// // LolRemez — Remez algorithm implementation // // Copyright © 2005—2015 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> // // This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to // the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want // to Public License, Version 2, as published by the WTFPL Task Force. // See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. // #pragma once // // Powerful arithmetic expression parser/evaluator // // Usage: // expression e; // e.parse(" 2*x^3 + 3 * sin(x - atan(x))"); // auto y = e.eval("1.5"); // #include "pegtl.hh" namespace grammar { using namespace pegtl; enum class id : uint8_t { /* Variables and constants */ x, constant, /* Unary functions/operators */ plus, minus, abs, sqrt, cbrt, exp, exp2, log, log2, log10, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, /* Binary functions/operators */ add, sub, mul, div, atan2, pow, min, max, }; struct expression { /* * Evaluate expression at x */ lol::real eval(lol::real const &x) const { /* Use a stack */ lol::array<lol::real> stack; for (int i = 0; i < m_ops.count(); ++i) { /* Rules that do not consume stack elements */ if (m_ops[i].m1 == id::x) { stack.push(x); continue; } else if (m_ops[i].m1 == id::constant) { stack.push(m_constants[m_ops[i].m2]); continue; } /* All other rules consume at least the head of the stack */ lol::real head = stack.pop(); switch (m_ops[i].m1) { case id::plus: stack.push(head); break; case id::minus: stack.push(-head); break; case id::abs: stack.push(fabs(head)); break; case id::sqrt: stack.push(sqrt(head)); break; case id::cbrt: stack.push(cbrt(head)); break; case id::exp: stack.push(exp(head)); break; case id::exp2: stack.push(exp2(head)); break; case id::log: stack.push(log(head)); break; case id::log2: stack.push(log2(head)); break; case id::log10: stack.push(log10(head)); break; case id::sin: stack.push(sin(head)); break; case id::cos: stack.push(cos(head)); break; case id::tan: stack.push(tan(head)); break; case id::asin: stack.push(asin(head)); break; case id::acos: stack.push(acos(head)); break; case id::atan: stack.push(atan(head)); break; case id::sinh: stack.push(sinh(head)); break; case id::cosh: stack.push(cosh(head)); break; case id::tanh: stack.push(tanh(head)); break; case id::add: stack.push(stack.pop() + head); break; case id::sub: stack.push(stack.pop() - head); break; case id::mul: stack.push(stack.pop() * head); break; case id::div: stack.push(stack.pop() / head); break; case id::atan2: stack.push(atan2(stack.pop(), head)); break; case id::pow: stack.push(pow(stack.pop(), head)); break; case id::min: stack.push(min(stack.pop(), head)); break; case id::max: stack.push(max(stack.pop(), head)); break; case id::x: case id::constant: /* Already handled above */ break; } } ASSERT(stack.count() == 1); return stack.pop(); } private: lol::array<id, int> m_ops; lol::array<lol::real> m_constants; private: struct r_expr; // r_ <- <blank> * struct _ : star<space> {}; // r_constant <- <digit> + ( "." <digit> * ) ? ( [eE] [+-] ? <digit> + ) ? struct r_constant : seq<plus<digit>, opt<seq<one<'.'>, star<digit>>>, opt<seq<one<'e', 'E'>, opt<one<'+', '-'>>, plus<digit>>>> {}; // r_var <- "x" struct r_var : pegtl_string_t("x") {}; // r_binary_call <- <r_binary_fun> "(" r_expr "," r_expr ")" struct r_binary_fun : sor<pegtl_string_t("atan2"), pegtl_string_t("pow"), pegtl_string_t("min"), pegtl_string_t("max")> {}; struct r_binary_call : seq<r_binary_fun, _, one<'('>, _, r_expr, _, one<','>, _, r_expr, _, one<')'>> {}; // r_unary_call <- <r_unary_fun> "(" r_expr ")" struct r_unary_fun : sor<pegtl_string_t("abs"), pegtl_string_t("sqrt"), pegtl_string_t("cbrt"), pegtl_string_t("exp"), pegtl_string_t("exp2"), pegtl_string_t("log"), pegtl_string_t("log2"), pegtl_string_t("log10"), pegtl_string_t("sin"), pegtl_string_t("cos"), pegtl_string_t("tan"), pegtl_string_t("asin"), pegtl_string_t("acos"), pegtl_string_t("atan"), pegtl_string_t("sinh"), pegtl_string_t("cosh"), pegtl_string_t("tanh")> {}; struct r_unary_call : seq<r_unary_fun, _, one<'('>, _, r_expr, _, one<')'>> {}; // r_call <- r_binary_call / r_unary_call struct r_call : sor<r_binary_call, r_unary_call> {}; // r_parentheses <- "(" r_expr ")" struct r_parentheses : seq<one<'('>, pad<r_expr, space>, one<')'>> {}; // r_terminal <- r_call / r_var / r_constant / r_parentheses struct r_terminal : sor<r_call, r_var, r_constant, r_parentheses> {}; // r_signed <- "-" r_signed / "+" r_signed / r_terminal struct r_signed; struct r_minus : seq<one<'-'>, _, r_signed> {}; struct r_signed : sor<r_minus, seq<one<'+'>, _, r_signed>, r_terminal> {}; // r_exponent <- ( "^" / "**" ) r_signed struct r_exponent : seq<pad<sor<one<'^'>, string<'*', '*'>>, space>, r_signed> {}; // r_factor <- r_signed ( r_exponent ) * struct r_factor : seq<r_signed, star<r_exponent>> {}; // r_mul <- "*" r_factor // r_div <- "/" r_factor // r_term <- r_factor ( r_mul / r_div ) * struct r_mul : seq<_, one<'*'>, _, r_factor> {}; struct r_div : seq<_, one<'/'>, _, r_factor> {}; struct r_term : seq<r_factor, star<sor<r_mul, r_div>>> {}; // r_add <- "+" r_term // r_sub <- "-" r_term // r_expr <- r_term ( r_add / r_sub ) * struct r_add : seq<_, one<'+'>, _, r_term> {}; struct r_sub : seq<_, one<'-'>, _, r_term> {}; struct r_expr : seq<r_term, star<sor<r_add, r_sub>>> {}; // r_stmt <- r_expr <end> struct r_stmt : must<pad<r_expr, space>, pegtl::eof> {}; // // Default actions // template<typename R> struct action : nothing<R> {}; template<id OP> struct generic_action { static void apply(action_input const &in, expression *that) { UNUSED(in); that->m_ops.push(OP, -1); } }; public: /* * Parse arithmetic expression in x, e.g. 2*x+3 */ void parse(std::string const &str) { m_ops.empty(); m_constants.empty(); pegtl::parse_string<r_stmt, action>(str, "expression", this); } }; // // Rule specialisations for simple operators // template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_var> : generic_action<id::x> {}; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_exponent> : generic_action<id::pow> {}; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_mul> : generic_action<id::mul> {}; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_div> : generic_action<id::div> {}; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_add> : generic_action<id::add> {}; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_sub> : generic_action<id::sub> {}; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_minus> : generic_action<id::minus> {}; // // Rule specialisations for unary and binary function calls // template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_binary_call> { static void apply(action_input const &in, expression *that) { struct { id ret; char const *name; } lut[] = { { id::atan2, "atan2" }, { id::pow, "pow" }, { id::min, "min" }, { id::max, "max" }, }; for (auto pair : lut) { if (strncmp(in.string().c_str(), pair.name, strlen(pair.name)) != 0) continue; that->m_ops.push(pair.ret, -1); return; } } }; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_unary_call> { static void apply(action_input const &in, expression *that) { struct { id ret; char const *name; } lut[] = { { id::abs, "abs" }, { id::sqrt, "sqrt" }, { id::cbrt, "cbrt" }, { id::exp2, "exp2" }, { id::exp, "exp" }, { id::log10, "log10" }, { id::log2, "log2" }, { id::log, "log" }, { id::sinh, "sinh" }, { id::cosh, "cosh" }, { id::tanh, "tanh" }, { id::sin, "sin" }, { id::cos, "cos" }, { id::tan, "tan" }, { id::asin, "asin" }, { id::acos, "acos" }, { id::atan, "atan" }, }; for (auto pair : lut) { if (strncmp(in.string().c_str(), pair.name, strlen(pair.name)) != 0) continue; that->m_ops.push(pair.ret, -1); return; } } }; template<> struct expression::action<expression::r_constant> { static void apply(action_input const &in, expression *that) { /* FIXME: check if the constant is already in the list */ that->m_ops.push(id::constant, that->m_constants.count()); that->m_constants.push(lol::real(in.string().c_str())); } }; } /* namespace grammar */ using grammar::expression;