- //
- // Lol Engine
- //
- // Copyright: (c) 2010-2013 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
- // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- //
- #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cstdio>
- #if defined WIN32 && !defined _XBOX
- # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- # include <windows.h>
- # if defined USE_D3D9
- # include <algorithm>
- using std::min;
- using std::max;
- # include <d3d9.h>
- # include <d3dx9shader.h>
- # endif
- #elif defined _XBOX
- # include <xtl.h>
- # undef near /* Fuck Microsoft */
- # undef far /* Fuck Microsoft again */
- #endif
- #include "core.h"
- #include "lolgl.h"
- using namespace std;
- namespace lol
- {
- static const char* attribute_names[] = {
- "in_Position",
- "in_BlendWeight",
- "in_BlendIndices",
- "in_Normal",
- "in_PointSize",
- "in_TexCoord",
- "in_TexCoordExt",
- "in_Tangent",
- "in_Binormal",
- "in_TessFactor",
- "in_PositionT",
- "in_Color",
- "in_Fog",
- "in_Depth",
- "in_Sample"
- };
- /*
- * Shader implementation class
- */
- class ShaderData
- {
- friend class Shader;
- private:
- #if defined USE_D3D9
- IDirect3DDevice9 *m_dev;
- IDirect3DVertexShader9 *vert_shader;
- IDirect3DPixelShader9 *frag_shader;
- ID3DXConstantTable *vert_table, *frag_table;
- #elif defined _XBOX
- D3DDevice *m_dev;
- D3DVertexShader *vert_shader;
- D3DPixelShader *frag_shader;
- ID3DXConstantTable *vert_table, *frag_table;
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- GLuint prog_id, vert_id, frag_id;
- // Benlitz: using a simple array could be faster since there is never more than a few attribute locations to store
- Map<uint64_t, GLint> attrib_locations;
- #else
- CGprogram vert_id, frag_id;
- #endif
- uint32_t vert_crc, frag_crc;
- /* Shader patcher */
- static int GetVersion();
- static void Patch(char *dst, char const *vert, char const *frag);
- /* Global shader cache */
- static Shader *shaders[];
- static Hash<char const *> hash;
- static int nshaders;
- };
- Shader *ShaderData::shaders[256];
- Hash<char const *> ShaderData::hash;
- int ShaderData::nshaders = 0;
- /*
- * Public Shader class
- */
- Shader *Shader::Create(char const *lolfx)
- {
- char *src = new char[strlen(lolfx) + 2];
- memcpy(src + 1, lolfx, strlen(lolfx) + 1);
- src[0] = '\n';
- /* Parse the crap */
- Array<char const *, char const *> sections;
- char *key = nullptr;
- for (char *parser = src; *parser; )
- {
- if (key == nullptr && (parser[0] == '\n' || parser[0] == '\r')
- && parser[1] == '[')
- {
- *parser = '\0';
- parser += 2;
- key = parser;
- }
- else if (key && parser[0] == ']')
- {
- *parser++ = '\0';
- }
- else if (key && (parser[0] == '\n' || parser[0] == '\r'))
- {
- sections.Push(key, parser);
- parser++;
- key = nullptr;
- }
- else
- {
- parser++;
- }
- }
- char const *vert = nullptr, *frag = nullptr;
- for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count(); i++)
- {
- #if !defined __CELLOS_LV2__ && !defined _XBOX && !defined USE_D3D9
- if (!strcmp(sections[i].m1, "vert.glsl"))
- vert = sections[i].m2;
- if (!strcmp(sections[i].m1, "frag.glsl"))
- frag = sections[i].m2;
- #else
- if (!strcmp(sections[i].m1, "vert.hlsl"))
- vert = sections[i].m2;
- if (!strcmp(sections[i].m1, "frag.hlsl"))
- frag = sections[i].m2;
- #endif
- }
- /* FIXME: we don’t know how to handle these yet. */
- if (!vert)
- Log::Error("no vertex shader found… sorry, I’m gonna crash now.\n");
- if (!frag)
- Log::Error("no fragment shader found… sorry, I’m gonna crash now.\n");
- uint32_t new_vert_crc = ShaderData::hash(vert);
- uint32_t new_frag_crc = ShaderData::hash(frag);
- for (int n = 0; n < ShaderData::nshaders; n++)
- {
- if (ShaderData::shaders[n]->data->vert_crc == new_vert_crc
- && ShaderData::shaders[n]->data->frag_crc == new_frag_crc)
- {
- delete[] src;
- return ShaderData::shaders[n];
- }
- }
- Shader *ret = new Shader(vert, frag);
- ShaderData::shaders[ShaderData::nshaders] = ret;
- ShaderData::nshaders++;
- delete[] src;
- return ret;
- }
- void Shader::Destroy(Shader *shader)
- {
- /* XXX: do nothing! the shader should remain in cache */
- UNUSED(shader);
- }
- Shader::Shader(char const *vert, char const *frag)
- : data(new ShaderData())
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- ID3DXBuffer *shader_code, *error_msg;
- D3DXMACRO macros[] =
- {
- #if defined _XBOX
- { "_XBOX", "1" },
- #endif
- { nullptr, nullptr }
- };
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- char buf[4096], errbuf[4096];
- char const *shader = buf;
- GLint status;
- GLsizei len;
- #else
- /* Initialise the runtime shader compiler. FIXME: this needs only
- * to be done once. */
- cgRTCgcInit();
- #endif
- /* Compile vertex shader */
- data->vert_crc = ShaderData::hash(vert);
