- //
- // Lol Engine — Unit tests
- //
- // Copyright © 2010—2018 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // © 2014—2015 Benjamin “Touky” Huet <huet.benjamin@gmail.com>
- //
- // Lol Engine is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
- // the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
- // and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want
- // to Public License, Version 2, as published by the WTFPL Task Force.
- // See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- //
- #include <lol/engine-internal.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <map>
- #include <lolunit.h>
- namespace lol
- {
- lolunit_declare_fixture(thread_test)
- {
- //FileUpdateTesterJob ---------------------------------------------------------
- class UnitTestJob : public ThreadJob
- {
- friend class UnitTestThreadManager;
- public:
- char const *GetName() { return "<UnitTestJob>"; }
- UnitTestJob() : ThreadJob(ThreadJobType::WORK_TODO)
- { }
- bool IsDone()
- {
- return m_done;
- }
- protected:
- virtual bool DoWork()
- {
- Timer timer;
- m_done = false;
- msg::info("%s: STARTED WORK\n", GetName());
- timer.Wait(2.f);
- msg::info("%s: ENDED WORK\n", GetName());
- m_done = true;
- return true;
- }
- bool m_done = false;
- };
- //Unit test thread manager
- class UnitTestThreadManager : public BaseThreadManager
- {
- typedef BaseThreadManager super;
- struct UnitTestStatusBase : public StructSafeEnum
- {
- enum Type
- {
- };
- protected:
- virtual bool BuildEnumMap(std::map<int64_t, std::string>& enum_map)
- {
- enum_map[NOT_QUEUED] = "NOT_QUEUED";
- enum_map[QUEUED] = "QUEUED";
- enum_map[RETRIEVED] = "RETRIEVED";
- enum_map[DONE] = "DONE";
- return true;
- }
- };
- typedef SafeEnum<UnitTestStatusBase> UnitTestStatus;
- public:
- char const *GetName() { return "<UnitTestThreadManager>"; }
- UnitTestThreadManager() : BaseThreadManager(4, 1)
- { }
- virtual ~UnitTestThreadManager()
- { }
- void AddJob(ThreadJob* job)
- {
- msg::info("%s DISPATCHING JOB %s\n", GetName(), job->GetName());
- DispatchJob(job);
- }
- bool GetWorkResult(array<ThreadJob*>& results)
- {
- results += m_job_result;
- m_job_result.empty();
- msg::info("%s GETWORKRESULT (%i)\n", GetName(), results.count());
- return results.count() > 0;
- }
- virtual void TickGame(float seconds)
- {
- switch (m_status.ToScalar())
- {
- case UnitTestStatus::NOT_QUEUED:
- if (!!GetDispatchCount())
- {
- msg::info("%s TICKGAME %s\n", GetName(), m_status.tostring().c_str());
- m_status = UnitTestStatus::QUEUED;
- }
- break;
- case UnitTestStatus::QUEUED:
- if (!GetDispatchedCount())
- if (GetDispatchedCount())
- #endif
- {
- msg::info("%s TICKGAME %s\n", GetName(), m_status.tostring().c_str());
- m_status = UnitTestStatus::RETRIEVED;
- }
- break;
- case UnitTestStatus::RETRIEVED:
- if (m_job_result.count() == 4)
- {
- msg::info("%s TICKGAME %s\n", GetName(), m_status.tostring().c_str());
- m_status = UnitTestStatus::DONE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- //Debug error fix-up
- m_tickstate = STATE_PRETICK_GAME;
- #endif
- super::TickGame(seconds);
- }
- bool IsDone() { return m_status == UnitTestStatus::DONE; }
- int Test_GetDispatchCount() { return GetDispatchCount(); }
- int Test_GetDispatchedCount() { return GetDispatchedCount(); }
- protected:
- virtual void TreatResult(ThreadJob* result) { m_job_result << result; }
- array<ThreadJob*> m_job_result;
- UnitTestStatus m_status;
- };
- UnitTestThreadManager m_manager;
- void setup()
- {
- }
- void teardown()
- {
- }
- lolunit_declare_test(threads)
- {
- msg::info("%s START\n", m_manager.GetName());
- //Start threads manager
- m_manager.Start();
- msg::info("%s STARTED\n", m_manager.GetName());
- UnitTestJob job[4];
- lolunit_assert_equal(0, m_manager.Test_GetDispatchCount());
- m_manager.AddJob(&job[0]);
- lolunit_assert_equal(1, m_manager.Test_GetDispatchCount());
- lolunit_assert_equal(false, job[0].IsDone());
- bool dispatch_check = true;
- while (!m_manager.IsDone())
- {
- m_manager.TickGame(1.f / 60.f);
- if (dispatch_check)
- {
- lolunit_assert_equal(0, m_manager.Test_GetDispatchCount());
- lolunit_assert_equal(0, m_manager.Test_GetDispatchedCount());
- lolunit_assert_equal(1, m_manager.Test_GetDispatchedCount());
- #endif
- m_manager.AddJob(&job[1]);
- m_manager.AddJob(&job[2]);
- m_manager.AddJob(&job[3]);
- dispatch_check = false;
- }
- }
- lolunit_assert_equal(true, job[0].IsDone());
- lolunit_assert_equal(true, job[1].IsDone());
- lolunit_assert_equal(true, job[2].IsDone());
- lolunit_assert_equal(true, job[3].IsDone());
- array<ThreadJob*> results;
- m_manager.GetWorkResult(results);
- lolunit_assert_equal(4, results.count());
- msg::info("%s STOP\n", m_manager.GetName());
- //Stop manager
- m_manager.Stop();
- msg::info("%s STOPPED\n", m_manager.GetName());
- }
- lolunit_declare_test(queue_try_push)
- {
- queue<int, 1> q;
- bool b1 = q.try_push(0);
- lolunit_assert_equal(true, b1);
- bool b2 = q.try_push(1);
- lolunit_assert_equal(false, b2);
- }
- lolunit_declare_test(queue_try_pop)
- {
- queue<int, 1> q;
- int tmp;
- q.push(42);
- bool b1 = q.try_pop(tmp);
- lolunit_assert_equal(true, b1);
- lolunit_assert_equal(42, tmp);
- bool b2 = q.try_pop(tmp);
- lolunit_assert_equal(false, b2);
- lolunit_assert_equal(42, tmp);
- }
- };
- } /* namespace lol */