- //
- // Lol Engine
- //
- // Copyright: (c) 2010-2013 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- // (c) 2010-2013 Benjamin "Touky" Huet <huet.benjamin@gmail.com>
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
- // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- //
- //
- // The EasyMesh class
- // ------------------
- //
- #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include "core.h"
- namespace lol
- {
- int CsgBsp::AddLeaf(int leaf_type, vec3 origin, vec3 normal, int above_idx)
- {
- if (leaf_type > 2 && leaf_type < -1)
- return -1;
- if ((m_tree.Count() == 0 && above_idx == -1) ||
- (above_idx >= 0 &&
- above_idx < m_tree.Count() &&
- leaf_type > LEAF_CURRENT &&
- leaf_type < LEAF_ABOVE &&
- m_tree[above_idx].m_leaves[leaf_type] == -1))
- {
- if (m_tree.Count() != 0)
- m_tree[above_idx].m_leaves[leaf_type] = m_tree.Count();
- m_tree.Push(CsgBspLeaf(origin, normal, above_idx));
- return m_tree.Count() - 1;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int CsgBsp::TestPoint(int leaf_idx, vec3 point)
- {
- if (leaf_idx >= 0 && leaf_idx < m_tree.Count())
- {
- vec3 p2o = point - m_tree[leaf_idx].m_origin;
- if (length(p2o) < CSG_EPSILON)
- return LEAF_CURRENT;
- float p2o_dot = dot(normalize(p2o), m_tree[leaf_idx].m_normal);
- if (p2o_dot > CSG_EPSILON)
- return LEAF_FRONT;
- else if (p2o_dot < -CSG_EPSILON)
- return LEAF_BACK;
- }
- return LEAF_CURRENT;
- }
- void CsgBsp::AddTriangleToTree(int const &tri_idx, vec3 const &tri_v0, vec3 const &tri_v1, vec3 const &tri_v2)
- {
- //<Leaf_Id, v0, v1, v2>
- Array< int, vec3, vec3, vec3 > tri_to_process;
- //<FW/BW, Leaf_Id, v0, v1, v2, twin_leaf>
- Array< int, int, vec3, vec3, vec3, int > Leaf_to_add;
- //Tree is empty, so this leaf is the first
- if (m_tree.Count() == 0)
- {
- AddLeaf(LEAF_CURRENT, tri_v0, cross(normalize(tri_v1 - tri_v0), normalize(tri_v2 - tri_v1)), LEAF_CURRENT);
- m_tree.Last().m_tri_list.Push(tri_idx, tri_v0, tri_v1, tri_v2);
- return;
- }
- tri_to_process.Reserve(20);
- tri_to_process.Push(0, tri_v0, tri_v1, tri_v2);
- while (tri_to_process.Count())
- {
- int leaf_idx = tri_to_process.Last().m1;
- vec3 v[3] = { tri_to_process.Last().m2, tri_to_process.Last().m3, tri_to_process.Last().m4 };
- int res_nb[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
- int res_side[3] = { -1, -1, -1 };
- //Check where each point is located
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- int result = TestPoint(leaf_idx, v[i]);
- if (result != LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- res_nb[result]++;
- res_side[i] = result;
- }
- }
- //Points are located on each sides, let's do the mumbo-jumbo
- if (res_nb[LEAF_BACK] && res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])
- {
- //there are two intersections, no more.
