- //
- // Lol Engine
- //
- // Copyright: (c) 2010-2011 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
- // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- // http://sam.zoy.org/projects/COPYING.WTFPL for more details.
- //
- //
- // The Matrix classes
- // ------------------
- //
- #if !defined __DH_MATRIX_H__
- #define __DH_MATRIX_H__
- #include <cmath>
- #define VECTOR_OP(elems, op) \
- template<typename U> \
- inline Vec##elems<T> operator op(Vec##elems<U> const &val) const \
- { \
- Vec##elems<T> ret; \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems; n++) \
- ret[n] = (*this)[n] op val[n]; \
- return ret; \
- } \
- \
- template<typename U> \
- inline Vec##elems<T> operator op##=(Vec##elems<U> const &val) \
- { \
- return *this = (*this) op val; \
- }
- #define BOOL_OP(elems, op, ret) \
- inline bool operator op(Vec##elems<T> const &val) const \
- { \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems; n++) \
- if ((*this)[n] != val[n]) \
- return ret; \
- return !ret; \
- }
- #define SCALAR_OP(elems, op) \
- inline Vec##elems<T> operator op(T const &val) const \
- { \
- Vec##elems<T> ret; \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems; n++) \
- ret[n] = (*this)[n] op val; \
- return ret; \
- } \
- \
- inline Vec##elems<T> operator op##=(T const &val) \
- { \
- return *this = (*this) op val; \
- }
- #define CAST_OP(elems, dest) \
- inline operator Vec##dest<T>() const \
- { \
- Vec##dest<T> ret; \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems && n < dest; n++) \
- ret[n] = (*this)[n]; \
- return ret; \
- }
- #define OPERATORS(elems) \
- inline T& operator[](int n) { return *(&x + n); } \
- inline T const& operator[](int n) const { return *(&x + n); } \
- \
- VECTOR_OP(elems, -) \
- VECTOR_OP(elems, +) \
- VECTOR_OP(elems, *) \
- VECTOR_OP(elems, /) \
- \
- BOOL_OP(elems, ==, false) \
- BOOL_OP(elems, !=, true) \
- \
- SCALAR_OP(elems, -) \
- SCALAR_OP(elems, +) \
- SCALAR_OP(elems, *) \
- SCALAR_OP(elems, /) \
- \
- CAST_OP(elems, 2) \
- CAST_OP(elems, 3) \
- CAST_OP(elems, 4) \
- \
- template<typename U> \
- inline operator Vec##elems<U>() const \
- { \
- Vec##elems<U> ret; \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems; n++) \
- ret[n] = static_cast<U>((*this)[n]); \
- return ret; \
- } \
- \
- inline T sqlen() const \
- { \
- T acc = 0; \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems; n++) \
- acc += (*this)[n] * (*this)[n]; \
- return acc; \
- } \
- \
- inline float len() const \
- { \
- return sqrtf((float)sqlen()); \
- }
- template <typename T> struct Vec2;
- template <typename T> struct Vec3;
- template <typename T> struct Vec4;
- template <typename T> struct Vec2
- {
- inline Vec2() { }
- inline Vec2(T val) { x = y = val; }
- inline Vec2(T _x, T _y) { x = _x; y = _y; }
- union { T x; T a; T i; };
- union { T y; T b; T j; };
- };
- typedef Vec2<float> vec2;
- typedef Vec2<int> vec2i;
- template <typename T> struct Vec3
- {
- inline Vec3() { }
- inline Vec3(T val) { x = y = z = val; }
- inline Vec3(T _x, T _y, T _z) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; }
- union { T x; T a; T i; };
- union { T y; T b; T j; };
- union { T z; T c; T k; };
- };
- typedef Vec3<float> vec3;
- typedef Vec3<int> vec3i;
- template <typename T> struct Vec4
- {
- inline Vec4() { }
- inline Vec4(T val) { x = y = z = w = val; }
- inline Vec4(T _x, T _y, T _z, T _w) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; w = _w; }
- union { T x; T a; T i; };
- union { T y; T b; T j; };
- union { T z; T c; T k; };
- union { T w; T d; T l; };
- };
- typedef Vec4<float> vec4;
- typedef Vec4<int> vec4i;
- #define SCALAR_GLOBAL(elems, op, U) \
- template<typename T> \
- static inline Vec##elems<U> operator op(U const &val, \
- Vec##elems<T> const &that) \
- { \
- Vec##elems<U> ret; \
- for (int n = 0; n < elems; n++) \
- ret[n] = val op that[n]; \
- return ret; \
- }
- #define SCALAR_GLOBAL2(elems, op) \
- SCALAR_GLOBAL(elems, op, int) \
- SCALAR_GLOBAL(elems, op, float)
- #define GLOBALS(elems) \
- SCALAR_GLOBAL2(elems, -) \
- SCALAR_GLOBAL2(elems, +) \
- SCALAR_GLOBAL2(elems, *) \
- SCALAR_GLOBAL2(elems, /)
- template <typename T> struct Mat4
- {
- inline Mat4() { }
- inline Mat4(T val)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- v[i][j] = (i == j) ? val : 0;
- }
- inline Mat4(Vec4<T> v0, Vec4<T> v1, Vec4<T> v2, Vec4<T> v3)
- {
- v[0] = v0; v[1] = v1; v[2] = v2; v[3] = v3;
- }
- inline Vec4<T>& operator[](int n) { return v[n]; }
- inline Vec4<T> const& operator[](int n) const { return v[n]; }
- T det() const;
- Mat4<T> invert() const;
- static Mat4<T> ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far);
- static Mat4<T> frustum(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far);
- static Mat4<T> perspective(T theta, T width, T height, T near, T far);
- static Mat4<T> translate(T x, T y, T z);
- static Mat4<T> rotate(T theta, T x, T y, T z);
- inline Mat4<T> operator +(Mat4<T> const val) const
- {
- Mat4<T> ret;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- ret[i][j] = v[i][j] + val[i][j];
- return ret;
- }
- inline Mat4<T> operator +=(Mat4<T> const val)
- {
- return *this = *this + val;
- }
- inline Mat4<T> operator -(Mat4<T> const val) const
- {
- Mat4<T> ret;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- ret[i][j] = v[i][j] - val[i][j];
- return ret;
- }
- inline Mat4<T> operator -=(Mat4<T> const val)
- {
- return *this = *this - val;
- }
- inline Mat4<T> operator *(Mat4<T> const val) const
- {
- Mat4<T> ret;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- T tmp = 0;
- for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
- tmp += v[k][j] * val[i][k];
- ret[i][j] = tmp;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- inline Mat4<T> operator *=(Mat4<T> const val)
- {
- return *this = *this * val;
- }
- inline Vec4<T> operator *(Vec4<T> const val) const
- {
- Vec4<T> ret;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- {
- T tmp = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- tmp += v[i][j] * val[i];
- ret[j] = tmp;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- Vec4<T> v[4];
- };
- typedef Mat4<float> mat4;
- typedef Mat4<int> mat4i;
- /* Aliases for deprecated stuff */
- typedef Vec2<float> float2;
- typedef Vec2<int> int2;
- typedef Vec3<float> float3;
- typedef Vec3<int> int3;
- typedef Vec4<float> float4;
- typedef Vec4<int> int4;
- typedef Mat4<float> float4x4;
- typedef Mat4<int> int4x4;
- #endif // __DH_MATRIX_H__