361 rader
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  1. //
  2. // Lol Engine
  3. //
  4. // Copyright: (c) 2010-2011 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
  5. // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  6. // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
  7. // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
  8. // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
  9. //
  10. #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  11. # include "config.h"
  12. #endif
  13. #include <cmath>
  14. #include "core.h"
  15. #include "lol/unit.h"
  16. namespace lol
  17. {
  19. {
  20. LOLUNIT_TEST(Constants)
  21. {
  22. double a0 = real::R_0();
  23. double a1 = real::R_1();
  24. double a2 = real::R_2();
  25. double a10 = real::R_10();
  26. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a0, 0.0);
  27. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a1, 1.0);
  28. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a2, 2.0);
  29. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a10, 10.0);
  30. double b1 = log(real::R_E());
  31. double b2 = log2(real::R_2());
  32. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(b1, 1.0);
  33. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(b2, 1.0);
  34. double c1 = exp(re(real::R_LOG2E()));
  35. double c2 = log(exp2(real::R_LOG2E()));
  36. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(c1, 2.0);
  37. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(c2, 1.0);
  38. double d1 = exp(re(real::R_LOG10E()));
  39. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(d1, 10.0);
  40. double e1 = exp(real::R_LN2());
  41. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(e1, 2.0);
  42. double f1 = exp(real::R_LN10());
  43. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(f1, 10.0);
  44. double g1 = sin(real::R_PI());
  45. double g2 = cos(real::R_PI());
  46. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(g1, 0.0, 1e-100);
  47. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(g2, -1.0);
  48. double h1 = sin(real::R_PI_2());
  49. double h2 = cos(real::R_PI_2());
  50. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(h1, 1.0);
  51. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(h2, 0.0, 1e-100);
  52. double i1 = sin(real::R_PI_4()) * sin(real::R_PI_4());
  53. double i2 = cos(real::R_PI_4()) * cos(real::R_PI_4());
  54. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(i1, 0.5);
  55. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(i2, 0.5);
  56. }
  57. LOLUNIT_TEST(FloatToReal)
  58. {
  59. float a1 = real(0.0f);
  60. float a2 = real(-0.0f);
  61. float a3 = real(1.0f);
  62. float a4 = real(-1.0f);
  63. float a5 = real(1.5f);
  64. float a6 = real(12345678.0f);
  65. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a1, 0.0f);
  66. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a2, -0.0f);
  67. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a3, 1.0f);
  68. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a4, -1.0f);
  69. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a5, 1.5f);
  70. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a6, 12345678.0f);
  71. }
  72. LOLUNIT_TEST(DoubleToReal)
  73. {
  74. double a1 = real(0.0);
  75. double a2 = real(-0.0);
  76. double a3 = real(1.0);
  77. double a4 = real(-1.0);
  78. double a5 = real(1.5);
  79. double a6 = real(1234567876543210.0);
  81. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a2, -0.0, 0.0);
  83. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a4, -1.0, 0.0);
  85. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a6, 1234567876543210.0, 0.0);
  86. }
  87. LOLUNIT_TEST(Init)
  88. {
  89. real r;
  90. float f1 = (float)r;
  91. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(f1, 0.0f);
  92. rcmplx q;
  93. float f2 = (float)q.x;
  94. float f3 = (float)q.y;
  95. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(f2, 0.0f);
  96. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(f3, 0.0f);
  97. }
  98. LOLUNIT_TEST(StringToReal)
  99. {
  100. float a1 = real("0");
  101. float a2 = real("1");
  102. float a3 = real("-1");
  103. /* 2^-128 * 2^128 */
  104. float a4 = real("0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000029387358770"
  105. "557187699218413430556141945466638919302188037718792"
  106. "6569604314863681793212890625")
  107. * real("340282366920938463463374607431768211456");
  108. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a1, 0.0f);
  109. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a2, 1.0f);
  110. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a3, -1.0f);
  111. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a4, 1.0f);
  112. }
  113. LOLUNIT_TEST(UnaryMinus)
  114. {
  115. float a1 = - real(1.0f);
  116. float a2 = - real(-1.0f);
  117. float a3 = - real(0.0f);
  118. float a4 = - real(-0.0f);
  119. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a1, -1.0f);
  120. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a2, 1.0f);
  121. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a3, -0.0f);
  122. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a4, 0.0f);
  123. }
  124. LOLUNIT_TEST(Comparison)
  125. {
  126. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(1.0f) > real(0.5f));
  127. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(1.0f) >= real(0.5f));
  128. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(1.0f) >= real(1.0f));
  129. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-1.0f) < real(-0.5f));
  130. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-1.0f) <= real(-0.5f));
  131. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-1.0f) <= real(-1.0f));
  132. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-1.0f) < real(0.5f));
  133. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-0.5f) < real(1.0f));
  134. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-1.0f) <= real(0.5f));
  135. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(-0.5f) <= real(1.0f));
  136. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(1.0f) > real(-0.5f));
  137. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(0.5f) > real(-1.0f));
  138. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(1.0f) >= real(-0.5f));
  139. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(real(0.5f) >= real(-1.0f));
  140. }
  141. LOLUNIT_TEST(Addition)
  142. {
  143. float a1 = real(1.0f) + real(0.0f);
  144. float a2 = real(0.0f) + real(1.0f);
  145. float a3 = real(1.0f) + real(1.0f);
  146. float a4 = real(-1.0f) + real(-1.0f);
