Pārlūkot izejas kodu

lolremez: use successive parabolic interpolation for extrema search.

Sam Hocevar pirms 10 gadiem
4 mainītis faili ar 72 papildinājumiem un 72 dzēšanām
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +69
  4. +1

+ 1
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tools/lolremez/expression.h Parādīt failu

@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ struct expression
* Evaluate expression at x
lol::real eval(lol::real const &x)
lol::real eval(lol::real const &x) const
lol::array<lol::real> stack;
lol::real tmp;

+ 1
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tools/lolremez/lolremez.cpp Parādīt failu

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

remez_solver solver(degree + 1, 20);
remez_solver solver(degree, 20);
solver.run(xmin, xmax, f, g);

return 0;

+ 69
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tools/lolremez/solver.cpp Parādīt failu

@@ -164,127 +164,121 @@ void remez_solver::remez_step()
error += system[m_order + 1][i] * fxn[i];

* Find m_order + 1 zeroes of the error function. No need to compute the
* relative error: its zeroes are at the same place as the absolute error!
* The algorithm used here is naïve regula falsi. It still performs a lot
* better than the midpoint algorithm.
void remez_solver::find_zeroes()
m_stats_cheby = m_stats_func = m_stats_weight = 0.f;

/* Find m_order + 1 zeroes of the error function. No need to
* compute the relative error: its zeroes are at the same
* place as the absolute error! */
for (int i = 0; i < m_order + 1; i++)
struct { real value, error; } a, b, c;
struct { real x, err; } a, b, c;

a.value = m_control[i];
a.error = eval_estimate(a.value) - eval_func(a.value);
b.value = m_control[i + 1];
b.error = eval_estimate(b.value) - eval_func(b.value);
a.x = m_control[i];
a.err = eval_estimate(a.x) - eval_func(a.x);
b.x = m_control[i + 1];
b.err = eval_estimate(b.x) - eval_func(b.x);

static real limit = ldexp((real)1, -500);
static real zero = (real)0;
while (fabs(a.value - b.value) > limit)
while (fabs(a.x - b.x) > limit)
/* Interpolate linearly instead of taking the midpoint, this
* leads to far better convergence (6:1 speedups). */
real t = abs(b.error) / (abs(a.error) + abs(b.error));
real newc = b.value + t * (a.value - b.value);
real t = abs(b.err) / (abs(a.err) + abs(b.err));
real newc = b.x + t * (a.x - b.x);

/* If the third point didn't change since last iteration,
* we may be at an inflection point. Use the midpoint to get
* out of this situation. */
c.value = newc == c.value ? (a.value + b.value) / 2 : newc;
c.error = eval_estimate(c.value) - eval_func(c.value);
c.x = newc == c.x ? (a.x + b.x) / 2 : newc;
c.err = eval_estimate(c.x) - eval_func(c.x);

if (c.error == zero)
if (c.err == zero)

if ((a.error < zero && c.error < zero)
|| (a.error > zero && c.error > zero))
if ((a.err < zero && c.err < zero)
|| (a.err > zero && c.err > zero))
a = c;
b = c;

m_zeroes[i] = c.value;
m_zeroes[i] = c.x;

printf(" -:- timings for zeroes: estimate %f func %f weight %f\n",
m_stats_cheby, m_stats_func, m_stats_weight);

/* XXX: this is the real costly function */
* Find m_order extrema of the error function. We maximise the relative
* error, since its extrema are at slightly different locations than the
* absolute error’s.
* The algorithm used here is successive parabolic interpolation. FIXME: we
* could use Brent’s method instead, which combines parabolic interpolation
* and golden ratio search and has superlinear convergence.
void remez_solver::find_extrema()
using std::printf;

/* Find m_order + 2 extrema of the error function. We need to
* compute the relative error, since its extrema are at slightly
* different locations than the absolute error’s. */
m_control[0] = -1;
m_control[m_order + 1] = 1;
m_error = 0;

m_stats_cheby = m_stats_func = m_stats_weight = 0.f;
int evals = 0, rounds = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < m_order + 2; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < m_order + 1; i++)
real a = -1, b = 1;
if (i > 0)
a = m_zeroes[i - 1];
if (i < m_order + 1)
b = m_zeroes[i];
struct { real x, err; } a, b, c, d;
a.x = m_zeroes[i - 1];
b.x = m_zeroes[i];
c.x = a.x + (b.x - a.x) * real(rand(0.4f, 0.6f));

for (int r = 0; ; ++r, ++rounds)
a.err = eval_error(a.x);
b.err = eval_error(b.x);
c.err = eval_error(c.x);

while (b.x - a.x > m_epsilon)
real maxerror = 0, maxweight = 0;
int best = -1;
real d1 = c.x - a.x, d2 = c.x - b.x;
real k1 = d1 * (c.err - b.err);
real k2 = d2 * (c.err - a.err);
d.x = c.x - (d1 * k1 - d2 * k2) / (k1 - k2) / 2;

real c = a, delta = (b - a) / 4;
for (int k = 0; k <= 4; k++)
if (r == 0 || (k & 1))
real error = fabs(eval_estimate(c) - eval_func(c));
real weight = fabs(eval_weight(c));
/* if error/weight >= maxerror/maxweight */
if (error * maxweight >= maxerror * weight)
maxerror = error;
maxweight = weight;
best = k;
c += delta;
/* If parabolic interpolation failed, pick a number
* inbetween. */
if (d.x <= a.x || d.x >= b.x)
d.x = (a.x + b.x) / 2;

switch (best)
d.err = eval_error(d.x);

/* Update bracketing depending on the new point. */
if (d.err < c.err)
case 0:
b = a + delta * 2;
case 4:
a = b - delta * 2;
b = a + delta * (best + 1);
a = a + delta * (best - 1);
(d.x > c.x ? b : a) = d;

if (delta < m_epsilon)
real e = fabs(maxerror / maxweight);
if (e > m_error)
m_error = e;
m_control[i] = (a + b) / 2;
(d.x > c.x ? a : b) = c;
c = d;

if (c.err > m_error)
m_error = c.err;

m_control[i] = c.x;

printf(" -:- timings for extrema: estimate %f func %f weight %f\n",
m_stats_cheby, m_stats_func, m_stats_weight);
printf(" -:- calls: %d rounds, %d evals\n", rounds, evals);
printf(" -:- error: ");
@@ -334,3 +328,8 @@ real remez_solver::eval_weight(real const &x)
return ret;

real remez_solver::eval_error(real const &x)
return fabs((eval_estimate(x) - eval_func(x)) / eval_weight(x));

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tools/lolremez/solver.h Parādīt failu

@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ private:
lol::real eval_estimate(lol::real const &x);
lol::real eval_func(lol::real const &x);
lol::real eval_weight(lol::real const &x);
lol::real eval_error(lol::real const &x);

/* User-defined parameters */

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