream(VertexUsage::TexCoord)); data->m_line_shader = 0; data->m_line_vdecl = new VertexDeclaration(VertexStream(VertexUsage::Position, VertexUsage::Color)); } Scene::~Scene() { PopCamera(data->m_default_cam); /* FIXME: this must be done while the GL context is still active. * Change the code architecture to make sure of that. */ /* FIXME: also, make sure we do not add code to Reset() that will * reallocate stuff */ Reset(); delete data->m_line_vdecl; delete data->m_tile_vdecl; delete data; } void Scene::PushCamera(Camera *cam) { Ticker::Ref(cam); data->m_camera_stack.Push(cam); } void Scene::PopCamera(Camera *cam) { /* Parse from the end because that’s probably where we’ll find * our camera first. */ for (int i = data->m_camera_stack.Count(); i--; ) { if (data->m_camera_stack[i] == cam) { Ticker::Unref(cam); data->m_camera_stack.Remove(i); return; } } ASSERT(false, "trying to pop a nonexistent camera from the scene"); } Camera *Scene::GetCamera() { return data->m_camera_stack.Last(); } void Scene::Reset() { for (int i = 0; i < data->m_tile_bufs.Count(); i++) delete data->m_tile_bufs[i]; data->m_tile_bufs.Empty(); data->m_lights.Empty(); } void Scene::AddTile(TileSet *tileset, int id, vec3 pos, int o, vec2 scale) { ASSERT(id < tileset->GetTileCount()); Tile t; /* FIXME: this sorting only works for a 45-degree camera */ t.prio = -pos.y - 2 * 32 * pos.z + (o ? 0 : 32); t.tileset = tileset; t.id = id; t.pos = pos; t.o = o; t.scale = scale; data->m_tiles.Push(t); } void Scene::AddLine(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec4 color) { data->m_lines.Push(a, b, color); } void Scene::AddLight(Light *l) { data->m_lights.Push(l); } Array const &Scene::GetLights() const { return data->m_lights; } void Scene::RenderPrimitives() { /* TODO: this should be the main entry for rendering of all * primitives found in the scene graph. When we have one. */ } void Scene::RenderTiles() // XXX: rename to Blit() { RenderContext rc; /* Early test if nothing needs to be rendered */ if (!data->m_tiles.Count()) return; rc.SetDepthFunc(DepthFunc::LessOrEqual); rc.SetBlendFunc(BlendFunc::SrcAlpha, BlendFunc::OneMinusSrcAlpha); rc.SetAlphaFunc(AlphaFunc::GreaterOrEqual, 0.01f); #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX #elif !defined HAVE_GLES_2X glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); #endif if (!data->m_tile_shader) data->m_tile_shader = Shader::Create(LOLFX_RESOURCE_NAME(tile)); ShaderUniform uni_mat, uni_tex, uni_texsize; ShaderAttrib attr_pos, attr_tex; attr_pos = data->m_tile_shader->GetAttribLocation(VertexUsage::Position, 0); attr_tex = data->m_tile_shader->GetAttribLocation(VertexUsage::TexCoord, 0); data->m_tile_shader->Bind(); uni_mat = data->m_tile_shader->GetUniformLocation("proj_matrix"); data->m_tile_shader->SetUniform(uni_mat, GetCamera()->GetProjection()); uni_mat = data->m_tile_shader->GetUniformLocation("view_matrix"); data->m_tile_shader->SetUniform(uni_mat, GetCamera()->GetView()); uni_mat = data->m_tile_shader->GetUniformLocation("model_matrix"); data->m_tile_shader->SetUniform(uni_mat, mat4(1.f)); uni_tex = data->m_tile_shader->GetUniformLocation("in_Texture"); data->m_tile_shader->SetUniform(uni_tex, 0); uni_texsize = data->m_tile_shader->GetUniformLocation("in_TexSize"); for (int buf = 0, i = 0, n; i < data->m_tiles.Count(); i = n, buf += 2) { /* Count how many quads will be needed */ for (n = i + 1; n < data->m_tiles.Count(); n++) if (data->m_tiles[i].tileset != data->m_tiles[n].tileset) break; /* Create a vertex array object */ VertexBuffer *vb1 = new VertexBuffer(6 * 3 * (n - i) * sizeof(float)); float *vertex = (float *)vb1->Lock(0, 0); VertexBuffer *vb2 = new VertexBuffer(6 * 2 * (n - i) * sizeof(float)); float *texture = (float *)vb2->Lock(0, 0); data->m_tile_bufs.Push(vb1); data->m_tile_bufs.Push(vb2); for (int j = i; j < n; j++) { data->m_tiles[i].tileset->BlitTile(data->m_tiles[j].id, data->m_tiles[j].pos, data->m_tiles[j].o, data->m_tiles[j].scale, vertex + 18 * (j - i), texture + 12 * (j - i)); } vb1->Unlock(); vb2->Unlock(); /* Bind texture */ data->m_tiles[i].tileset->Bind(); data->m_tile_shader->SetUniform(uni_texsize, (vec2)data->m_tiles[i].tileset->GetTextureSize()); /* Bind vertex and texture coordinate buffers */ data->m_tile_vdecl->Bind(); data->m_tile_vdecl->SetStream(vb1, attr_pos); data->m_tile_vdecl->SetStream(vb2, attr_tex); /* Draw arrays */ data->m_tile_vdecl->DrawElements(MeshPrimitive::Triangles, 0, (n - i) * 6); data->m_tile_vdecl->Unbind(); data->m_tiles[i].tileset->Unbind(); } data->m_tiles.Empty(); data->m_tile_shader->Unbind(); #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX /* TODO */ #elif !defined HAVE_GLES_2X glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); #endif } void Scene::RenderLines() // XXX: rename to Blit() { RenderContext rc; if (!data->m_lines.Count()) return; rc.SetDepthFunc(DepthFunc::LessOrEqual); rc.SetBlendFunc(BlendFunc::SrcAlpha, BlendFunc::OneMinusSrcAlpha); rc.SetAlphaFunc(AlphaFunc::GreaterOrEqual, 0.01f); int linecount = data->m_lines.Count(); if (!data->m_line_shader) data->m_line_shader = Shader::Create(LOLFX_RESOURCE_NAME(line)); VertexBuffer *vb = new VertexBuffer((sizeof(vec3) + sizeof(vec4)) * 2 * linecount); float *vertex = (float *)vb->Lock(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < linecount; i++) { memcpy(vertex, &data->m_lines[i].m1, sizeof(vec3)); vertex += 3; memcpy(vertex, &data->m_lines[i].m3, sizeof(vec4)); vertex += 4; memcpy(vertex, &data->m_lines[i].m2, sizeof(vec3)); vertex += 3; memcpy(vertex, &data->m_lines[i].m3, sizeof(vec4)); vertex += 4; } vb->Unlock(); data->m_line_shader->Bind(); ShaderUniform uni_mat, uni_tex; ShaderAttrib attr_pos, attr_col; attr_pos = data->m_line_shader->GetAttribLocation(VertexUsage::Position, 0); attr_col = data->m_line_shader->GetAttribLocation(VertexUsage::Color, 0); data->m_line_shader->Bind(); uni_mat = data->m_line_shader->GetUniformLocation("proj_matrix"); data->m_line_shader->SetUniform(uni_mat, GetCamera()->GetProjection()); uni_mat = data->m_line_shader->GetUniformLocation("view_matrix"); data->m_line_shader->SetUniform(uni_mat, GetCamera()->GetView()); data->m_line_vdecl->Bind(); data->m_line_vdecl->SetStream(vb, attr_pos, attr_col); data->m_line_vdecl->DrawElements(MeshPrimitive::Lines, 0, 2 * linecount); data->m_line_vdecl->Unbind(); data->m_line_shader->Unbind(); data->m_lines.Empty(); delete vb; } } /* namespace lol */