Bladeren bron

Added debug stuff

Benjamin ‘Touky’ Huet Sam Hocevar <> 11 jaren geleden
8 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 184 en 11 verwijderingen
  1. +59
  2. +16
  3. +32
  4. +16
  5. +17
  6. +2
  7. +24
  8. +18

+ 59
- 3
src/debug/lines.cpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ vec3 Debug::ScreenToWorld(vec3 pos, mat4 view, mat4 proj)

//Draw stuff in World
//-- LINE
//-- LINE: 3D -2D - 3D_to_2D
void Debug::DrawLine(vec3 a, vec3 b) { Debug::DrawLine(a, b, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawLine(vec2 a, vec3 b, float az) { Debug::DrawLine(a, b, g_scene->GetLineColor(), az); }
void Debug::DrawLine(vec2 a, vec2 b, float az, float bz) { Debug::DrawLine(a, b, g_scene->GetLineColor(), az, bz); }
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void Debug::DrawLine(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec4 color) { g_scene->A
void Debug::DrawLine(vec2 a, vec3 b, vec4 color, float az) { g_scene->AddLine(a, b, color, az); }
void Debug::DrawLine(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec4 color, float az, float bz){ g_scene->AddLine(a, b, color, az, bz); }

//-- ARROW
//-- ARROW: 3D -2D - 3D_to_2D
void Debug::DrawArrow(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec2 s) { Debug::DrawArrow(a, b, vec3(s.x, s.y, s.y)); }
void Debug::DrawArrow(vec2 a, vec3 b, vec2 s, float az) { Debug::DrawArrow(a, b.xy, vec3(s.x, s.y, s.y), az, b.z); }
void Debug::DrawArrow(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 s, float az, float bz) { Debug::DrawArrow(a, b, vec3(s.x, s.y, s.y), az, bz); }
@@ -165,14 +165,24 @@ void Debug::DrawArrow(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec3 s, vec4 color, float az, float bz)
Debug::DrawLine(b - (z + y).xy, b - (z - y).xy, color, bz - (z + y).z, bz - (z - y).z);

//-- BOX
//-- BOX: 3D -2D - 3D_to_2D
void Debug::DrawBox(box3 a) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box2 a) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box3 a, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box2 a, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b) { Debug::DrawBox(a, b, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b) { Debug::DrawBox(a, b, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, float s) { Debug::DrawBox(a, s, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a, b, mat4::identity, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a, b, mat2::identity, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, float s, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a, s, mat2::identity, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box3 a, mat4 transform) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, transform, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box2 a, mat2 transform) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, transform, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box3 a, mat4 transform, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, transform, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(box2 a, mat2 transform, vec4 color) { Debug::DrawBox(a.A, a.B, transform, color); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, mat4 transform) { Debug::DrawBox(a, b, transform, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b, mat2 transform) { Debug::DrawBox(a, b, transform, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, float s, mat2 transform) { Debug::DrawBox(a, s, transform, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, mat4 transform, vec4 color)
vec4 v[8];
@@ -193,16 +203,44 @@ void Debug::DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, mat4 transform, vec4 color)
Debug::DrawLine((transform * v[i + 4]).xyz, (transform * v[j + 4]).xyz, color);
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b, mat2 transform, vec4 color)
vec2 v[4];
v[0] = a;
v[1] = vec2(a.x, b.y);
v[2] = b;
v[3] = vec2(b.x, a.y);

int i = 0;
Debug::DrawLine((transform * v[0]).xy, (transform * v[1]).xy, color);
Debug::DrawLine((transform * v[1]).xy, (transform * v[2]).xy, color);
Debug::DrawLine((transform * v[2]).xy, (transform * v[3]).xy, color);
Debug::DrawLine((transform * v[3]).xy, (transform * v[0]).xy, color);
void Debug::DrawBox(vec2 a, float s, mat2 transform, vec4 color)
vec2 b = s * vec2(1.f, g_renderer->GetXYRatio());
Debug::DrawBox(a - b, a + b, transform, color);