- vec3 isec_v[2] = { vec3(.0f), vec3(.0f) };
- int isec_i[2] = { 0, 0 };
- int isec_base = 0;
- int isec_idx = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- vec3 ray = v[(i + 1) % 3] - v[i];
- if (RayIsectPlane(v[i], v[(i + 1) % 3],
- m_tree[leaf_idx].m_origin, m_tree[leaf_idx].m_normal,
- isec_v[isec_idx]))
- isec_i[isec_idx++] = i;
- else
- isec_base = i;
- }
- int v_idx0 = (isec_base == 1)?(1):(0);
- int v_idx1 = (isec_base == 1)?(0):(1);
- int leaf_type = res_side[(isec_base + 2) % 3];
- tri_to_process.Pop();
- #if 1
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[leaf_type] == LEAF_CURRENT)
- Leaf_to_add.Push(leaf_type, leaf_idx, v[((isec_base + 2) % 3)], isec_v[v_idx1], isec_v[v_idx0], -1);
- else
- tri_to_process.Push(leaf_idx, v[((isec_base + 2) % 3)], isec_v[v_idx1], isec_v[v_idx0]);
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[1 - leaf_type] == LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- Leaf_to_add.Push(1 - leaf_type, leaf_idx, v[isec_base], v[((isec_base + 1) % 3)], isec_v[v_idx0], -1);
- Leaf_to_add.Push(1 - leaf_type, leaf_idx, v[isec_base], isec_v[v_idx0], isec_v[v_idx1], Leaf_to_add.Count() - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- tri_to_process.Push(m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[1 - leaf_type], v[isec_base], v[((isec_base + 1) % 3)], isec_v[v_idx0]);
- tri_to_process.Push(m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[1 - leaf_type], v[isec_base], isec_v[v_idx0], isec_v[v_idx1]);
- }
- #else
- vec3 new_v[9] = { v[((isec_base + 2) % 3)], isec_v[v_idx1], isec_v[v_idx0],
- v[isec_base], v[((isec_base + 1) % 3)], isec_v[v_idx0],
- v[isec_base], isec_v[v_idx0], isec_v[v_idx1] };
- //Error check : Skip the triangle where two points are on the same location.
- //it fixes the problem of having an intersection with one of the isec-point being on one of the triangle vertices.
- //(the problem being a very funny infinite loop)
- for(int k = 0; k < 9; k += 3)
- {
- bool skip_tri = false;
- for(int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
- {
- if (length(new_v[k + l] - new_v[k + (l + 1) % 3]) < CSG_EPSILON)
- {
- skip_tri = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (skip_tri)
- continue;
- tri_to_process.Push(0, new_v[k], new_v[k + 1], new_v[k + 2]);
- }
- #endif
- }
- //All points are on one side, transfer to the next leaf
- else if (res_nb[LEAF_BACK] || res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])
- {
- int new_leaf_type = ((res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])?(LEAF_FRONT):(LEAF_BACK));
- int new_leaf = m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[new_leaf_type];
- //No leaf exist, so add a new one
- if (new_leaf == LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- tri_to_process.Pop();
- Leaf_to_add.Push(new_leaf_type, leaf_idx, v[0], v[1], v[2], -1);
- }
- else
- tri_to_process.Last().m1 = new_leaf;
- }
- //All points are on the current leaf, add the tri_idx to the list of this leaf.
- else
- {
- tri_to_process.Pop();
- bool already_exist = false;
- for (int i = 0; !already_exist && i < m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list.Count(); i++)
- already_exist = (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list[i].m1 == tri_idx);
- if (!already_exist)
- m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list.Push(tri_idx, tri_v0, tri_v1, tri_v2);
- }
- }
- //Add all leaves to the tree.
- for (int i = 0; i < Leaf_to_add.Count(); i++)
- {
- //If we had it to an already existing leaf.
- if (Leaf_to_add[i].m2 < m_tree.Count() && m_tree[Leaf_to_add[i].m2].m_leaves[Leaf_to_add[i].m1] == LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- AddLeaf(Leaf_to_add[i].m1, tri_v0, cross(normalize(tri_v1 - tri_v0), normalize(tri_v2 - tri_v1)), Leaf_to_add[i].m2);
- m_tree.Last().m_tri_list.Push(tri_idx, tri_v0, tri_v1, tri_v2);
- }
- /*
- if (Leaf_to_add[i].m6 == -1)
- {
- AddLeaf(Leaf_to_add[i].m1, tri_v0, cross(normalize(tri_v1 - tri_v0), normalize(tri_v2 - tri_v1)), Leaf_to_add[i].m2);
- m_tree.Last().m_tri_list.Push(tri_idx, tri_v0, tri_v1, tri_v2);
- }
- else
- m_tree[Leaf_to_add[i].m6].m_tri_list.Push(tri_idx, tri_v0, tri_v1, tri_v2);
- */
- }
- }
- //return 0 when no split has been done.