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- # if defined USE_D3D9
- data->m_dev = (IDirect3DDevice9 *)g_renderer->GetDevice();
- # elif defined _XBOX
- data->m_dev = (D3DDevice *)g_renderer->GetDevice();
- # endif
- hr = D3DXCompileShader(vert, (UINT)strlen(vert), macros, nullptr, "main",
- "vs_3_0", 0, &shader_code, &error_msg,
- &data->vert_table);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- Log::Error("failed to compile vertex shader: %s",
- error_msg ? error_msg->GetBufferPointer() : "error");
- Log::Error("shader source:\n%s\n", vert);
- }
- data->m_dev->CreateVertexShader((DWORD *)shader_code->GetBufferPointer(),
- &data->vert_shader);
- shader_code->Release();
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- ShaderData::Patch(buf, vert, nullptr);
- data->vert_id = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
- glShaderSource(data->vert_id, 1, &shader, nullptr);
- glCompileShader(data->vert_id);
- glGetShaderInfoLog(data->vert_id, sizeof(errbuf), &len, errbuf);
- glGetShaderiv(data->vert_id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
- if (status != GL_TRUE)
- {
- Log::Error("failed to compile vertex shader: %s", errbuf);
- Log::Error("shader source:\n%s\n", buf);
- }
- else if (len > 16)
- {
- Log::Debug("compile log for vertex shader: %s", errbuf);
- Log::Debug("shader source:\n%s\n", buf);
- }
- #else
- data->vert_id = cgCreateProgram(cgCreateContext(), CG_SOURCE, vert,
- cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX),
- nullptr, nullptr);
- if (data->vert_id == nullptr)
- {
- Log::Error("failed to compile vertex shader");
- Log::Error("shader source:\n%s\n", vert);
- }
- #endif
- /* Compile fragment shader */
- data->frag_crc = ShaderData::hash(frag);
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- hr = D3DXCompileShader(frag, (UINT)strlen(frag), macros, nullptr, "main",
- "ps_3_0", 0, &shader_code, &error_msg,
- &data->frag_table);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- Log::Error("failed to compile fragment shader: %s",
- error_msg ? error_msg->GetBufferPointer() : "error");
- Log::Error("shader source:\n%s\n", frag);
- }
- data->m_dev->CreatePixelShader((DWORD *)shader_code->GetBufferPointer(),
- &data->frag_shader);
- shader_code->Release();
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- ShaderData::Patch(buf, nullptr, frag);
- data->frag_id = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
- glShaderSource(data->frag_id, 1, &shader, nullptr);
- glCompileShader(data->frag_id);
- glGetShaderInfoLog(data->frag_id, sizeof(errbuf), &len, errbuf);
- glGetShaderiv(data->frag_id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
- if (status != GL_TRUE)
- {
- Log::Error("failed to compile fragment shader: %s", errbuf);
- Log::Error("shader source:\n%s\n", buf);
- }
- else if (len > 16)
- {
- Log::Debug("compile log for fragment shader: %s", errbuf);
- Log::Debug("shader source:\n%s\n", buf);
- }
- #else
- data->frag_id = cgCreateProgram(cgCreateContext(), CG_SOURCE, frag,
- cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT),
- nullptr, nullptr);
- if (data->frag_id == nullptr)
- {
- Log::Error("failed to compile fragment shader");
- Log::Error("shader source:\n%s\n", frag);
- }
- #endif
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* FIXME: this is only debug code, we don't need it. */
- data->frag_table->GetDesc(&desc);
- for (int i = 0; i < desc.Constants; i++)
- {
- UINT count = 1;
- D3DXHANDLE h = data->frag_table->GetConstant(nullptr, i);
- data->frag_table->GetConstantDesc(h, &cdesc, &count);
- }
- data->vert_table->GetDesc(&desc);
- for (int i = 0; i < desc.Constants; i++)
- {
- UINT count = 1;
- D3DXHANDLE h = data->vert_table->GetConstant(nullptr, i);
- data->frag_table->GetConstantDesc(h, &cdesc, &count);
- }
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- /* Create program */
- data->prog_id = glCreateProgram();
- glAttachShader(data->prog_id, data->vert_id);
- glAttachShader(data->prog_id, data->frag_id);
- glLinkProgram(data->prog_id);
- glGetProgramInfoLog(data->prog_id, sizeof(errbuf), &len, errbuf);
- glGetProgramiv(data->prog_id, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
- if (status != GL_TRUE)
- {
- Log::Error("failed to link program: %s", errbuf);
- }
- else if (len > 16)
- {
- Log::Debug("link log for program: %s", errbuf);
- }
- GLint validated;
- glValidateProgram(data->prog_id);
- glGetProgramiv(data->prog_id, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &validated);
- if (validated != GL_TRUE)
- {
- Log::Error("failed to validate program");
- }
- GLint num_attribs;
- glGetProgramiv(data->prog_id, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &num_attribs);
- GLint max_len;
- glGetProgramiv(data->prog_id, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, &max_len);