void Debug::DrawCircle(vec2 a, float s) { Debug::DrawCircle(a, s * vec2(1.f, g_renderer->GetXYRatio()), g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 n) { Debug::DrawCircle(a, n, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 s) { Debug::DrawCircle(a, s * vec2(1.f, g_renderer->GetXYRatio()), g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 x, vec3 y) { Debug::DrawCircle(a, x, y, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 x, vec2 y) { Debug::DrawCircle(a, x, y, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 n, vec4 color)
vec3 x = orthogonal(n);
vec3 y = cross(normalize(n), normalize(x)) * length(n);
DrawCircle(a, x, y, color);
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 s, vec4 color)
vec2 x = vec2::axis_x * s.x;
vec2 y = vec2::axis_y * s.y;
DrawCircle(a, x, y, color);
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 x, vec3 y, vec4 color)
@@ -221,6 +259,24 @@ void Debug::DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 x, vec3 y, vec4 color)
Debug::DrawLine(a + p0.x * -x + p0.y * y, a + p1.x * -x + p1.y * y, color);
void Debug::DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 x, vec2 y, vec4 color)
float size = F_PI * 2.f * lol::max(length(x), length(y));
int segment_nb = lol::max(1, (int)((size * .25f) / g_scene->GetLineSegmentSize()));
for (int i = 0; i < segment_nb; i++)
float a0 = (((float)i) / (float)segment_nb) * F_PI_2;
float a1 = (((float)i + 1) / (float)segment_nb) * F_PI_2;
vec2 p0 = vec2(lol::cos(a0), lol::sin(a0));
vec2 p1 = vec2(lol::cos(a1), lol::sin(a1));

Debug::DrawLine(a + p0.x * x + p0.y * y, a + p1.x * x + p1.y * y, color);
Debug::DrawLine(a + p0.x * -x + p0.y * -y, a + p1.x * -x + p1.y * -y, color);
Debug::DrawLine(a + p0.x * x + p0.y * -y, a + p1.x * x + p1.y * -y, color);
Debug::DrawLine(a + p0.x * -x + p0.y * y, a + p1.x * -x + p1.y * y, color);

void Debug::DrawSphere(vec3 a, float s) { Debug::DrawSphere(a, s, g_scene->GetLineColor()); }

+ 16
- 0
src/gpu/renderer.cpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -249,6 +249,22 @@ ibox2 Renderer::GetViewport() const
return m_data->m_viewport;

float Renderer::GetXYRatio() const
ibox2 a = GetViewport();
box2 b(a.A, a.B);
vec2 s = b.B - b.A;
return s.x / s.y;

float Renderer::GetYXRatio() const
ibox2 a = GetViewport();
box2 b(a.A, a.B);
vec2 s = b.B - b.A;
return s.y / s.x;

* Clear color

+ 32
- 0
src/lol/base/array.h Bestand weergeven

@@ -133,6 +133,38 @@ public:
return m_data[n];

inline Element& operator[](uint32_t n)
/* Allow array[0] even if size is zero so that people can
* always use &array[0] to get a pointer to the data. */
ASSERT(n >= 0);
ASSERT((uint32_t)n < (uint32_t)m_count || (!n && !m_count));
return m_data[n];

inline Element const& operator[](uint32_t n) const
ASSERT(n >= 0);
ASSERT(n < m_count || (!n && !m_count));
return m_data[n];

inline Element& operator[](uint64_t n)
/* Allow array[0] even if size is zero so that people can
* always use &array[0] to get a pointer to the data. */
ASSERT(n >= 0);
ASSERT((uint64_t)n < (uint64_t)m_count || (!n && !m_count));
return m_data[n];

inline Element const& operator[](uint64_t n) const
ASSERT(n >= 0);
ASSERT(n < m_count || (!n && !m_count));
return m_data[n];

inline Element& Last()
ASSERT(m_count > 0);

+ 16
- 3
src/lol/base/string.h Bestand weergeven

@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public:
using namespace std;

char const *tmp = strchr(C(), token);
return tmp ? (int)(intptr_t)(tmp - C()) : -1;
return tmp ? (int)(intptr_t)(tmp - C()) : INDEX_NONE;

int IndexOf(char const* token) const
@@ -136,7 +136,12 @@ public:
using namespace std;

char const *tmp = strstr(C(), token);
return tmp ? (int)(intptr_t)(tmp - C()) : -1;
return tmp ? (int)(intptr_t)(tmp - C()) : INDEX_NONE;

bool Contains(String const &s) const
return IndexOf(s.C()) != INDEX_NONE;

int LastIndexOf(char token) const
@@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ public:
using namespace std;

char const *tmp = strrchr(C(), token);
return tmp ? (int)(intptr_t)(tmp - C()) : -1;
return tmp ? (int)(intptr_t)(tmp - C()) : INDEX_NONE;

int Replace(const char old_token, const char new_token, bool all_occurence=false)
@@ -206,6 +211,14 @@ public:
&& memcmp(C() + Count() - s.Count(), s.C(), s.Count()) == 0;

bool IsAlpha()
for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++)
if (m_data[i] != '\0' && (m_data[i] < '0' || '9' < m_data[i]))
return false;
return true;

inline String operator +(String const &s) const
String ret(*this);