  147. float a5 = real(1.0f) + real(0.125f);
  148. double a6 = real(3.13609818956293918)
  149. + real(0.00005972154828114);
  150. float a7 = real(1.0f) + real(-0.125f);
  151. double a8 = real(0.10000000002) + real(-2.0e-11);
  152. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a1, 1.0f);
  153. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a2, 1.0f);
  154. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a3, 2.0f);
  155. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a4, -2.0f);
  156. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a5, 1.125f);
  157. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a6, 3.1361579, 0.000001);
  158. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a7, 0.875f);
  159. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a8, 0.1, 1.0e-13);
  160. }
  161. LOLUNIT_TEST(Subtraction)
  162. {
  163. float a1 = real(1.0f) + real(1e20f) - real(1e20f);
  164. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(a1, 1.0f);
  165. }
  166. LOLUNIT_TEST(Multiplication)
  167. {
  168. real x(1.25f);
  169. real y(1.5f);
  170. real z(1.99999f);
  171. real w(-1.5f);
  172. float m1 = x * x;
  173. float m2 = y * y;
  174. float m3 = z * z;
  175. float m4 = w * w;
  176. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m1, 1.25f * 1.25f);
  177. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m2, 1.5f * 1.5f);
  178. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m3, 1.99999f * 1.99999f);
  179. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m4, -1.5f * -1.5f);
  180. }
  181. LOLUNIT_TEST(ExactDivision)
  182. {
  183. float m1 = real::R_1() / real::R_1();
  184. float m2 = real::R_2() / real::R_1();
  185. float m3 = real::R_1() / real::R_2();
  186. float m4 = real::R_2() / real::R_2();
  187. float m5 = real::R_1() / -real::R_2();
  188. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m1, 1.0f);
  189. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m2, 2.0f);
  190. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m3, 0.5f);
  191. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m4, 1.0f);
  192. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m5, -0.5f);
  193. }
  194. LOLUNIT_TEST(InexactDivision)
  195. {
  196. /* 1 / 3 * 3 should be close to 1... check that it does not differ
  197. * by more than 2^-k where k is the number of bits in the mantissa. */
  198. real a = real::R_1() / real::R_3() * real::R_3();
  199. real b = ldexp(real::R_1() - a, real::BIGITS * real::BIGIT_BITS);
  200. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_LEQUAL((double)fabs(b), 1.0);
  201. }
  202. LOLUNIT_TEST(LoadExp)
  203. {
  204. real a1(1.5);
  205. real a2(-1.5);
  206. real a3(0.0);
  207. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)ldexp(a1, 7), 192.0);
  208. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)ldexp(a1, -7), 0.01171875);
  209. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)ldexp(a2, 7), -192.0);
  210. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)ldexp(a2, -7), -0.01171875);
  211. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)ldexp(a3, 7), 0.0);
  212. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)ldexp(a3, -7), 0.0);
  213. }
  214. LOLUNIT_TEST(Ulp)
  215. {
  216. real a1 = real::R_PI();
  217. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL((double)(a1 + ulp(a1) - a1), 0.0);
  218. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((double)(a1 + ulp(a1) / 2 - a1), 0.0);
  219. }
  220. LOLUNIT_TEST(Bool)
  221. {
  222. real a = 0.0;
  223. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(!a);
  224. a = -0.0;
  225. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(!a);
  226. a = 1234.0;
  228. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(!!a);
  229. a = -1234.0;
  231. LOLUNIT_ASSERT(!!a);
  232. }
  233. LOLUNIT_TEST(AsinAcos)
  234. {
  235. double tests[] =
  236. {
  237. -1024.0, -1023.0, -513.0, -512.0, -511.0, -1.0, -0.0,
  238. 0.0, 1.0, 511.0, 512.0, 513.0, 1023.0, 1024.0
  239. };
  240. for (double test : tests)
  241. {
  242. double a = test / 1024;
  243. double b = sin(asin((real)a));
  244. double c = cos(acos((real)a));
  246. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(b, a, 1e-100);
  247. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(c, a, 1e-100);
  248. }
  249. }
  250. LOLUNIT_TEST(FloorCeilEtc)
  251. {
  252. double tests[] =
  253. {
  254. -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0,
  255. -1.5, -2.0, -1.0, -2.0,
  256. -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
  257. -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0,
  258. 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
  259. 0.25, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
  260. 0.375, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
  261. 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
  262. 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
  263. 1.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0,
  264. 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,
  265. 2.5, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0,
  266. 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0,
  267. 8192.0, 8192.0, 8192.0, 8192.0,
  268. 8192.03125, 8192.0, 8193.0, 8192.0,
  269. 8192.5, 8192.0, 8193.0, 8193.0,
  270. 8193.0, 8193.0, 8193.0, 8193.0,
  271. 549755813888.0, 549755813888.0, 549755813888.0, 549755813888.0,
  272. 549755813888.03125, 549755813888.0, 549755813889.0, 549755813888.0,
  273. 549755813888.5, 549755813888.0, 549755813889.0, 549755813889.0,
  274. 549755813889.0, 549755813889.0, 549755813889.0, 549755813889.0,
  275. };
  276. for (unsigned int n = 0; n < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(*tests); n += 4)
  277. {
  278. double a0 = floor((real)tests[n]);
  279. double b0 = tests[n + 1];
  280. double a1 = ceil((real)tests[n]);
  281. double b1 = tests[n + 2];
  282. double a2 = round((real)tests[n]);
  283. double b2 = tests[n + 3];
  284. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(b0, a0);
  285. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(b1, a1);
  286. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(b2, a2);
  287. }
  288. }
  289. LOLUNIT_TEST(Pow)
  290. {
  291. double a1 = pow(-real::R_2(), real::R_2());
  292. double b1 = 4.0;
  293. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a1, b1, 1.0e-13);
  294. double a2 = pow(-real::R_2(), real::R_3());
  295. double b2 = -8.0;
  296. LOLUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(a2, b2, 1.0e-13);
  297. }
  298. };
  299. } /* namespace lol */