- %{
- #include <iostream>
- #define YY_DECL extern "C" int yylex()
- #include "lolfx.tab.h"
- %}
- %%
- /*
- * GLSL keywords
- */
- "subroutine" { return GT_SUBROUTINE; }
- "patch" { return GT_PATCH; }
- "sample" { return GT_SAMPLE; }
- "flat" { return GT_FLAT; }
- "smooth" { return GT_SMOOTH; }
- "layout" { return GT_LAYOUT; }
- "sampler1dshadow" { return GT_SAMPLER1DSHADOW; }
- "sampler2dshadow" { return GT_SAMPLER2DSHADOW; }
- "samplercubeshadow" { return GT_SAMPLERCUBESHADOW; }
- "sampler1darray" { return GT_SAMPLER1DARRAY; }
- "sampler2darray" { return GT_SAMPLER2DARRAY; }
- "sampler1darrayshadow" { return GT_SAMPLER1DARRAYSHADOW; }
- "sampler2darrayshadow" { return GT_SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW; }
- "isampler1d" { return GT_ISAMPLER1D; }
- "isampler2d" { return GT_ISAMPLER2D; }
- "isampler3d" { return GT_ISAMPLER3D; }
- "isamplercube" { return GT_ISAMPLERCUBE; }
- "isampler1darray" { return GT_ISAMPLER1DARRAY; }
- "isampler2darray" { return GT_ISAMPLER2DARRAY; }
- "usampler1d" { return GT_USAMPLER1D; }
- "usampler2d" { return GT_USAMPLER2D; }
- "usampler3d" { return GT_USAMPLER3D; }
- "usamplercube" { return GT_USAMPLERCUBE; }
- "usampler1darray" { return GT_USAMPLER1DARRAY; }
- "usampler2darray" { return GT_USAMPLER2DARRAY; }
- "sampler2drect" { return GT_SAMPLER2DRECT; }
- "sampler2drectshadow" { return GT_SAMPLER2DRECTSHADOW; }
- "isampler2drect" { return GT_ISAMPLER2DRECT; }
- "usampler2drect" { return GT_USAMPLER2DRECT; }
- "samplerbuffer" { return GT_SAMPLERBUFFER; }
- "isamplerbuffer" { return GT_ISAMPLERBUFFER; }
- "usamplerbuffer" { return GT_USAMPLERBUFFER; }
- "samplercubearray" { return GT_SAMPLERCUBEARRAY; }
- "samplercubearrayshadow" { return GT_SAMPLERCUBEARRAYSHADOW; }
- "isamplercubearray" { return GT_ISAMPLERCUBEARRAY; }
- "usamplercubearray" { return GT_USAMPLERCUBEARRAY; }
- "sampler2dms" { return GT_SAMPLER2DMS; }
- "isampler2dms" { return GT_ISAMPLER2DMS; }
- "usampler2dms" { return GT_USAMPLER2DMS; }
- "sampler2dmsarray" { return GT_SAMPLER2DMSARRAY; }
- "isampler2dmsarray" { return GT_ISAMPLER2DMSARRAY; }
- "usampler2dmsarray" { return GT_USAMPLER2DMSARRAY; }
- "highp" { return GT_HIGHP; }
- "mediump" { return GT_MEDIUMP; }
- "lowp" { return GT_LOWP; }
- "precision" { return GT_PRECISION; }
- "invariant" { return GT_INVARIANT; }
- /*
- * GLSL vector types
- */
- "bvec2" { return GT_BVEC2; }
- "bvec3" { return GT_BVEC3; }
- "bvec4" { return GT_BVEC4; }
- "ivec2" { return GT_IVEC2; }
- "ivec3" { return GT_IVEC3; }
- "ivec4" { return GT_IVEC4; }
- "uvec2" { return GT_UVEC2; }
- "uvec3" { return GT_UVEC3; }
- "uvec4" { return GT_UVEC4; }
