- //
- // Lol Engine
- //
- // Copyright: (c) 2010-2011 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
- // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- // http://sam.zoy.org/projects/COPYING.WTFPL for more details.
- //
- #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- # include <sys/ppu_thread.h> /* sys_ppu_thread_get_stack_information */
- # include <sys/spu_initialize.h>
- # include <sys/paths.h> /* SYS_HOST_ROOT */
- # include <cell/sysmodule.h>
- # include <PSGL/psgl.h>
- #endif
- #include "core.h"
- #include "lolgl.h"
- #include "ps3app.h"
- namespace lol
- {
- /*
- * PS3 App implementation class
- */
- class Ps3AppData
- {
- friend class Ps3App;
- private:
- #if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- static void SysCallBack(uint64_t status, uint64_t param, void *data)
- {
- Ticker::Shutdown();
- }
- #endif
- };
- /*
- * Public Ps3App class
- */
- Ps3App::Ps3App(char const *title, vec2i res, float fps) :
- data(new Ps3AppData())
- {
- #if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- sys_spu_initialize(6, 1);
- /* FIXME: we should check for CELL_SYSMODULE_ERROR_UNKNOWN and others,
- * but what could we do anyway? */
- cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_GCM_SYS);
- cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FS);
- cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_USBD);
- cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_IO);
- cellSysutilRegisterCallback(0, Ps3AppData::SysCallBack, NULL);
- PSGLinitOptions psglio =
- {
- maxSPUs: 1,
- initializeSPUs: false,
- persistentMemorySize: 0,
- transientMemorySize: 0,
- errorConsole: 0,
- fifoSize: 0,
- hostMemorySize: 128 * 1024 * 1024,
- };
- psglInit(&psglio);
- #if 0
- sys_ppu_thread_stack_t stack;
- sys_ppu_thread_get_stack_information(&stack);
- printf("stack starts at %p, ends at %p\n", stack.pst_addr,
- (uint8_t *)stack.pst_addr + stack.pst_size);
- #endif
- PSGLdevice* psgl = psglCreateDeviceAuto(GL_ARGB_SCE, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24,
- GLuint w, h;
- psglGetDeviceDimensions(psgl, &w, &h);
- res = vec2i(w, h);
- PSGLcontext *ctx = psglCreateContext();
- psglMakeCurrent(ctx, psgl);
- psglLoadShaderLibrary(REMOTE_PATH "/shaders.bin");
- psglResetCurrentContext();
- /* Initialise everything */
- Ticker::Setup(fps);
- Video::Setup(res);
- Audio::Setup(2);
- #endif
- }
- void Ps3App::Run()
- {
- while (!Ticker::Finished())
- {
- /* Tick the game */
- Ticker::TickGame();
- /* Tick the renderer, show the frame and clamp to desired framerate. */
- Ticker::TickDraw();
- #if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- psglSwap();
- /* Check if exit callback was called */
- cellSysutilCheckCallback();
- #endif
- Ticker::ClampFps();
- }
- }
- Ps3App::~Ps3App()
- {
- #if defined __CELLOS_LV2__
- glFinish();
- #endif
- delete data;
- }
- } /* namespace lol */