- //
- // Lol Engine — Bullet physics test
- //
- // Copyright © 2012—2020 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // © 2009—2013 Cédric Lecacheur <jordx@free.fr>
- // © 2009—2013 Benjamin “Touky” Huet <huet.benjamin@gmail.com>
- //
- // Lol Engine is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
- // the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
- // and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want
- // to Public License, Version 2, as published by the WTFPL Task Force.
- // See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- //
- #pragma once
- /* FIXME: this file is pure crap; it's only a test. */
- #include <lol/engine.h>
- #include "easymesh/easymesh.h"
- #include "physics/easyphysics.h"
- #include "physics/easycharactercontroller.h"
- #include "physics/easyconstraint.h"
- using namespace lol;
- using namespace lol::phys;
- #if CAT_MODE
- #define USE_SPHERE 1
- #else
- #define USE_BOX 1
- #define USE_SPHERE 1
- #define USE_CONE 1
- #define USE_CYLINDER 1
- #define USE_CAPSULE 1
- #endif
- static vec4 hex_to_color(std::string const &s)
- {
- std::string c = s[0] == '#' ? &s[1] : s;
- uint32_t tmp = std::strtol(c.c_str(), nullptr, 16);
- if (c.length() == 3)
- {
- tmp = 0x11000000u * (tmp >> 8)
- | 0x00110000u * ((tmp >> 4) & 0xf)
- | 0x00001100u * (tmp & 0xf)
- | 0x000000ffu;
- }
- else if (c.length() == 4)
- {
- tmp = 0x11000000u * (tmp >> 12)
- | 0x00110000u * ((tmp >> 8) & 0xf)
- | 0x00001100u * ((tmp >> 4) & 0xf)
- | 0x00000011u * (tmp & 0xf);
- }
- else if (c.length() == 6)
- {
- tmp = 0xffu | 0x100u * tmp;
- }
- ivec4 v(tmp >> 24, (tmp >> 16) & 0xff, (tmp >> 8) & 0xff, tmp & 0xff);
- return vec4(v) * (1.f / 255.f);
- }
- class PhysicsObject : public WorldEntity
- {
- public:
- PhysicsObject(Simulation* new_sim, const vec3 &base_location, const quat &base_rotation)
- : m_custom_shader(0),
- m_ready(false),
- m_should_render(true),
- m_is_character(false),
- m_is_phys(false)
- {
- m_physics = new EasyPhysic(this);
- //m_mesh.Compile("[sc#ddd afcb 60 1 60 -.1]");
- m_mesh.SetCurColor(color::white);
- m_mesh.AppendFlatChamfBox(vec3(60.f, 1.f, 60.f), -.1f);
- vec3 BoxSize = vec3(60.f, 1.f, 60.f);
- m_physics->SetCollisionChannel(0, 0xFF);
- m_physics->SetShapeToBox(BoxSize);
- m_physics->SetMass(.0f);
- m_physics->SetTransform(base_location, base_rotation);
- m_physics->InitBodyToRigid(true);
- m_physics->AddToSimulation(new_sim);
- }
- PhysicsObject(Simulation* new_sim, const vec3 &base_location, const quat &base_rotation, int dummy)
- : m_custom_shader(0),
- m_ready(false),
- m_should_render(true),
- m_is_character(false),
- m_is_phys(false)
- {
- if (dummy == 1) //for platform purpose
- {
- m_physics = new EasyPhysic(this);
- m_mesh.Compile("[sc#ddd afcb 20 1 20 -.1]");
- vec3 BoxSize = vec3(20.f, 1.f, 20.f);
- m_physics->SetCollisionChannel(0, 0xFF);
- m_physics->SetShapeToBox(BoxSize);
- m_physics->SetMass(.0f);
- m_physics->SetTransform(base_location, base_rotation);
- m_physics->InitBodyToRigid(true);
- m_physics->AddToSimulation(new_sim);
- }
- else if (dummy == 2) //for character purpose
- {
- m_character = new EasyCharacterController(this);
- m_is_character = true;
- //m_mesh.Compile("[sc#f00 afcb10 10 10 -.1]");
- m_mesh.Compile(
- "[sc#000 scb#000"
- //"[sc#aaa scb#aaa"
- "[ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1]"
- "[asph8 .5 ty1]"
- "[ac32 2 .5 .5 0 0]"
- "[asph6 .1 ty.9 tx.5 tz.15]"
