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  1. include $(top_srcdir)/build/autotools/
  2. SUBDIRS = bullet lua data
  3. noinst_LIBRARIES = liblolcore.a
  4. liblolcore_a_SOURCES = \
  5. core.h tiler.cpp tiler.h dict.cpp dict.h \
  6. audio.cpp audio.h scene.cpp scene.h font.cpp font.h \
  7. entity.cpp entity.h ticker.cpp ticker.h lolgl.h \
  8. tileset.cpp tileset.h forge.cpp forge.h video.cpp video.h \
  9. world.cpp world.h sample.cpp sample.h sampler.cpp sampler.h \
  10. profiler.cpp profiler.h text.cpp text.h emitter.cpp emitter.h numeric.h utils.h \
  11. messageservice.cpp messageservice.h \
  12. worldentity.cpp worldentity.h gradient.cpp gradient.h gradient.lolfx \
  13. platform.cpp platform.h sprite.cpp sprite.h camera.cpp camera.h \
  14. light.cpp light.h \
  15. \
  16. $(liblolcore_headers) \
  17. $(liblolcore_sources) \
  18. \
  19. $(ps3_sources) \
  20. $(xbox_sources) \
  21. $(nacl_sources) \
  22. $(sdl_sources) \
  23. $(d3d9_sources) \
  24. $(android_sources)
  25. liblolcore_a_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)/bullet -I$(srcdir)/lua
  26. EXTRA_DIST += easymesh/easymesh-scanner.l easymesh/easymesh-parser.y \
  27. gpu/lolfx-scanner.l gpu/lolfx-parser.y
  28. liblolcore_headers = \
  29. lol/base/all.h \
  30. lol/base/log.h lol/base/array.h lol/base/types.h lol/base/array.h \
  31. lol/base/assert.h lol/base/string.h lol/base/hash.h lol/base/map.h \
  32. lol/base/enum.h \
  33. \
  34. lol/math/all.h \
  35. lol/math/functions.h lol/math/vector.h lol/math/half.h lol/math/real.h \
  36. lol/math/geometry.h lol/math/interp.h lol/math/rand.h lol/math/array2d.h \
  37. lol/math/array3d.h lol/math/constants.h \
  38. \
  39. lol/algorithm/all.h \
  40. lol/algorithm/sort.h lol/algorithm/portal.h lol/algorithm/aabb_tree.h \
  41. \
  42. lol/sys/all.h \
  43. lol/sys/init.h lol/sys/file.h lol/sys/thread.h lol/sys/atomic.h \
  44. lol/sys/timer.h \
  45. \
  46. lol/image/all.h \
  47. lol/image/pixel.h lol/image/color.h lol/image/image.h \
  48. \
  49. lol/gpu/all.h \
  50. lol/gpu/shader.h lol/gpu/indexbuffer.h lol/gpu/vertexbuffer.h \
  51. lol/gpu/framebuffer.h lol/gpu/texture.h lol/gpu/lolfx.h \
  52. lol/gpu/renderer.h lol/gpu/rendercontext.h \
  53. \
  54. lol/debug/all.h \
  55. lol/debug/lines.h \
  56. \
  57. lol/unit.h
  58. liblolcore_sources = \
  59. generated/location.hh generated/position.hh generated/stack.hh \
  60. \
  61. application/application.cpp application/application.h \
  62. eglapp.cpp eglapp.h \
  63. \
  64. commandstack.h \
  65. easymesh/easymeshbuild.cpp easymesh/easymeshbuild.h \
  66. easymesh/easymeshrender.cpp easymesh/easymeshrender.h \
  67. easymesh/easymesh.cpp easymesh/easymesh.h \
  68. easymesh/csgbsp.cpp easymesh/csgbsp.h \
  69. easymesh/shiny.lolfx easymesh/shinyflat.lolfx \
  70. easymesh/shinydebugwireframe.lolfx \
  71. easymesh/shinydebuglighting.lolfx easymesh/shinydebugnormal.lolfx \
  72. easymesh/shinydebugUV.lolfx easymesh/shiny_SK.lolfx \
  73. easymesh/easymesh-compiler.cpp easymesh/easymesh-compiler.h \
  74. generated/easymesh-parser.cpp generated/easymesh-parser.h \