- "vec2" { return GT_VEC2; }
- "vec3" { return GT_VEC3; }
- "vec4" { return GT_VEC4; }
- "mat2" { return GT_MAT2; }
- "mat2x2" { return GT_MAT2X2; }
- "mat2x3" { return GT_MAT2X3; }
- "mat2x4" { return GT_MAT2X4; }
- "mat3" { return GT_MAT3; }
- "mat3x2" { return GT_MAT3X2; }
- "mat3x3" { return GT_MAT3X3; }
- "mat3x4" { return GT_MAT3X4; }
- "mat4" { return GT_MAT4; }
- "mat4x2" { return GT_MAT4X2; }
- "mat4x3" { return GT_MAT4X3; }
- "mat4x4" { return GT_MAT4X4; }
- "dvec2" { return GT_DVEC2; }
- "dvec3" { return GT_DVEC3; }
- "dvec4" { return GT_DVEC4; }
- "dmat2" { return GT_DMAT2; }
- "dmat2x2" { return GT_DMAT2X2; }
- "dmat2x3" { return GT_DMAT2X3; }
- "dmat2x4" { return GT_DMAT2X4; }
- "dmat3" { return GT_DMAT3; }
- "dmat3x2" { return GT_DMAT3X2; }
- "dmat3x3" { return GT_DMAT3X3; }
- "dmat3x4" { return GT_DMAT3X4; }
- "dmat4" { return GT_DMAT4; }
- "dmat4x2" { return GT_DMAT4X2; }
- "dmat4x3" { return GT_DMAT4X3; }
- "dmat4x4" { return GT_DMAT4X4; }
- /*
- * GLSL constant values
- */
- "true" { yylval.ival = 1; return BOOLCONSTANT; }
- "false" { yylval.ival = 0; return BOOLCONSTANT; }
- [xyzw]{1,4} { return FIELDSELECTION; }
- [rgba]{1,4} { return FIELDSELECTION; }
- [stpq]{1,4} { return FIELDSELECTION; }
- /*
- * GLSL keywords that are also valid or reserved in HLSL
- * and HLSL keywords that are also valid or reserved in GLSL.
- */
- "bool" { return GHT_BOOL; }
- "break" { return GHT_BREAK; }
- "case" { return GHT_CASE; }
- "centroid" { return GHT_CENTROID; }
- "const" { return GHT_CONST; }
- "continue" { return GHT_CONTINUE; }
- "default" { return GHT_DEFAULT; }
- "discard" { return GHT_DISCARD; }
- "do" { return GHT_DO; }
- "double" { return GHT_DOUBLE; }
- "else" { return GHT_ELSE; }
- "float" { return GHT_FLOAT; }
- "for" { return GHT_FOR; }
- "if" { return GHT_IF; }
- "in" { return GHT_IN; }
- "inout" { return GHT_INOUT; }
- "int" { return GHT_INT; }
- "noperspective" { return GHT_NOPERSPECTIVE; }
- "out" { return GHT_OUT; }
- "return" { return GHT_RETURN; }
- "sampler1d" { return GHT_SAMPLER1D; }
- "sampler2d" { return GHT_SAMPLER2D; }
- "sampler3d" { return GHT_SAMPLER3D; }
- "samplercube" { return GHT_SAMPLERCUBE; }
- "struct" { return GHT_STRUCT; }
- "switch" { return GHT_SWITCH; }
- "uint" { return GHT_UINT; }
- "uniform" { return GHT_UNIFORM; }
- "void" { return GHT_VOID; }
- "while" { return GHT_WHILE; }
- (?i:bool) { return HGT_BOOL; }
- (?i:break) { return HGT_BREAK; }
- (?i:case) { return HGT_CASE; }
- (?i:centroid) { return HGT_CENTROID; }
- (?i:const) { return HGT_CONST; }
- (?i:continue) { return HGT_CONTINUE; }
- (?i:default) { return HGT_DEFAULT; }