- //return 1 when split has been done.
- //return -1 when error.
- int CsgBsp::TestTriangleToTree(vec3 const &tri_v0, vec3 const &tri_v1, vec3 const &tri_v2,
- //In order to easily build the actual vertices list afterward, this list stores each Vertices location and its source vertices & Alpha.
- //<Point_Loc, Src_V0, Src_V1, Alpha> as { Point_Loc = Src_V0 + (Src_V1 - Src_V0) * Alpha; }
- Array< vec3, int, int, float > &vert_list,
- //This is the final triangle list : If Side_Status is LEAF_CURRENT, a new test will be done point by point.
- //<{IN|OUT}side_status, v0, v1, v2>
- Array< int, int, int, int > &tri_list)
- {
- //This list stores the current triangles to process.
- //<Leaf_Id_List, v0, v1, v2, Should_Point_Test>
- Array< Array< int >, int, int, int, int > tri_to_process;
- //Tree is empty, ABORT !
- if (m_tree.Count() == 0)
- return -1;
- //Let's push the source vertices in here.
- vert_list.Push(tri_v0, -1, -1, .0f);
- vert_list.Push(tri_v1, -1, -1, .0f);
- vert_list.Push(tri_v2, -1, -1, .0f);
- //Let's push the triangle in here.
- tri_to_process.Reserve(20);
- tri_to_process.Push( Array< int >(), 0, 1, 2, 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(0);
- while (tri_to_process.Count())
- {
- while (tri_to_process.Count())
- {
- int leaf_idx = tri_to_process.Last().m1.Last();
- int t[3] = { tri_to_process.Last().m2,
- tri_to_process.Last().m3,
- tri_to_process.Last().m4 };
- vec3 v[3] = { vert_list[t[0]].m1,
- vert_list[t[1]].m1,
- vert_list[t[2]].m1 };
- int res_nb[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
- int res_side[3] = { -1, -1, -1 };
- //Check where each point is located
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- int result = TestPoint(leaf_idx, v[i]);
- if (result != LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- res_nb[result]++;
- res_side[i] = result;
- }
- }
- //Points are located on each sides, let's do the mumbo-jumbo
- if (res_nb[LEAF_BACK] && res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])
- {
- //there are two intersections, no more.
- vec3 isec_v[2] = { vec3(.0f), vec3(.0f) };
- int isec_i[2] = { 0, 0 };
- int new_v_idx[2] = { 0, 0 };
- int isec_base = 0;
- int isec_idx = 0;
- int i = 0;
- for (; i < m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list.Count(); i++)
- {
- if (TriangleIsectTriangle(v[0], v[1], v[2],
- m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list[i].m2, m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list[i].m3, m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list[i].m4,
- isec_v[0], isec_v[1]))
- break;
- }
- //There was no triangle intersection, the complex case.
- if (i == m_tree[leaf_idx].m_tri_list.Count())
- {
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[LEAF_FRONT] == LEAF_CURRENT &&
- m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[LEAF_BACK] == LEAF_CURRENT &&
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Count() == 1)
- {
- tri_list.Push(LEAF_CURRENT, tri_to_process.Last().m2, tri_to_process.Last().m3, tri_to_process.Last().m4);
- tri_to_process.Pop();
- }
- else
- {
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Pop();
- //Register the triangle as needing to intersect with Front & back leaves.
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[LEAF_FRONT] != LEAF_CURRENT)
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[LEAF_FRONT]);
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[LEAF_BACK] != LEAF_CURRENT)
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[LEAF_BACK]);
- //Mark the triangle as needing point by point test
- tri_to_process.Last().m5 = 1;
- }
- }
- //there was an intersection, so let's split the triangle.