- "[asph6 .1 ty.9 tx.5 tz-.15]"
- "[asph8 .05 sy10 ty.6 tz.5]"
- "[asph8 .05 sy10 ty.6 tz-.5]"
- "]"
- "[sc#fd0 scb#fd0"
- "[ac8 .4 .1 0 0 0 ty.25 rz-90 ty.7 tx.5]"
- "]"
- "["
- "[sc#fff scb#fff"
- "[ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1]"
- "[asph8 .5 ty1]"
- "[ac32 1.9 .5 .5 0 0]"
- "]"
- " ty-.1 tx.05]"
- );
- vec3 BoxSize = vec3(1.f, 2.f, 1.f);
- m_character->SetCollisionChannel(0, 0xFF);
- m_character->SetShapeToCapsule(BoxSize.x, BoxSize.y);
- m_character->SetMass(.0f);
- //m_character->SetStepHeight(1.f);
- m_character->SetTransform(base_location, base_rotation);
- m_character->InitBodyToGhost();
- m_character->AddToSimulation(new_sim);
- }
- else if (dummy == 3) //for Stairs purpose
- {
- m_physics = new EasyPhysic(this);
- m_mesh.Compile("[sc#aae afcb4 .25 4 -.01]");
- vec3 BoxSize = vec3(4.f, .25f, 4.f);
- m_physics->SetCollisionChannel(0, 0xFF);
- m_physics->SetShapeToBox(BoxSize);
- m_physics->SetMass(.0f);
- m_physics->SetTransform(base_location, base_rotation);
- m_physics->InitBodyToRigid(true);
- m_physics->AddToSimulation(new_sim);
- }
- }
- PhysicsObject(Simulation* new_sim, float base_mass, const vec3 &base_location, int RandValue = -1)
- : m_custom_shader(0),
- m_ready(false),
- m_should_render(true),
- m_is_character(false),
- m_is_phys(false)
- {
- static array<EasyMesh> MeshRand;
- static array<int> MeshLimit;
- static array<int> MeshType;
- if (!MeshRand.count())
- {
- array<std::string> colors_base = { "#add", "#dad", "#dda", "#daa", "#ada", "#aad" };
- MeshLimit << 0;
- #if USE_BOX
- {
- array<std::string> colors = colors_base;
- while (colors.count())
- {
- EasyMesh m;
- vec4 color = hex_to_color(colors.pop());
- m.SetCurColor(color);
- m.AppendFlatChamfBox(vec3(1.7f), .4f);
- m.OpenBrace();
- {
- m.SetCurColor(color::black);
- m.ToggleScaleWinding();
- m.AppendFlatChamfBox(vec3(1.9f), .4f);
- m.ScaleX(-1.f);
- m.ScaleY(-1.f);
- m.ScaleZ(-1.f);
- }
- m.CloseBrace();
- MeshRand << m;
- }
- }
- //MeshRand << "[sc#add afcb1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4][sc#000 tsw afcb1.9 1.9 1.9 0.4 sx-1 sy-1 sz-1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dad afcb1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4][sc#000 tsw afcb1.9 1.9 1.9 0.4 sx-1 sy-1 sz-1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dda afcb1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4][sc#000 tsw afcb1.9 1.9 1.9 0.4 sx-1 sy-1 sz-1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#daa afcb1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4][sc#000 tsw afcb1.9 1.9 1.9 0.4 sx-1 sy-1 sz-1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#ada afcb1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4][sc#000 tsw afcb1.9 1.9 1.9 0.4 sx-1 sy-1 sz-1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#aad afcb1.7 1.7 1.7 0.4][sc#000 tsw afcb1.9 1.9 1.9 0.4 sx-1 sy-1 sz-1]";
- MeshLimit << MeshRand.count();
- MeshType << 0;
- #endif //USE_BOX
- #if CAT_MODE
- int nb_sprite = NB_SPRITE;
- vec2 start_point = vec2((float)rand(nb_sprite), (float)rand(nb_sprite)) / vec2((float)nb_sprite);
- //vec2(0.f, .0f) / vec2((float)nb_sprite);
- vec2 size = vec2(1.f) / vec2((float)nb_sprite);
- m_mesh.BD()->SetTexCoordCustomBuild(MeshType::Quad, MeshFaceType::QuadDefault,
- start_point, start_point + size);
- m_mesh.BD()->SetTexCoordCustomBuild2(MeshType::Quad, MeshFaceType::QuadDefault,
- MeshRand << "[tpbn tvnc sc#ffff aq 0 0]";