- (?i:discard) { return HGT_DISCARD; }
- (?i:do) { return HGT_DO; }
- (?i:double) { return HGT_DOUBLE; }
- (?i:else) { return HGT_ELSE; }
- (?i:float) { return HGT_FLOAT; }
- (?i:for) { return HGT_FOR; }
- (?i:if) { return HGT_IF; }
- (?i:in) { return HGT_IN; }
- (?i:inout) { return HGT_INOUT; }
- (?i:int) { return HGT_INT; }
- (?i:noperspective) { return HGT_NOPERSPECTIVE; }
- (?i:out) { return HGT_OUT; }
- (?i:return) { return HGT_RETURN; }
- (?i:sampler1d) { return HGT_SAMPLER1D; }
- (?i:sampler2d) { return HGT_SAMPLER2D; }
- (?i:sampler3d) { return HGT_SAMPLER3D; }
- (?i:samplercube) { return HGT_SAMPLERCUBE; }
- (?i:struct) { return HGT_STRUCT; }
- (?i:switch) { return HGT_SWITCH; }
- (?i:uint) { return HGT_UINT; }
- (?i:uniform) { return HGT_UNIFORM; }
- (?i:void) { return HGT_VOID; }
- (?i:while) { return HGT_WHILE; }
- /*
- * HLSL keywords
- * Gathered from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb509568%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- */
- (?i:appendstructuredbuffer) { return HT_APPENDSTRUCTUREDBUFFER; }
- (?i:asm) { return HT_ASM; }
- (?i:asm_fragment) { return HT_ASM_FRAGMENT; }
- (?i:blendstate) { return HT_BLENDSTATE; }
- (?i:buffer) { return HT_BUFFER; }
- (?i:byteaddressbuffer) { return HT_BYTEADDRESSBUFFER; }
- (?i:cbuffer) { return HT_CBUFFER; }
- (?i:column_major) { return HT_COLUMN_MAJOR; }
- (?i:compile) { return HT_COMPILE; }
- (?i:compile_fragment) { return HT_COMPILE_FRAGMENT; }
- (?i:compileshader) { return HT_COMPILESHADER; }
- (?i:computeshader) { return HT_COMPUTESHADER; }
- (?i:consumestructuredbuffer) { return HT_CONSUMESTRUCTUREDBUFFER; }
- (?i:depthstencilstate) { return HT_DEPTHSTENCILSTATE; }
- (?i:depthstencilview) { return HT_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW; }
- (?i:domainshader) { return HT_DOMAINSHADER; }
- (?i:dword) { return HT_DWORD; }
- (?i:extern) { return HT_EXTERN; }
- (?i:false) { return HT_FALSE; }
- (?i:fxgroup) { return HT_FXGROUP; }
- (?i:geometryshader) { return HT_GEOMETRYSHADER; }
- (?i:groupshared) { return HT_GROUPSHARED; }
- (?i:half) { return HT_HALF; }
- (?i:hullshader) { return HT_HULLSHADER; }
- (?i:inline) { return HT_INLINE; }
- (?i:inputpatch) { return HT_INPUTPATCH; }
- (?i:interface) { return HT_INTERFACE; }
- (?i:line) { return HT_LINE; }
- (?i:lineadj) { return HT_LINEADJ; }
- (?i:linear) { return HT_LINEAR; }
- (?i:linestream) { return HT_LINESTREAM; }
- (?i:matrix) { return HT_MATRIX; }
- (?i:namespace) { return HT_NAMESPACE; }
- (?i:nointerpolation) { return HT_NOINTERPOLATION; }
- (?i:null) { return HT_NULL; }
- (?i:outputpatch) { return HT_OUTPUTPATCH; }
- (?i:packoffset) { return HT_PACKOFFSET; }