- else
- {
- //Get intersection on actual triangle sides.
- if (RayIsectTriangleSide(v[0], v[1], v[2],
- isec_v[0], isec_v[1],
- isec_v[0], isec_i[0], isec_v[1], isec_i[1]))
- {
- {
- for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
- {
- if (isec_base == isec_i[k])
- isec_base++;
- #if 1 //Skip point creation if it's on the same location a one of the triangle.
- bool skip_point = false;
- int l = 0;
- for(; l < 3; l++)
- {
- if (length(v[l] - isec_v[k]) < CSG_EPSILON)
- {
- skip_point = true;
- new_v_idx[k] = t[l];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (skip_point)
- continue;
- #endif
- new_v_idx[k] = vert_list.Count();
- vec3 PmV0 = (isec_v[k] - vert_list[t[isec_i[k]]].m1);
- vec3 V1mV0 = (vert_list[t[(isec_i[k] + 1) % 3]].m1 - vert_list[t[isec_i[k]]].m1);
- float alpha = length(PmV0) / length(V1mV0);
- vert_list.Push(isec_v[k],
- t[isec_i[k]], t[(isec_i[k] + 1) % 3],
- //Alpha = length((Point_Loc - Src_V0) / (Src_V1 - Src_V0));
- alpha);
- }
- int v_idx0 = (isec_base == 1)?(1):(0);
- int v_idx1 = (isec_base == 1)?(0):(1);
- //Leaf_type is the type for the triangle that is alone on its side.
- int leaf_type = res_side[(isec_base + 2) % 3];
- int tri_to_remove = tri_to_process.Count() - 1;
- #if 0
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[leaf_type] == LEAF_CURRENT && tri_to_process.Last().m1.Last() == 1)
- tri_list.Push(leaf_type,
- t[(isec_base + 2) % 3], new_v_idx[v_idx1], new_v_idx[v_idx0]);
- else
- {
- tri_to_process.Push(Array< int >(), t[(isec_base + 2) % 3], new_v_idx[v_idx1], new_v_idx[v_idx0], 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(0);
- }
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[1 - leaf_type] == LEAF_CURRENT && tri_to_process.Last().m1.Last() == 1)
- {
- tri_list.Push((tri_to_process.Last().m5)?(LEAF_CURRENT):(1 - leaf_type),
- t[isec_base], new_v_idx[((isec_base + 1) % 3)], new_v_idx[v_idx0]);
- tri_list.Push((tri_to_process.Last().m5)?(LEAF_CURRENT):(1 - leaf_type),
- t[isec_base], new_v_idx[v_idx0], new_v_idx[v_idx1]);
- }
- else
- {
- tri_to_process.Push(Array< int >(), t[isec_base], t[((isec_base + 1) % 3)], new_v_idx[v_idx0], 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(0);
- tri_to_process.Push(Array< int >(), t[isec_base], new_v_idx[v_idx0], new_v_idx[v_idx1], 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(0);
- }
- #else
- int new_t[9] = { t[(isec_base + 2) % 3], new_v_idx[v_idx1], new_v_idx[v_idx0],
- t[isec_base], t[((isec_base + 1) % 3)], new_v_idx[v_idx0],
- t[isec_base], new_v_idx[v_idx0], new_v_idx[v_idx1] };
- int new_side[3] = { res_side[(isec_base + 2) % 3],
- (res_side[isec_base] == LEAF_CURRENT)?(res_side[((isec_base + 1) % 3)]):(res_side[isec_base]),
- res_side[isec_base] };
- //Error check : Skip the triangle where two points are on the same location.
- //it fixes the problem of having an intersection with one of the isec-point being on one of the triangle vertices.