- char* name_buffer = new char[max_len];
- for (int i = 0; i < num_attribs; ++i)
- {
- int attrib_len;
- int attrib_size;
- int attrib_type;
- glGetActiveAttrib(data->prog_id, i, max_len, &attrib_len, (GLint*)&attrib_size, (GLenum*)&attrib_type, name_buffer);
- String name(name_buffer);
- int index = 0;
- VertexUsage usage = VertexUsage::Max;
- for (int j = 0; j < VertexUsage::Max; ++j)
- {
- if (name.StartsWith(attribute_names[j]))
- {
- usage = VertexUsage(j);
- char* idx_ptr = name.C() + strlen(attribute_names[j]);
- index = strtol(idx_ptr, nullptr, 10);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (usage == VertexUsage::Max || index == LONG_MIN || index == LONG_MAX)
- {
- Log::Error("unable to parse attribute sementic from name: %s", name_buffer);
- }
- else
- {
- GLint location = glGetAttribLocation(data->prog_id, name_buffer);
- uint64_t flags = (uint64_t)(uint16_t)usage << 16;
- flags |= (uint64_t)(uint16_t)index;
- // TODO: this is here just in case. Remove this once everything has been correctly tested
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- if (data->attrib_locations.HasKey(flags))
- {
- Log::Error("an error occured while parsing attribute sementics");
- }
- #endif
- data->attrib_locations[flags] = location;
- }
- }
- delete[] name_buffer;
- #endif
- }
- int Shader::GetAttribCount() const
- {
- return data->attrib_locations.Count();
- }
- ShaderAttrib Shader::GetAttribLocation(VertexUsage usage, int index) const
- {
- ShaderAttrib ret;
- ret.m_flags = (uint64_t)(uint16_t)usage << 16;
- ret.m_flags |= (uint64_t)(uint16_t)index;
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- GLint l;
- if (!data->attrib_locations.TryGetValue(ret.m_flags, l))
- {
- Log::Error("queried attribute is unavailable for this shader");
- }
- ret.m_flags |= (uint64_t)(uint32_t)l << 32;
- #else
- /* FIXME: can we do this at all on the PS3? */
- #endif
- return ret;
- }
- ShaderUniform Shader::GetUniformLocation(char const *uni) const
- {
- ShaderUniform ret;
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* Global variables are prefixed with "$" */
- String tmpname = String("$") + uni;
- UINT count;
- count = 0;
- hr = data->frag_table->GetConstantByName(nullptr, tmpname.C());
- if (hr)
- data->frag_table->GetConstantDesc(hr, &cdesc, &count);
- if (count)
- {
- ret.frag = cdesc.RegisterIndex;
- ret.flags |= 1;
- }
- count = 0;
- hr = data->vert_table->GetConstantByName(nullptr, tmpname.C());
- if (hr)
- data->vert_table->GetConstantDesc(hr, &cdesc, &count);
- if (count)
- {
- ret.vert = cdesc.RegisterIndex;
- ret.flags |= 2;
- }
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- ret.frag = (uintptr_t)glGetUniformLocation(data->prog_id, uni);
- ret.vert = 0;
- #else
- ret.frag = (uintptr_t)cgGetNamedParameter(data->frag_id, uni);
- ret.vert = (uintptr_t)cgGetNamedParameter(data->vert_id, uni);
- #endif
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- * Uniform setters for scalars
- */
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, int i)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- SetUniform(uni, ivec4(i, 0, 0, 0));
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform1i(uni.frag, i);
- #else
- /* FIXME: does this exist at all? cgGLSetParameter1i doesn't. */
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ivec2 const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- SetUniform(uni, ivec4(v, 0, 0));
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform2i(uni.frag, v.x, v.y);
- #else
- /* FIXME: does this exist at all? */
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ivec3 const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- SetUniform(uni, ivec4(v, 0));
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform3i(uni.frag, v.x, v.y, v.z);
- #else
- /* FIXME: does this exist at all? */
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ivec4 const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantI((UINT)uni.frag, &v[0], 1);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantI((UINT)uni.vert, &v[0], 1);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform4i(uni.frag, v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
- #else
- /* FIXME: does this exist at all? */
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, float f)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- SetUniform(uni, vec4(f, 0, 0, 0));
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform1f(uni.frag, f);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameter1f((CGparameter)uni.frag, f);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameter1f((CGparameter)uni.vert, f);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, vec2 const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- SetUniform(uni, vec4(v, 0, 0));
