- //
- // Lol Engine
- //
- // Copyright: (c) 2010-2011 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
- // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- //
- #pragma once
- //
- // The Shader class
- // ----------------
- //
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include "entity.h"
- /* External declaration for LolFx files. */
- #define LOLFX_RESOURCE_DECLARE(name) \
- extern "C" char const *lolfx_resource_##name
- #define LOLFX_RESOURCE_HELPER(name) #name ".lolfx"
- #define LOLFX_RESOURCE_NAME(name) \
- LOLFX_RESOURCE_HELPER(name), lolfx_resource_##name
- namespace lol
- {
- /* A safe enum to indicate how a vertex stream is going to be used. For
- * now there is only TexCoord and not TexCoord0 TexCoord1 etc. because
- * we can always reorganise the vertex declaration for the indices to
- * match. If the need arises these enums will be added. */
- LOL_SAFE_ENUM(VertexUsage,
- Position,
- BlendWeight,
- BlendIndices,
- Normal,
- PointSize,
- TexCoord,
- TexCoordExt,
- Tangent,
- Binormal,
- TessFactor,
- PositionT,
- Color,
- Fog,
- Depth,
- Sample,
- MAX,
- );
- struct ShaderUniform
- {
- friend class Shader;
- public:
- inline ShaderUniform() : flags(0) {}
- private:
- uintptr_t frag, vert;
- /* FIXME: do we really need this to indicate which locations are valid? */
- uint32_t flags;
- };
- struct ShaderAttrib
- {
- friend class Shader;
- friend class VertexDeclaration;
- public:
- inline ShaderAttrib() : m_flags((uint64_t)0 - 1) {}
- inline bool IsValid() { return m_flags != (uint64_t)0 - 1; }
- inline VertexUsage GetUsage() { return VertexUsage((int)(m_flags >> 16) & 0xffff); }
- inline int GetIndex() { return (int)(m_flags & 0xffff); }
- private:
- uint64_t m_flags;
- };
- struct TextureUniform
- {
- friend class Shader;
- friend class Framebuffer;
- friend class Texture;
- public:
- inline TextureUniform() : m_flags(0) {}
- private:
- uint64_t m_flags;
- #if defined USE_D3D9 || defined _XBOX
- uint32_t m_attrib;
- #endif
- };
- class ShaderData;
- class Shader : public Entity
- {
- public:
- static Shader *Create(String const &name, String const &code);
- static void Destroy(Shader *shader);
- int GetAttribCount() const;
- ShaderAttrib GetAttribLocation(VertexUsage usage, int index) const;
- ShaderUniform GetUniformLocation(char const *uni) const;
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, int i);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ivec2 const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ivec3 const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, ivec4 const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, float f);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, vec2 const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, vec3 const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, vec4 const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, mat2 const &m);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, mat3 const &m);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, mat4 const &m);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, TextureUniform tex, int index);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, array<float> const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, array<vec2> const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, array<vec3> const &v);
- void SetUniform(ShaderUniform const &uni, array<vec4> const &v);
- void Bind() const;
- void Unbind() const;
- protected:
- Shader(String const &name, char const *vert, char const *frag);
- ~Shader();
- private:
- ShaderData *data;
- };
- } /* namespace lol */