- (?i:pass) { return HT_PASS; }
- (?i:pixelfragment) { return HT_PIXELFRAGMENT; }
- (?i:pixelshader) { return HT_PIXELSHADER; }
- (?i:point) { return HT_POINT; }
- (?i:pointstream) { return HT_POINTSTREAM; }
- (?i:precise) { return HT_PRECISE; }
- (?i:rasterizerstate) { return HT_RASTERIZERSTATE; }
- (?i:rendertargetview) { return HT_RENDERTARGETVIEW; }
- (?i:register) { return HT_REGISTER; }
- (?i:row_major) { return HT_ROW_MAJOR; }
- (?i:rwbuffer) { return HT_RWBUFFER; }
- (?i:rwbyteaddressbuffer) { return HT_RWBYTEADDRESSBUFFER; }
- (?i:rwstructuredbuffer) { return HT_RWSTRUCTUREDBUFFER; }
- (?i:rwtexture1d) { return HT_RWTEXTURE1D; }
- (?i:rwtexture1darray) { return HT_RWTEXTURE1DARRAY; }
- (?i:rwtexture2d) { return HT_RWTEXTURE2D; }
- (?i:rwtexture2darray) { return HT_RWTEXTURE2DARRAY; }
- (?i:rwtexture3d) { return HT_RWTEXTURE3D; }
- (?i:sampler) { return HT_SAMPLER; }
- (?i:sampler_state) { return HT_SAMPLER_STATE; }
- (?i:samplerstate) { return HT_SAMPLERSTATE; }
- (?i:samplercomparisonstate) { return HT_SAMPLERCOMPARISONSTATE; }
- (?i:shared) { return HT_SHARED; }
- (?i:snorm) { return HT_SNORM; }
- (?i:stateblock) { return HT_STATEBLOCK; }
- (?i:stateblock_state) { return HT_STATEBLOCK_STATE; }
- (?i:static) { return HT_STATIC; }
- (?i:string) { return HT_STRING; }
- (?i:structuredbuffer) { return HT_STRUCTUREDBUFFER; }
- (?i:tbuffer) { return HT_TBUFFER; }
- (?i:technique) { return HT_TECHNIQUE; }
- (?i:technique10) { return HT_TECHNIQUE10; }
- (?i:technique11xz) { return HT_TECHNIQUE11XZ; }
- "texture" { return HT_TEXTURE; }
- (?i:texture1d) { return HT_TEXTURE1D; }
- (?i:texture1darray) { return HT_TEXTURE1DARRAY; }
- (?i:texture2d) { return HT_TEXTURE2D; }
- (?i:texture2darray) { return HT_TEXTURE2DARRAY; }
- (?i:texture2dms) { return HT_TEXTURE2DMS; }
- (?i:texture2dmsarray) { return HT_TEXTURE2DMSARRAY; }
- (?i:texture3d) { return HT_TEXTURE3D; }
- (?i:texturecube) { return HT_TEXTURECUBE; }
- (?i:texturecubearray) { return HT_TEXTURECUBEARRAY; }
- (?i:true) { return HT_TRUE; }
- (?i:typedef) { return HT_TYPEDEF; }
- (?i:triangle) { return HT_TRIANGLE; }
- (?i:triangleadj) { return HT_TRIANGLEADJ; }
- (?i:trianglestream) { return HT_TRIANGLESTREAM; }
- (?i:unorm) { return HT_UNORM; }
- (?i:vector) { return HT_VECTOR; }
- (?i:vertexfragment) { return HT_VERTEXFRAGMENT; }
- (?i:vertexshader) { return HT_VERTEXSHADER; }
- (?i:volatile) { return HT_VOLATILE; }
- /*
- * HLSL vector types
- * TODO: this can probably be factored somehow
- */
- (?i:bool1) { return HT_BOOL1; }
- (?i:bool1x1) { return HT_BOOL1x1; }
- (?i:bool2x1) { return HT_BOOL2x1; }