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform2fv(uni.frag, 1, &v[0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameter2fv((CGparameter)uni.frag, &v[0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameter2fv((CGparameter)uni.vert, &v[0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, vec3 const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- SetUniform(uni, vec4(v, 0));
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform3fv(uni.frag, 1, &v[0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameter3fv((CGparameter)uni.frag, &v[0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameter3fv((CGparameter)uni.vert, &v[0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, vec4 const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag, &v[0], 1);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert, &v[0], 1);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform4fv(uni.frag, 1, &v[0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameter4fv((CGparameter)uni.frag, &v[0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameter4fv((CGparameter)uni.vert, &v[0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, mat2 const &m)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* FIXME: do we need padding here like for the mat3 version? */
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag, &m[0][0], 1);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert, &m[0][0], 1);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniformMatrix2fv(uni.frag, 1, GL_FALSE, &m[0][0]);
- #else
- mat4 tmp(m, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc((CGparameter)uni.frag, &m[0][0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc((CGparameter)uni.vert, &m[0][0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, mat3 const &m)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* Padding matrix columns is necessary on DirectX. We need to create
- * a new data structure; a 4×4 matrix will do. */
- mat4 tmp(m, 1.0f);
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag, &tmp[0][0], 3);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert, &tmp[0][0], 3);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniformMatrix3fv(uni.frag, 1, GL_FALSE, &m[0][0]);
- #else
- /* FIXME: check it's the proper way to do this */
- mat4 tmp(m, 1.0f);
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc((CGparameter)uni.frag, &m[0][0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc((CGparameter)uni.vert, &m[0][0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, mat4 const &m)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag, &m[0][0], 4);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert, &m[0][0], 4);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniformMatrix4fv(uni.frag, 1, GL_FALSE, &m[0][0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc((CGparameter)uni.frag, &m[0][0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc((CGparameter)uni.vert, &m[0][0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ShaderTexture tex, int index)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- data->m_dev->SetTexture(index, (LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9)tex.m_flags);
- data->m_dev->SetSamplerState(index, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, tex.m_attrib & 0xff);
- data->m_dev->SetSamplerState(index, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, (tex.m_attrib >> 8) & 0xff);
- data->m_dev->SetSamplerState(index, D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER, (tex.m_attrib >> 16) & 0xff);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + index);
- //glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (int)tex.m_flags);
- SetUniform(uni, index);
- #else
- /* FIXME: unimplemented */
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Uniform setters for arrays
- */
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, Array<float> const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* FIXME: this will not work properly because we don't know how tell DX9
- * it's a bunch of floats instead of vec4. */
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag,
- &v[0], v.Count() / 4);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert,
- &v[0], v.Count() / 4);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform1fv(uni.frag, v.Count(), &v[0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameterArray1f((CGparameter)uni.frag,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameterArray1f((CGparameter)uni.vert,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, Array<vec2> const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* FIXME: this will not work properly because we don't know how tell DX9