- //(the problem being a very funny infinite loop)
- for(int k = 0; k < 9; k += 3)
- {
- #if 1 //Error check
- bool skip_tri = false;
- for(int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
- {
- if (length(vert_list[new_t[k + l]].m1 - vert_list[new_t[k + (l + 1) % 3]].m1) < CSG_EPSILON)
- {
- skip_tri = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (skip_tri)
- continue;
- #endif
- #if 0 //Send the newly created triangle back to the beginning
- tri_to_process.Push(Array< int >(), new_t[k], new_t[k + 1], new_t[k + 2], 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(0);
- #else //Inherit parent tree
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[new_side[k / 3]] == LEAF_CURRENT && tri_to_process[tri_to_remove].m1.Count() == 1)
- tri_list.Push(new_side[k / 3], new_t[k], new_t[k + 1], new_t[k + 2]);
- else
- {
- tri_to_process.Push(Array< int >(), new_t[k], new_t[k + 1], new_t[k + 2], 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1 = tri_to_process[tri_to_remove].m1;
- if (m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[new_side[k / 3]] == LEAF_CURRENT)
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Pop();
- else
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Last() = m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[new_side[k / 3]];
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- tri_to_process.Remove(tri_to_remove);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //All points are on one side, transfer to the next leaf
- else if (res_nb[LEAF_BACK] || res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])
- {
- int new_leaf_type = ((res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])?(LEAF_FRONT):(LEAF_BACK));
- int new_leaf = m_tree[leaf_idx].m_leaves[new_leaf_type];
- //No leaf exist, we're at the end
- if (new_leaf == LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- //We still need to test other leaves.
- if (tri_to_process.Last().m1.Count() > 1)
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Pop();
- else
- {
- tri_list.Push((tri_to_process.Last().m5)?(LEAF_CURRENT):(new_leaf_type),
- tri_to_process.Last().m2, tri_to_process.Last().m3, tri_to_process.Last().m4);
- tri_to_process.Pop();
- }
- }
- else
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Last() = new_leaf;
- }
- //All points are on the current leaf, add the tri_idx to the list of this leaf.
- else
- {
- //TODO : Special case, handle coplanar cut.
- tri_list.Push(LEAF_CURRENT, tri_to_process.Last().m2, tri_to_process.Last().m3, tri_to_process.Last().m4);
- tri_to_process.Pop();
- }
- }
- //Now that we have all the split points, let's double-check the results
- for (int i = 0; i < tri_list.Count(); i++)
- {
- #define TEST_MAX 4
- int t[3] = { tri_list[i].m2,
- tri_list[i].m3,
- tri_list[i].m4 };
- vec3 v[4] = { vert_list[t[0]].m1,
- vert_list[t[1]].m1,
- vert_list[t[2]].m1,
- (vert_list[t[0]].m1 +
- vert_list[t[1]].m1 +
- vert_list[t[2]].m1) / 3.0f };
- int res_total = 0;
- int res_nb[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
- int res_Leaf[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- int res_side[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
- while (res_total < TEST_MAX)
- {
- for (int k = 0; k < TEST_MAX; k++)
- {
- if (res_Leaf[k] != LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- int result = TestPoint(res_Leaf[k], v[k]);
- if (result != LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- res_Leaf[k] = m_tree[res_Leaf[k]].m_leaves[result];
- res_side[k] = result;
- if (res_Leaf[k] == LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- res_total++;
- res_nb[result]++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- res_Leaf[k] = LEAF_CURRENT;
- res_side[k] = LEAF_CURRENT;
- res_total++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int k = 0;
- if (res_nb[LEAF_BACK] && res_nb[LEAF_FRONT])
- {
- res_total = res_total;
- tri_list[i].m1 = LEAF_BACK;
- #if 0
- tri_to_process.Push( Array< int >(), tri_list[i].m2, tri_list[i].m3, tri_list[i].m4, 0);
- tri_to_process.Last().m1.Push(0);
- tri_list.Remove(i--);
- break;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- for (; k < TEST_MAX; k++)
- {
- if (res_side[k] != LEAF_CURRENT)
- {
- tri_list[i].m1 = res_side[k];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (k == TEST_MAX)
- tri_list[i].m1 = LEAF_FRONT;
- }
- }
- }
- if (tri_list.Count() == 1)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- } /* namespace lol */