- (?i:bool3x1) { return HT_BOOL3x1; }
- (?i:bool4x1) { return HT_BOOL4x1; }
- (?i:bool2) { return HT_BOOL2; }
- (?i:bool1x2) { return HT_BOOL1x2; }
- (?i:bool2x2) { return HT_BOOL2x2; }
- (?i:bool3x2) { return HT_BOOL3x2; }
- (?i:bool4x2) { return HT_BOOL4x2; }
- (?i:bool3) { return HT_BOOL3; }
- (?i:bool1x3) { return HT_BOOL1x3; }
- (?i:bool2x3) { return HT_BOOL2x3; }
- (?i:bool3x3) { return HT_BOOL3x3; }
- (?i:bool4x3) { return HT_BOOL4x3; }
- (?i:bool4) { return HT_BOOL4; }
- (?i:bool1x4) { return HT_BOOL1x4; }
- (?i:bool2x4) { return HT_BOOL2x4; }
- (?i:bool3x4) { return HT_BOOL3x4; }
- (?i:bool4x4) { return HT_BOOL4x4; }
- (?i:float1) { return HT_FLOAT1; }
- (?i:float1x1) { return HT_FLOAT1x1; }
- (?i:float2x1) { return HT_FLOAT2x1; }
- (?i:float3x1) { return HT_FLOAT3x1; }
- (?i:float4x1) { return HT_FLOAT4x1; }
- (?i:float2) { return HT_FLOAT2; }
- (?i:float1x2) { return HT_FLOAT1x2; }
- (?i:float2x2) { return HT_FLOAT2x2; }
- (?i:float3x2) { return HT_FLOAT3x2; }
- (?i:float4x2) { return HT_FLOAT4x2; }
- (?i:float3) { return HT_FLOAT3; }
- (?i:float1x3) { return HT_FLOAT1x3; }
- (?i:float2x3) { return HT_FLOAT2x3; }
- (?i:float3x3) { return HT_FLOAT3x3; }
- (?i:float4x3) { return HT_FLOAT4x3; }
- (?i:float4) { return HT_FLOAT4; }
- (?i:float1x4) { return HT_FLOAT1x4; }
- (?i:float2x4) { return HT_FLOAT2x4; }
- (?i:float3x4) { return HT_FLOAT3x4; }
- (?i:float4x4) { return HT_FLOAT4x4; }
- (?i:double1) { return HT_DOUBLE1; }
- (?i:double1x1) { return HT_DOUBLE1x1; }
- (?i:double2x1) { return HT_DOUBLE2x1; }
- (?i:double3x1) { return HT_DOUBLE3x1; }
- (?i:double4x1) { return HT_DOUBLE4x1; }
- (?i:double2) { return HT_DOUBLE2; }
- (?i:double1x2) { return HT_DOUBLE1x2; }
- (?i:double2x2) { return HT_DOUBLE2x2; }
- (?i:double3x2) { return HT_DOUBLE3x2; }
- (?i:double4x2) { return HT_DOUBLE4x2; }
- (?i:double3) { return HT_DOUBLE3; }
- (?i:double1x3) { return HT_DOUBLE1x3; }
- (?i:double2x3) { return HT_DOUBLE2x3; }
- (?i:double3x3) { return HT_DOUBLE3x3; }
- (?i:double4x3) { return HT_DOUBLE4x3; }
- (?i:double4) { return HT_DOUBLE4; }
- (?i:double1x4) { return HT_DOUBLE1x4; }
- (?i:double2x4) { return HT_DOUBLE2x4; }
- (?i:double3x4) { return HT_DOUBLE3x4; }
- (?i:double4x4) { return HT_DOUBLE4x4; }
- (?i:dword1) { return HT_DWORD1; }
- (?i:dword1x1) { return HT_DWORD1x1; }
- (?i:dword2x1) { return HT_DWORD2x1; }
- (?i:dword3x1) { return HT_DWORD3x1; }
- (?i:dword4x1) { return HT_DWORD4x1; }
- (?i:dword2) { return HT_DWORD2; }
- (?i:dword1x2) { return HT_DWORD1x2; }
- (?i:dword2x2) { return HT_DWORD2x2; }
- (?i:dword3x2) { return HT_DWORD3x2; }
- (?i:dword4x2) { return HT_DWORD4x2; }
- (?i:dword3) { return HT_DWORD3; }
