Du kannst nicht mehr als 25 Themen auswählen Themen müssen entweder mit einem Buchstaben oder einer Ziffer beginnen. Sie können Bindestriche („-“) enthalten und bis zu 35 Zeichen lang sein.

  1. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  2. rem Batch file to build zipped redist packages
  3. rem Two different packages are built:
  4. rem
  5. rem assimp--<revision>-bin.zip
  6. rem Binaries for x86 and x64
  7. rem Command line reference
  8. rem
  9. rem assimp--<revision>-sdk.zip
  10. rem Binaries for x86 and x64, Debug & Release
  11. rem Libs for DLL build, x86 & 64, Debug & Release
  12. rem Full SVN checkout exluding mkutil & port
  13. rem
  14. rem
  16. rem -7za.exe (7zip standalone)
  17. rem Download from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
  18. rem
  19. rem -svnversion.exe (Subversion revision getter)
  20. rem Download any command line SVN package
  21. rem
  22. rem -doxygen.exe (Doxygen client)
  23. rem Download from www.doxygen.com
  24. rem
  25. rem -svn client
  26. rem
  27. rem NOTES:
  28. rem ./bin must not have any local modifications
  29. rem
  30. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  31. @echo off
  32. color 4e
  33. cls
  34. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  35. rem Setup file revision for build
  36. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  37. call mkrev.bat
  38. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  39. rem Build output file names
  40. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  41. cd ..\..\bin
  42. svnversion > tmpfile.txt
  43. SET /p REVISIONBASE= < tmpfile.txt
  44. DEL /q tmpfile.txt
  45. cd ..\packaging\windows-mkzip
  47. SET OUT_SDK=assimp--%VERSIONBASE%-sdk
  48. SET OUT_BIN=assimp--%VERSIONBASE%-bin
  49. SET BINCFG_x86=release-dll_win32
  50. SET BINCFG_x64=release-dll_x64
  51. SET BINCFG_x86_DEBUG=debug-dll_win32
  52. SET BINCFG_x64_DEBUG=debug-dll_x64
  53. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  54. rem Delete previous output directories
  55. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  56. RD /S /q final\
  57. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  58. rem Create output directories
  59. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  60. mkdir final\%OUT_BIN%\x86
  61. mkdir final\%OUT_BIN%\x64
  62. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  63. rem Copy all executables to 'final-bin'
  64. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  65. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpview_%BINCFG_x86%\assimp_view.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x86\assimp_view.exe"
  66. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpview_%BINCFG_x64%\assimp_view.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x64\assimp_view.exe"
  67. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpcmd_%BINCFG_x86%\assimp.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x86\assimp.exe"
  68. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpcmd_%BINCFG_x64%\assimp.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x64\assimp.exe"
  69. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\Assimp32.dll "final\%OUT_BIN%\x86\Assimp32.dll"
  70. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\Assimp64.dll "final\%OUT_BIN%\x64\Assimp64.dll"
  71. copy ..\..\LICENSE final\%OUT_BIN%\LICENSE
  72. copy ..\..\CREDITS final\%OUT_BIN%\CREDITS
  73. copy bin_readme.txt final\%OUT_BIN%\README
  74. copy bin_readme.txt final\%OUT_BIN%\README
  75. copy ..\..\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm final\%OUT_BIN%\CommandLine.chm
  76. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  77. rem Do a clean export of the repository and build SDK
  78. rem
  79. rem We take the current revision and remove some stuff
  80. rem that is nto yet ready to be published.
  81. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  82. svn export .\..\..\ .\final\%OUT_SDK%
  83. mkdir final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimp_html
  84. mkdir final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimpcmd_html
  85. copy .\..\..\doc\AssimpDoc_Html\* final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimp_html
  86. copy .\..\..\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\* final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimpcmd_html
  87. del final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimpcmd_html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm
  88. del final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimp_html\AssimpDoc.chm
  89. rem Copy doc to a suitable place
  90. move final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpDoc_Html\AssimpDoc.chm final\%OUT_SDK%\Documentation.chm
  91. move final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm final\%OUT_SDK%\CommandLine.chm
  92. rem Cleanup ./doc folder
  93. del /q final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\Preamble.txt
  94. RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpDoc_Html
  95. RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html
  96. rem Insert 'dummy' files into empty folders
  97. echo. > final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\dummy
  98. echo. > final\%OUT_SDK%\obj\dummy
  99. RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\port\swig
  100. rem Also, repackaging is not a must-have feature
  101. RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\packaging
  102. rem Copy prebuilt libs
  103. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%"
  104. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%"
  105. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%"
  106. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%"
  107. copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%"
  108. copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\"
  109. copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\"
  110. copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\"
  111. rem Copy prebuilt DLLs
  112. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%"
  113. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%"
  114. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%"
  115. mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%"
  116. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\Assimp32.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\"
  117. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\Assimp64.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\"
  118. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\Assimp32d.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\"
  119. copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\Assimp64d.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\"
  120. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  121. rem Make final-bin.zip and final-sdk.zip
  122. rem -----------------------------------------------------
  123. IF NOT EXIST 7za.exe (
  124. cls
  125. echo You need to have 7zip standalone installed to
  126. echo build ZIP archives. Download: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
  127. pause
  128. ) else (
  129. 7za.exe a -tzip "final\%OUT_BIN%.zip" ".\final\%OUT_BIN%"
  130. 7za.exe a -tzip "final\%OUT_SDK%.zip" ".\final\%OUT_SDK%"
  131. )
  132. rem OK. We should have the release packages now.