- * it's a bunch of vec2 instead of vec4. */
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag,
- &v[0][0], v.Count() / 2);
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert,
- &v[0][0], v.Count() / 2);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform2fv(uni.frag, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameterArray2f((CGparameter)uni.frag,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameterArray2f((CGparameter)uni.vert,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, Array<vec3> const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- /* FIXME: this will not work properly because we don't know how tell DX9
- * it's a bunch of vec3 instead of vec4. */
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag,
- &v[0][0], v.Count());
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert,
- &v[0][0], v.Count());
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform3fv(uni.frag, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameterArray3f((CGparameter)uni.frag,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameterArray3f((CGparameter)uni.vert,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, Array<vec4> const &v)
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- if (uni.flags & 1)
- data->m_dev->SetPixelShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.frag,
- &v[0][0], v.Count());
- if (uni.flags & 2)
- data->m_dev->SetVertexShaderConstantF((UINT)uni.vert,
- &v[0][0], v.Count());
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUniform4fv(uni.frag, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- #else
- if (uni.frag)
- cgGLSetParameterArray4f((CGparameter)uni.frag,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- if (uni.vert)
- cgGLSetParameterArray4f((CGparameter)uni.vert,
- 0, v.Count(), &v[0][0]);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::Bind() const
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- hr = data->m_dev->SetVertexShader(data->vert_shader);
- hr = data->m_dev->SetPixelShader(data->frag_shader);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glUseProgram(data->prog_id);
- #else
- cgGLEnableProfile(cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX));
- cgGLBindProgram(data->vert_id);
- cgGLEnableProfile(cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT));
- cgGLBindProgram(data->frag_id);
- #endif
- }
- void Shader::Unbind() const
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- hr = data->m_dev->SetVertexShader(nullptr);
- hr = data->m_dev->SetPixelShader(nullptr);
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- /* FIXME: untested */
- glUseProgram(0);
- #else
- /* FIXME: untested */
- cgGLDisableProfile(cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX));
- cgGLDisableProfile(cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT));
- #endif
- }
- Shader::~Shader()
- {
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- data->vert_shader->Release();
- data->vert_table->Release();
- data->frag_shader->Release();
- data->frag_table->Release();
- #elif !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glDetachShader(data->prog_id, data->vert_id);
- glDetachShader(data->prog_id, data->frag_id);
- glDeleteShader(data->vert_id);
- glDeleteShader(data->frag_id);
- glDeleteProgram(data->prog_id);
- #else
- cgDestroyProgram(data->vert_id);
- cgDestroyProgram(data->frag_id);
- #endif
- delete data;
- }
- /* Try to detect shader compiler features */
- int ShaderData::GetVersion()
- {
- static int version = 0;
- #if !defined USE_D3D9 && !defined _XBOX && !defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- if (!version)
- {
- #if defined HAVE_GLES_2X
- /* GLES 2.x supports #version 100, that's all. */
- return 100;
- #else
- char buf[4096];
- GLsizei len;
- int id = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
- /* Can we compile 1.30 shaders? */
- char const *test130 =
- "#version 130\n"
- "void main() { gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }";
- glShaderSource(id, 1, &test130, nullptr);
- glCompileShader(id);
- glGetShaderInfoLog(id, sizeof(buf), &len, buf);
- if (len <= 0)
- version = 130;
- /* If not, can we compile 1.20 shaders? */
- if (!version)
- {
- char const *test120 =
- "#version 120\n"
- "void main() { gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }";
- glShaderSource(id, 1, &test120, nullptr);
- glCompileShader(id);
- glGetShaderInfoLog(id, sizeof(buf), &len, buf);
- if (len <= 0)
- version = 120;
- }
- /* Otherwise, assume we can compile 1.10 shaders. */
- if (!version)
- version = 110;
- glDeleteShader(id);
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- return version;
- }
- /* Simple shader source patching for old GLSL versions.