+ 17
- 0
src/lol/debug/lines.h Bestand weergeven

@@ -64,18 +64,35 @@ void DrawArrow(vec2 a, vec3 b, vec3 s, vec4 color, float az=-1.f);
void DrawArrow(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec3 s, vec4 color, float az=-1.f, float bz=-1.f);
//-- BOX
void DrawBox(box3 a);
void DrawBox(box2 a);
void DrawBox(box3 a, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(box2 a, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, float s);
void DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, float s, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(box3 a, mat4 transform);
void DrawBox(box2 a, mat2 transform);
void DrawBox(box3 a, mat4 transform, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(box2 a, mat2 transform, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, mat4 transform);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b, mat2 transform);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, float s, mat2 transform);
void DrawBox(vec3 a, vec3 b, mat4 transform, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, vec2 b, mat2 transform, vec4 color);
void DrawBox(vec2 a, float s, mat2 transform, vec4 color);
void DrawCircle(vec2 a, float s);
void DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 n);
void DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 s);
void DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 n, vec4 color);
void DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 s, vec4 color);
void DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 x, vec3 y);
void DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 x, vec2 y);
void DrawCircle(vec3 a, vec3 x, vec3 y, vec4 color);
void DrawCircle(vec2 a, vec2 x, vec2 y, vec4 color);
void DrawSphere(vec3 a, float s);
void DrawSphere(vec3 a, float s, vec4 color);

+ 2
- 0
src/lol/gpu/renderer.h Bestand weergeven

@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ public:
void SetViewport(ibox2 viewport);
ibox2 GetViewport() const;
float GetXYRatio() const;
float GetYXRatio() const;

void SetClearColor(vec4 color);
vec4 GetClearColor() const;

+ 24
- 4
src/lol/math/geometry.h Bestand weergeven

@@ -153,12 +153,32 @@ template <typename T> struct Box3
class TestEpsilon
static float g_test_epsilon;
float m_epsilon;
float m_value;
static inline float Get() { return g_test_epsilon; }
static inline void Set(float epsilon=.0001f) { g_test_epsilon = lol::max(epsilon, .0f); }
TestEpsilon() { m_value = 0.f; m_epsilon = .0001f; }
static float Get();
static void Set(float epsilon=.0001f);
static const TestEpsilon& F(float value);
float Minus() const;
float Plus() const;
bool operator==(float value) const;
bool operator!=(float value) const;
bool operator<(float value) const;
bool operator<=(float value) const;
bool operator>(float value) const;
bool operator>=(float value) const;

bool operator==(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon);
bool operator!=(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon);
bool operator<(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon);
bool operator<=(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon);
bool operator>(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon);
bool operator>=(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon);

static inline bool TestAABBVsAABB(box2 const &b1, box2 const &b2)
vec2 dist = 0.5f * (b1.A - b2.A + b1.B - b2.B);

+ 18
- 1
src/math/geometry.cpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -25,7 +25,24 @@ using namespace std;
namespace lol
//Test epsilon stuff
float TestEpsilon::g_test_epsilon = .0001f;
TestEpsilon g_test_epsilon;
float TestEpsilon::Get() { return g_test_epsilon.m_epsilon; }
void TestEpsilon::Set(float epsilon) { g_test_epsilon.m_epsilon = lol::max(epsilon, .0f); }
const TestEpsilon& TestEpsilon::F(float value) { g_test_epsilon.m_value = value; return g_test_epsilon; }
float TestEpsilon::Minus()const { return m_value - m_epsilon; }
float TestEpsilon::Plus() const { return m_value + m_epsilon; }
bool TestEpsilon::operator==(float value)const { return (Minus() <= value && value <= Plus()); }
bool TestEpsilon::operator!=(float value)const { return (value < Minus() || Plus() < value); }
bool TestEpsilon::operator<(float value) const { return (value < Minus()); }
bool TestEpsilon::operator<=(float value)const { return (value <= Plus()); }
bool TestEpsilon::operator>(float value) const { return (value > Plus()); }
bool TestEpsilon::operator>=(float value)const { return (value >= Minus()); }
bool operator==(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon) { return epsilon == value; }
bool operator!=(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon) { return epsilon != value; }
bool operator<(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon) { return epsilon < value; }
bool operator<=(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon) { return epsilon <= value; }
bool operator>(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon) { return epsilon > value; }
bool operator>=(float value, const TestEpsilon& epsilon) { return epsilon >= value; }

// Line/triangle : sets isec_p as the intersection point & return true if ok.
bool TestRayVsTriangle(vec3 const &ray_point, vec3 const &ray_dir,
