- function TypeDictionnary(m_name)
- {
- this.m_name = m_name;
- this.m_cmds = new Array();
- this.m_vars = new Array();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Command Var object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function CmdVarObj() { }
- function CmdVar(m_type, m_syntax)
- {
- var current_dict = GetCmdDictionnary();
- new_obj = new CmdVarObj();
- new_obj.m_type = m_type;
- new_obj.m_syntax = m_syntax;
- new_obj.ToString = function()
- {
- var res = m_type + ' ';
- if (m_syntax != undefined)
- for (var i = 0; i < m_syntax.length; i++)
- res += m_syntax[i] + ' ';
- }
- current_dict.m_vars[current_dict.m_vars.length] = new_obj;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Command Argument object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function CmdArgObj() { }
- function CmdArg(m_type, m_name, m_optional)
- {
- new_obj = new CmdArgObj();
- new_obj.m_type = m_type;
- new_obj.m_name = m_name;
- new_obj.m_optional = m_optional;
- new_obj.ToString = function()
- {
- if (m_optional != undefined)
- return m_type + ' ' + m_name + ' = ' + m_optional;
- return m_type + ' ' + m_name;
- }
- return new_obj;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Command Typing object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function CmdTypeObj() { }
- function CmdType(m_name, m_comment, m_arg)
- {
- var current_dict = GetCmdDictionnary();
- new_obj = new CmdTypeObj();
- new_obj.m_name = m_name;
- new_obj.m_comment = m_comment;
- new_obj.m_arg = m_arg;
- new_obj.ToString = function()
- {
- var str = m_name.toString() + ' [' + m_comment + ']';
- if (m_arg != undefined)
- {
- str += '{';
- var found_optional = false;
- for (var vi = 0; vi < m_arg.length; vi++)
- {
- if (m_arg[vi].m_optional != undefined && found_optional == false)
- {
- str += ' [';
- found_optional = true;
- }
- if (vi != 0)
- str += ', ';
- str += m_arg[vi].ToString();
- }
- if (found_optional == true)
- str += ']';
- str += '}';
- }
- return str;
- }
- new_obj.CheckCommand = function(check_name)
- {
- if (m_name != undefined && check_name.length > 0)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < m_name.length; i++)
- {
- if (m_name[i] != undefined)
- {
- var pattern = new RegExp("^[ ]*" + check_name + "[a-z]*");
- if (pattern.test(m_name[i]))
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- current_dict.m_cmds[current_dict.m_cmds.length] = new_obj;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Tries to find a matching command in the dictionnary based on the current cursor location in the given TextArea.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function FindMatchingCommand(src_text_area)
- {
- if (src_text_area != undefined)
- {
- var current_dict = GetCmdDictionnary();
- var found_match = "";
- var check = true;
- var cursor = Math.min(src_text_area.selectionStart, src_text_area.value.length - 1);
- //Weird test to ensure we don't start searching on the next line or on the next word.
- if (!src_text_area.value[cursor].match(/^[ \n]$/))
- cursor++;
- cursor = Math.min(cursor, src_text_area.value.length - 1);
- var o = 0;
- while (check && o < 10)
- {
- //Move backward to find the first letter on this line
- for (; cursor > 0; cursor--)
- if (src_text_area.value[cursor].match(/^[a-z\n]+$/))
- break;
- //Move backward to find the start of the command
- for (; cursor > 0; cursor--)
- if (!src_text_area.value[cursor - 1].match(/^[#0-9a-z]+$/))
- break;
- //If the cursor is on a "#" and the previous is a " ", we're on a color, repeat the operation
- if (cursor > 0 && src_text_area.value[cursor - 1].match(/[ ]/) &&
- src_text_area.value[cursor].match(/[#]/))
- check = true;
- else
- check = false;
- o++;
- }
- //Move forward to find the end of the word
- for (; cursor < src_text_area.value.length; cursor++)
- {
- if (src_text_area.value[cursor].match(/^[a-z]+$/))
- found_match += src_text_area.value[cursor];
- else
- break;
- }
- //Try to match the command with the dictionnary
- var match_data = new Object();
- match_data.match = found_match;
- match_data.match_list = new Array();
- for (cursor = 0; cursor < current_dict.m_cmds.length; cursor++)
- if (current_dict.m_cmds[cursor].CheckCommand(found_match))
- match_data.match_list[match_data.match_list.length] = cursor;
- return match_data;
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Build a TOC from all commands first letter
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function BuildTOC(with_dot)
- {
- var res = '';
- var current_dict = GetCmdDictionnary();
- for (var a = 'a'.charCodeAt(0); a <= 'z'.charCodeAt(0); a++)
- {
- var stop = false;
- for (var i = 0; !stop && i < current_dict.m_cmds.length; i++)
- {
- for (var j = 0; j < current_dict.m_cmds[i].m_name.length; j++)
- {
- if (current_dict.m_cmds[i].m_name[j][0] == String.fromCharCode(a))
- {
- res += String.fromCharCode(a);
- stop = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!stop && with_dot)
- res += '.';
- }
- return res;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Setup code lookup logic
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function CmdLookup(div_cmds, div_args, div_cmnt, div_vars, text_src)
- {
- var cur_dict = GetCmdDictionnary();
- if (text_src != undefined)
- {
- var cmd_size = 8;
- var found = FindMatchingCommand(text_src);
- if (found.match_list.length > 0)
- {
- var perfect_match = false;
- var best_match = 0;
- var best_length = 300000;
- //Find the best match to put it in first in the list
- for (var i = 0; i < found.match_list.length && best_length > 0; i++)
- {
- var cur_match = cur_dict.m_cmds[found.match_list[i]];
- for (var j = 0; j < cur_match.m_name.length && best_length > 0; j++)
- {
- if (cur_match.m_name[j].length == found.match.length)
- {
- perfect_match = true;
- best_match = i;
- best_length = 0;
- }
- else if (cur_match.m_name[j].length < best_length &&
- cur_match.m_name[j].length > found.match.length)
- {
- best_match = i;
- best_length = cur_match.m_name[j].length;
- }
- }
- }
- var tmp = found.match_list[0];
- found.match_list[0] = found.match_list[best_match];
- found.match_list[best_match] = tmp;
- var type_list = new Array();
- div_cmds[0].innerHTML = "";
- div_cmds[1].innerHTML = "";
- div_args.innerHTML = "";
- div_cmnt.innerHTML = "";
- //Go through the found matches and show them.