- MeshRand << "[tpbn tvnc sc#faaf aq 0 0]";
- MeshRand << "[tpbn tvnc sc#afaf aq 0 0]";
- MeshRand << "[tpbn tvnc sc#aaff aq 0 0]";
- #else
- {
- array<std::string> colors = colors_base;
- while (colors.count())
- {
- EasyMesh m;
- vec4 color = hex_to_color(colors.pop());
- m.SetCurColor(color);
- m.AppendSphere(1, 2.f);
- MeshRand << m;
- }
- }
- //MeshRand << "[sc#add asph1 2]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dad asph1 2]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dda asph1 2]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#daa asph1 2]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#ada asph1 2]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#aad asph1 2]";
- #endif
- MeshLimit << MeshRand.count();
- MeshType << 1;
- #endif //USE_SPHERE
- #if USE_CONE
- {
- array<std::string> colors = colors_base;
- while (colors.count())
- {
- EasyMesh m;
- vec4 color = hex_to_color(colors.pop());
- m.SetCurColor(color);
- m.SetCurColorB(color);
- m.AppendDisc(8, 2.f);
- m.RotateX(180.f);
- m.TranslateY(-1.f);
- m.AppendCylinder(8, 2.f, 2.f, 0.f);
- MeshRand << m;
- }
- }
- //MeshRand << "[sc#add scb#add ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 ac8 2 2 0 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dad scb#dad ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 ac8 2 2 0 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dda scb#dda ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 ac8 2 2 0 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#daa scb#daa ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 ac8 2 2 0 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#ada scb#ada ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 ac8 2 2 0 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#aad scb#aad ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 ac8 2 2 0 0 0]";
- MeshLimit << MeshRand.count();
- MeshType << 2;
- #endif //USE_CONE
- {
- array<std::string> colors = colors_base;
- while (colors.count())
- {
- EasyMesh m;
- vec4 color = hex_to_color(colors.pop());
- m.SetCurColor(color);
- m.SetCurColorB(color);
- m.AppendDisc(8, 2.f);
- m.RotateX(180.f);
- m.TranslateY(-1.f);
- m.MirrorY();
- m.AppendCylinder(8.f, 2.f, 2.f, 2.f);
- MeshRand << m;
- }
- }
- //MeshRand << "[sc#add scb#add ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 my ac8 2 2 2 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dad scb#dad ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 my ac8 2 2 2 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dda scb#dda ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 my ac8 2 2 2 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#daa scb#daa ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 my ac8 2 2 2 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#ada scb#ada ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 my ac8 2 2 2 0 0]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#aad scb#aad ad8 2 0 rx180 ty-1 my ac8 2 2 2 0 0]";
- MeshLimit << MeshRand.count();
- MeshType << 3;
- #endif //USE_CYLINDER
- {
- array<std::string> colors = colors_base;
- while (colors.count())
- {
- EasyMesh m;
- vec4 color = hex_to_color(colors.pop());
- m.SetCurColor(color);
- m.SetCurColorB(color);
- m.AppendCapsule(1, 2.f, 1.f);
- MeshRand << m;
- }
- }