- (?i:dword1x3) { return HT_DWORD1x3; }
- (?i:dword2x3) { return HT_DWORD2x3; }
- (?i:dword3x3) { return HT_DWORD3x3; }
- (?i:dword4x3) { return HT_DWORD4x3; }
- (?i:dword4) { return HT_DWORD4; }
- (?i:dword1x4) { return HT_DWORD1x4; }
- (?i:dword2x4) { return HT_DWORD2x4; }
- (?i:dword3x4) { return HT_DWORD3x4; }
- (?i:dword4x4) { return HT_DWORD4x4; }
- (?i:int1) { return HT_INT1; }
- (?i:int1x1) { return HT_INT1x1; }
- (?i:int2x1) { return HT_INT2x1; }
- (?i:int3x1) { return HT_INT3x1; }
- (?i:int4x1) { return HT_INT4x1; }
- (?i:int2) { return HT_INT2; }
- (?i:int1x2) { return HT_INT1x2; }
- (?i:int2x2) { return HT_INT2x2; }
- (?i:int3x2) { return HT_INT3x2; }
- (?i:int4x2) { return HT_INT4x2; }
- (?i:int3) { return HT_INT3; }
- (?i:int1x3) { return HT_INT1x3; }
- (?i:int2x3) { return HT_INT2x3; }
- (?i:int3x3) { return HT_INT3x3; }
- (?i:int4x3) { return HT_INT4x3; }
- (?i:int4) { return HT_INT4; }
- (?i:int1x4) { return HT_INT1x4; }
- (?i:int2x4) { return HT_INT2x4; }
- (?i:int3x4) { return HT_INT3x4; }
- (?i:int4x4) { return HT_INT4x4; }
- (?i:uint1) { return HT_UINT1; }
- (?i:uint1x1) { return HT_UINT1x1; }
- (?i:uint2x1) { return HT_UINT2x1; }
- (?i:uint3x1) { return HT_UINT3x1; }
- (?i:uint4x1) { return HT_UINT4x1; }
- (?i:uint2) { return HT_UINT2; }
- (?i:uint1x2) { return HT_UINT1x2; }
- (?i:uint2x2) { return HT_UINT2x2; }
- (?i:uint3x2) { return HT_UINT3x2; }
- (?i:uint4x2) { return HT_UINT4x2; }
- (?i:uint3) { return HT_UINT3; }
- (?i:uint1x3) { return HT_UINT1x3; }
- (?i:uint2x3) { return HT_UINT2x3; }
- (?i:uint3x3) { return HT_UINT3x3; }
- (?i:uint4x3) { return HT_UINT4x3; }
- (?i:uint4) { return HT_UINT4; }
- (?i:uint1x4) { return HT_UINT1x4; }
- (?i:uint2x4) { return HT_UINT2x4; }
- (?i:uint3x4) { return HT_UINT3x4; }
- (?i:uint4x4) { return HT_UINT4x4; }
- /*
- * HLSL preprocessor directives
- * Gathered from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb943993%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- */
- "#"[ \t]*"define" { return PREPROCESSOR_DEFINE; }
- "#"[ \t]*"elif" { return PREPROCESSOR_ELIF; }
- "#"[ \t]*"else" { return PREPROCESSOR_ELSE; }
- "#"[ \t]*"endif" { return PREPROCESSOR_ENDIF; }
- "#"[ \t]*"error" { return PREPROCESSOR_ERROR; }
- "#"[ \t]*"if" { return PREPROCESSOR_IF; }
- "#"[ \t]*"ifdef" { return PREPROCESSOR_IFDEF; }
- "#"[ \t]*"ifndef" { return PREPROCESSOR_IFNDEF; }
- "#"[ \t]*"include" { return PREPROCESSOR_INCLUDE; }
- "#"[ \t]*"line" { return PREPROCESSOR_LINE; }
- "#"[ \t]*"pragma" { return PREPROCESSOR_PRAGMA; }
- "#"[ \t]*"undef" { return PREPROCESSOR_UNDEF; }
- /*
- * LolFx preprocessor directives
- */
