- //
- // Lol Engine
- //
- // Copyright © 2004—2020 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- //
- // Lol Engine is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
- // the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
- // and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want
- // to Public License, Version 2, as published by the WTFPL Task Force.
- // See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- //
- #pragma once
- //
- // The Pixel-related classes
- // -------------------------
- //
- #include <../legacy/lol/base/types.h>
- #include <lol/vector>
- namespace lol
- {
- /* The pixel formats we know about */
- enum class PixelFormat
- {
- /* XXX: make sure to update image.cpp and texture.cpp when this changes */
- Unknown,
- Y_8,
- RGB_8,
- RGBA_8,
- Y_F32,
- RGB_F32,
- RGBA_F32,
- };
- /* Associated storage types for each pixel format */
- template <PixelFormat T> struct PixelType { typedef void type; };
- template<> struct PixelType<PixelFormat::Y_8> { typedef uint8_t type; };
- template<> struct PixelType<PixelFormat::RGB_8> { typedef u8vec3 type; };
- template<> struct PixelType<PixelFormat::RGBA_8> { typedef u8vec4 type; };
- template<> struct PixelType<PixelFormat::Y_F32> { typedef float type; };
- template<> struct PixelType<PixelFormat::RGB_F32> { typedef vec3 type; };
- template<> struct PixelType<PixelFormat::RGBA_F32> { typedef vec4 type; };
- /* Number of bytes used by each pixel format */
- static inline uint8_t BytesPerPixel(PixelFormat format)
- {
- #if __GNUC__
- #pragma GCC diagnostic push
- #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wswitch"
- #endif
- switch (format)
- {
- case PixelFormat::Unknown:
- break;
- case PixelFormat::Y_8:
- return sizeof(PixelType<PixelFormat::Y_8>::type);
- case PixelFormat::RGB_8:
- return sizeof(PixelType<PixelFormat::RGB_8>::type);
- case PixelFormat::RGBA_8:
- return sizeof(PixelType<PixelFormat::RGBA_8>::type);
- case PixelFormat::Y_F32:
- return sizeof(PixelType<PixelFormat::Y_F32>::type);
- case PixelFormat::RGB_F32:
- return sizeof(PixelType<PixelFormat::RGB_F32>::type);
- case PixelFormat::RGBA_F32:
- return sizeof(PixelType<PixelFormat::RGBA_F32>::type);
- }
- return 0;
- #if __GNUC__
- #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
- #endif
- };
- } /* namespace lol */