- //MeshRand << "[sc#add scb#add acap1 2 1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dad scb#dad acap1 2 1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#dda scb#dda acap1 2 1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#daa scb#daa acap1 2 1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#ada scb#ada acap1 2 1]";
- //MeshRand << "[sc#aad scb#aad acap1 2 1]";
- MeshLimit << MeshRand.count();
- MeshType << 4;
- #endif //USE_CAPSULE
- }
- int RandLimit = RandValue;
- if (MeshLimit.count() <= RandValue || RandValue < 0)
- RandLimit = rand((int)MeshLimit.count() - 1);
- RandValue = rand(MeshLimit[RandLimit], MeshLimit[RandLimit + 1]);
- m_physics = new EasyPhysic(this);
- //m_mesh.Compile(MeshRand[RandValue]);
- m_mesh = MeshRand[RandValue];
- m_mesh.Scale(vec3(OBJ_SIZE));
- vec3 BoxSize = vec3(2.0f) * OBJ_SIZE;
- int ColGroup = 1;
- switch (MeshType[RandLimit])
- {
- case 0:
- {
- m_physics->SetShapeToBox(BoxSize);
- ColGroup += 0;
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- m_physics->SetShapeToSphere(BoxSize.x);
- ColGroup += 1;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- m_physics->SetShapeToCone(BoxSize.x, BoxSize.y);
- ColGroup += 2;
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- m_physics->SetShapeToCylinder(BoxSize);
- ColGroup += 3;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- m_physics->SetShapeToCapsule(BoxSize.x, BoxSize.y);
- ColGroup += 4;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- }
- }
- m_physics->SetHitRestitution(1.0f);
- m_physics->SetCollisionChannel(0, 0xFF);
- //m_physics->SetCollisionChannel(ColGroup, (1 << ColGroup)|(1));
- m_physics->SetMass(base_mass);
- m_physics->SetTransform(base_location);
- m_physics->InitBodyToRigid();
- m_physics->AddToSimulation(new_sim);
- }
- void SetTransform(const lol::vec3& base_location, const lol::quat& base_rotation = lol::quat(lol::mat3(1.0f)))
- {
- if (m_is_character)
- m_character->SetTransform(base_location, base_rotation);
- else
- m_physics->SetTransform(base_location, base_rotation);
- }
- lol::mat4 GetTransform()
- {
- if (m_is_character)
- return m_character->GetTransform();
- else
- return m_physics->GetTransform();
- }
- void SetRender(bool should_render)
- {
- m_should_render = should_render;
- }
- void SetCustomShaderData(GpuShaderData* custom_shader)
- {
- m_custom_shader = custom_shader;
- }
- GpuShaderData* GetCustomShaderData()
- {
- return m_custom_shader;
- }
- EasyMesh *GetMesh() { return &m_mesh; }
- EasyPhysic *GetPhysic() { return m_physics; }
- EasyCharacterController *GetCharacter() { return m_character; }
- ~PhysicsObject()
- {
- }
- std::string GetName() const { return "<PhysicsObject>"; }
- protected:
- virtual void tick_game(float seconds)
- {
- WorldEntity::tick_game(seconds);
- }
- virtual void tick_draw(float seconds, Scene &scene)
- {
- WorldEntity::tick_draw(seconds, scene);
- #if CAT_MODE
- if (!m_is_phys || m_custom_shader)
- #endif //CAT_MODE
- {
- if (!m_ready)
- {
- m_mesh.MeshConvert();
- /* FIXME: m_custom_shader is ignored */
- m_ready = true;
- }
- else if (m_should_render)
- {
- if (m_is_character)
- m_mesh.Render(scene, m_character->GetTransform());
- else
- m_mesh.Render(scene, m_physics->GetTransform());
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- // Base data
- EasyMesh m_mesh;
- EasyPhysic* m_physics;
- EasyCharacterController* m_character;
- GpuShaderData* m_custom_shader;
- bool m_ready;
- bool m_should_render;
- bool m_is_character;
- bool m_is_phys; /* Only used in CAT_MODE */
- };