- */
- void ShaderData::Patch(char *dst, char const *vert, char const *frag)
- {
- int ver_driver = GetVersion();
- strcpy(dst, vert ? vert : frag);
- if (ver_driver >= 130)
- return;
- int ver_shader = 110;
- char *parser = strstr(dst, "#version");
- if (parser)
- ver_shader = atoi(parser + strlen("#version"));
- /* This is GL ES, we only know version 100. */
- if (ver_shader > 100 && ver_driver == 100)
- {
- /* FIXME: this isn't elegant but honestly, we don't care, this
- * whole file is going to die soon. */
- char *p = strstr(dst, "#version");
- if (p)
- {
- p += 8;
- while (*p == ' ')
- p++;
- if (p[0] == '1' && p[1] && p[2])
- p[1] = p[2] = '0';
- }
- }
- if (ver_shader > 120 && ver_driver <= 120)
- {
- char const *end = dst + strlen(dst) + 1;
- /* Find main() */
- parser = strstr(dst, "main");
- if (!parser) return;
- parser = strstr(parser, "(");
- if (!parser) return;
- parser = strstr(parser, ")");
- if (!parser) return;
- parser = strstr(parser, "{");
- if (!parser) return;
- char *main = parser + 1;
- /* Perform main() replaces */
- char const * const main_replaces[] =
- {
- #if 0
- "in vec2 in_Vertex;", "vec2 in_Vertex = gl_Vertex.xy;",
- "in vec3 in_Vertex;", "vec3 in_Vertex = gl_Vertex.xyz;",
- "in vec4 in_Vertex;", "vec4 in_Vertex = gl_Vertex.xyzw;",
- "in vec2 in_Color;", "vec2 in_Color = gl_Color.xy;",
- "in vec3 in_Color;", "vec3 in_Color = gl_Color.xyz;",
- "in vec4 in_Color;", "vec4 in_Color = gl_Color.xyzw;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord0;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord0 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord1;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord1 = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord2;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord2 = gl_MultiTexCoord2.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord3;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord3 = gl_MultiTexCoord3.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord4;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord4 = gl_MultiTexCoord4.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord5;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord5 = gl_MultiTexCoord5.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord6;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord6 = gl_MultiTexCoord6.xy;",
- "in vec2 in_MultiTexCoord7;",
- "vec2 in_MultiTexCoord7 = gl_MultiTexCoord7.xy;",
- #endif
- nullptr
- };
- for (char const * const *rep = main_replaces; rep[0]; rep += 2)
- {
- char *match = strstr(dst, rep[0]);
- if (match && match < main)
- {
- size_t l0 = strlen(rep[0]);
- size_t l1 = strlen(rep[1]);
- memmove(main + l1, main, end - main);
- memcpy(main, rep[1], l1);
- memset(match, ' ', l0);
- main += l1;
- end += l1;
- }
- }
- /* Perform small replaces */
- char const * const fast_replaces[] =
- {
- "#version 130", "#version 120",
- "in vec2", vert ? "attribute vec2" : "varying vec2",
- "in vec3", vert ? "attribute vec3" : "varying vec3",
- "in vec4", vert ? "attribute vec4" : "varying vec4",
- "in mat4", vert ? "attribute mat4" : "varying mat4",
- "out vec2", "varying vec2",
- "out vec3", "varying vec3",
- "out vec4", "varying vec4",
- "out mat4", "varying mat4",
- nullptr
- };
- for (char const * const *rep = fast_replaces; rep[0]; rep += 2)
- {
- char *match;
- while ((match = strstr(dst, rep[0])))
- {
- size_t l0 = strlen(rep[0]);
- size_t l1 = strlen(rep[1]);
- if (l1 > l0)
- memmove(match + l1, match + l0, (end - match) - l0);
- memcpy(match, rep[1], l1);
- if (l1 < l0)
- memset(match + l0, ' ', l1 - l0);
- end += l1 - l0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } /* namespace lol */