  75. generated/easymesh-scanner.cpp \
  76. \
  77. base/assert.cpp base/hash.cpp base/log.cpp base/string.cpp \
  78. base/enum.cpp \
  79. \
  80. math/vector.cpp math/real.cpp math/half.cpp math/trig.cpp \
  81. math/constants.cpp math/geometry.cpp \
  82. \
  83. gpu/shader.cpp gpu/indexbuffer.cpp gpu/vertexbuffer.cpp \
  84. gpu/framebuffer.cpp gpu/texture.cpp gpu/renderer.cpp \
  85. gpu/rendercontext.cpp \
  86. \
  87. input/input.cpp input/input.h input/input_internal.h input/keys.h \
  88. input/controller.cpp input/controller.h \
  89. \
  90. gpu/defaultmaterial.lolfx \
  91. gpu/tile.lolfx gpu/palette.lolfx gpu/line.lolfx \
  92. gpu/emptymaterial.lolfx \
  93. gpu/testmaterial.lolfx \
  94. \
  95. gpu/lolfx.cpp \
  96. gpu/lolfx-compiler.cpp gpu/lolfx-compiler.h \
  97. generated/lolfx-parser.cpp generated/lolfx-parser.h \
  98. generated/lolfx-scanner.cpp \
  99. \
  100. mesh/mesh.cpp mesh/mesh.h \
  101. mesh/primitive.cpp mesh/primitive.h \
  102. \
  103. sys/init.cpp sys/timer.cpp sys/file.cpp \
  104. sys/thread.cpp sys/threadbase.h \
  105. \
  106. image/image.cpp image/image-private.h image/kernel.cpp image/pixel.cpp \
  107. image/crop.cpp image/resample.cpp image/noise.cpp image/combine.cpp \
  108. image/codec/gdiplus-image.cpp image/codec/imlib2-image.cpp \
  109. image/codec/sdl-image.cpp image/codec/ios-image.cpp \
  110. image/codec/zed-image.cpp image/codec/zed-palette-image.cpp \
  111. image/codec/oric-image.cpp image/codec/dummy-image.cpp \
  112. image/color/cie1931.cpp image/color/color.cpp \
  113. image/dither/random.cpp image/dither/ediff.cpp image/dither/dbs.cpp \
  114. image/dither/ostromoukhov.cpp image/dither/ordered.cpp \
  115. image/filter/convolution.cpp image/filter/color.cpp \
  116. image/filter/dilate.cpp image/filter/median.cpp image/filter/yuv.cpp \
  117. \
  118. loldebug.h \
  119. debug/fps.cpp debug/fps.h debug/lines.cpp \
  120. debug/record.cpp debug/record.h debug/stats.cpp debug/stats.h
  121. sdl_sources = \
  122. platform/sdl/sdlapp.cpp platform/sdl/sdlapp.h \
  123. platform/sdl/sdlinput.cpp platform/sdl/sdlinput.h
  124. d3d9_sources = \
  125. platform/d3d9/d3d9input.cpp platform/d3d9/d3d9input.h
  126. if USE_NACL
  127. nacl_sources = \
  128. platform/nacl/nacl-app.cpp platform/nacl/nacl-app.h \
  129. platform/nacl/nacl-instance.cpp platform/nacl/nacl-instance.h \
  130. platform/nacl/nacl-module.cpp \
  131. platform/nacl/opengl_context.cpp platform/nacl/opengl_context.h \
  132. platform/nacl/opengl_context_ptrs.h
  133. endif
  134. if USE_PS3
  135. ps3_sources = \
  136. image/codec/ps3-image.cpp \
  137. platform/ps3/threadbase.h \
  138. platform/ps3/ps3app.cpp platform/ps3/ps3app.h \
  139. platform/ps3/ps3input.cpp platform/ps3/ps3input.h
  140. endif
  141. if USE_X360
  142. xbox_sources = \
  143. platform/xbox/xboxapp.cpp platform/xbox/xboxapp.h \
  144. platform/xbox/xboxinput.cpp platform/xbox/xboxinput.h
  145. endif
  146. android_sources = \
  147. image/codec/android-image.cpp \
  148. platform/android/androidapp.cpp platform/android/androidapp.h