- "#"[ \t]*"region" { return PREPROCESSOR_REGION; }
- /*
- * HLSL reserved keywords
- * Gathered from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb509569%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
- */
- (?i:auto) { return HT_AUTO; }
- (?i:catch) { return HT_CATCH; }
- (?i:char) { return HT_CHAR; }
- (?i:class) { return HT_CLASS; }
- (?i:const_cast) { return HT_CONST_CAST; }
- (?i:delete) { return HT_DELETE; }
- (?i:dynamic_cast) { return HT_DYNAMIC_CAST; }
- (?i:enum) { return HT_ENUM; }
- (?i:explicit) { return HT_EXPLICIT; }
- (?i:friend) { return HT_FRIEND; }
- (?i:goto) { return HT_GOTO; }
- (?i:long) { return HT_LONG; }
- (?i:mutable) { return HT_MUTABLE; }
- (?i:new) { return HT_NEW; }
- (?i:operator) { return HT_OPERATOR; }
- (?i:private) { return HT_PRIVATE; }
- (?i:protected) { return HT_PROTECTED; }
- (?i:public) { return HT_PUBLIC; }
- (?i:reinterpret_cast) { return HT_REINTERPRET_CAST; }
- (?i:short) { return HT_SHORT; }
- (?i:signed) { return HT_SIGNED; }
- (?i:sizeof) { return HT_SIZEOF; }
- (?i:static_cast) { return HT_STATIC_CAST; }
- (?i:template) { return HT_TEMPLATE; }
- (?i:this) { return HT_THIS; }
- (?i:throw) { return HT_THROW; }
- (?i:try) { return HT_TRY; }
- (?i:typename) { return HT_TYPENAME; }
- (?i:union) { return HT_UNION; }
- (?i:unsigned) { return HT_UNSIGNED; }
- (?i:using) { return HT_USING; }
- (?i:virtual) { return HT_VIRTUAL; }
- /*
- * Various tokens
- */
- "++" { return T_INC; }
- "--" { return T_DEC; }
- "<=" { return T_LE; }
- ">=" { return T_GE; }
- "==" { return T_EQ; }
- "!=" { return T_NE; }
- "<<" { return T_LEFT; }
- ">>" { return T_RIGHT; }
- "&&" { return T_AND; }
- "||" { return T_OR; }
- "^^" { return T_XOR; }
- "*=" { return T_MULEQ; }
- "/=" { return T_DIVEQ; }
- "%=" { return T_MODEQ; }
- "+=" { return T_ADDEQ; }
- "-=" { return T_SUBEQ; }
- "<<=" { return T_LEFTEQ; }
- ">>=" { return T_RIGHTEQ; }
- "&=" { return T_ANDEQ; }
- "^=" { return T_XOREQ; }
- "|=" { return T_OREQ; }
- (0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.[0-9]+ { yylval.fval = atof(yytext); return FLOATCONSTANT; }
- (0|[1-9][0-9]*)[uU] { yylval.uval = atoi(yytext); return UINTCONSTANT; }
- (0|[1-9][0-9]*) { yylval.ival = atoi(yytext); return INTCONSTANT; }
- [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* {
- /* Copy token for now */
- yylval.sval = strdup(yytext);
- return IDENTIFIER;
- }
- [ \t\n]+ { /* ignore whitespace */ }
- . { return *yytext; }
- /*
- * Ignore C comments
- */
- "/*" { BEGIN(C_COMMENT); }
- <C_COMMENT>[^*]* { }
- <C_COMMENT>. { }
- /*
- * Ignore C++ comments
- */
- "//" { BEGIN(CPP_COMMENT); }
- <CPP_COMMENT>.* { }
- %%