- for (var i = 0; i < found.match_list.length; i++)
- {
- var cur_match = cur_dict.m_cmds[found.match_list[i]];
- div_cmds[0].innerHTML += '[';
- var max = cur_match.m_name.length;
- var word = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < max; j++)
- {
- var mth = found.match;
- var cmd = cur_match.m_name[j];
- //Matching start caracters should be bold
- if (mth == cmd.slice(0, mth.length))
- {
- div_cmds[word].innerHTML += ' ';
- div_cmds[word].innerHTML += '<b>' + mth + '</b>';
- div_cmds[word].innerHTML += cmd.slice(mth.length, cmd.length);
- word++;
- }
- }
- //Complete empty command by <br> so commands in the two columns are on the same line
- word = (word > 0)?(2):(0);
- while (word-- > 0)
- div_cmds[word].innerHTML += "<br>";
- //Go through the arguments and show them, force if we found the perfect match
- if (perfect_match || (found.match_list.length < 4 && i == 0))
- {
- div_args.innerHTML += " > ";
- if (cur_match.m_arg != undefined)
- {
- max = cur_match.m_arg.length;
- var found_optional = false;
- for (var j = 0; j < max; j++)
- {
- if (cur_match.m_arg[j].m_optional != undefined && found_optional == false)
- {
- var tab = '<br>'; for (var l = 0; l < 5; l++) tab += ' ';
- div_args.innerHTML += tab + 'Opt: [';
- found_optional = true;
- }
- else if (j > 0)
- div_args.innerHTML += ', ';
- //Types are bold
- div_args.innerHTML += '<b>' + cur_match.m_arg[j].m_type + '</b> ';
- type_list[type_list.length] = cur_match.m_arg[j].m_type;
- //Names are not
- div_args.innerHTML += cur_match.m_arg[j].m_name;
- if (cur_match.m_arg[j].m_optional != undefined)
- div_args.innerHTML += ' = <b>' + cur_match.m_arg[j].m_optional + '</b>';
- }
- if (found_optional == true)
- div_args.innerHTML += '] ';
- div_args.innerHTML += ' <br>';
- }
- //Add the comment
- if (cur_match.m_comment != undefined)
- {
- var tb_i = 16; var in_i = 8;
- var tab = '<br>';
- if (cur_match.m_arg == undefined) { tb_i -= 8; in_i -= 8; }
- for (var l = 0; l < in_i; l++) div_args.innerHTML += ' ';
- for (var l = 0; l < tb_i; l++) tab += ' ';
- div_args.innerHTML += cur_match.m_comment + ' ';
- while (div_args.innerHTML.indexOf('\n') > -1)
- div_args.innerHTML = div_args.innerHTML.replace('\n', tab);
- }
- }
- }
- //Go through the type list and bold the used ones.
- if (cur_dict.m_vars != undefined)
- {
- div_vars.innerHTML = "";
- var max = cur_dict.m_vars.length;
- for (var j = 0; j < max; j++)
- {
- var cur_var = cur_dict.m_vars[j];
- div_vars.innerHTML += " > ";
- var k = 0;
- for (; k < type_list.length; k++)
- if (cur_var.m_type == type_list[k])
- break;
- //Bold the used variables
- if (k < type_list.length)
- div_vars.innerHTML += "<b>" + cur_var.m_type + "</b>";
- else
- div_vars.innerHTML += cur_var.m_type;
- if (cur_var.m_syntax != undefined)
- {
- var align_size = 9;
- var cmd_size = cur_var.m_type.length + 3;
- for (var m = 0; m < cur_var.m_syntax.length; m++)
- {
- for (var l = 0; l < align_size - cmd_size; l++)
- div_vars.innerHTML += " ";
- div_vars.innerHTML += cur_var.m_syntax[m] + "<br>";
- cmd_size = 0;
- }
- var tab = '';
- for (var l = 0; l < align_size - cmd_size; l++)
- tab += " ";
- while (div_vars.innerHTML.indexOf('\n') > -1)
- div_vars.innerHTML = div_vars.innerHTML.replace('\n', '<br>' + tab);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- div_cmds[0].innerHTML = "[ ... ";
- div_cmds[1].innerHTML = "";
- div_args.innerHTML = "";
- div_cmnt.innerHTML = "";
- }
- }
- }